5. Win

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Lloyd's POV

Even after the akuma and the sprint to the field I was able to defeat my opponent. He walks over to me and shakes my hand.

"You're pretty strong. I think you have the potential for this. But maybe you shouldn't be late the next time."

I laugh and nod. "Thank you and don't worry I won't."

He smiles slightly, turns around and leaves the field. The whole stadion cheers and claps for me while the referee walks over to me.

"That was close. I have to admit that I never saw something like today. Or never saw someone like you. You're impressing me once again."

I smile at him and take my helm off.

"Thank you." I look over to the tribune where originally my school sat and I look back at him. "I have to go, my whole school is probally killing me now."

He laughs and I start to go off the field. I hold the helm under my arm and ruffle with my other hand through my sweaty hair. I yawn and rub over my eyes. What a day. I enter the tunnel and make my way to my changing room when I already see all the people infront of it. When they see me they all run over to me, I already expect them to yell at me but they all just cheer, congrat me or tell me how awesome I looked. My friends and my uncle come to me and all hug me.

"You were amazing Lloyd!! Over your punctuality we still have to talk but that's not important now!" Says Cole while everybody laughs and nods.

"And we filmed you, it looked like it was so easy for you!" Says Jay showing me the video. "And you know what? The green Ninja was here too!!"

I look at him suprised. "What really??"

They nod and want to continue to talk with me when I hear angry footsteps coming our way. I noticed that they start to look at each other nervous.


I look at them confused, I turn around and see Harumi, angry like I never sae her before.


My eyes wide and I look at her with a bad feeling. "Rumi I-"

She slaps me a cross the face and then graps my head, pulls it to her and kisses me. I just look at her suprised just like everyone else.

"You idiot, I was worried. I thought you promised me not to make me worry. You have to stop disappearing always. I want to know where you are."

Everybody is silent and I just look at her, start to hug her and stroke over head.

"I'm sorry sweetie.."

Everybody says 'awww' I look at them and roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah now let me change and then we have to celebrate this!!!"


I laugh while going into the changing room. I close the door behind me, walk over to my pocket and open it, I take Tigg out and give her some candy.

"Sorry that you had to wait."

She immediately takes a bite and smiles at me. "Don't worry Lloyd, I'm fine. And I saw you fighting, that was amazing!!!"

I smile and sit down, starting to take my armor off.

"Thank you Tigg. But that was close. Too close.." I yawn and rub over my eyes.

"Maybe you should sleep a bit Lloyd, after all today was a really exhausting day."

"No..I'm..." I yawn again and close my eyes while holding my shoe in my hand. "I'm fine...I'm..."

The next moment I fall aspleep, while sitting on the bench holding my shoe. Tigg smiles slightly and hides again in my pocket when she hears a knocking at the door.

"Lloyd you alright? We're waiting."

Says Kai standing infront of the door. When no respone comes he opens the door and looks into the room. He sees me sleeping there, he chuckles, tells Cole, Zane and Jay to come in and help him. They enter the changing room and chuckle quietly when they see me. They make a picture of me and then start to change my clothes. Jay holds one of my armor pieces and looks at it suprised.

"Wow, it is so heavy? How does he even move with this heavy armor?"

"It's probably not so heavy you're just a weakling Jay." Says Cole while removing another armor piece and then looking at it suprised. "Oooook wow."

"See, I told you!!"

Zane takes my clothes out of my pocket and turns to Cole and Jay. "Of course is the armor heavy, or else it couldn't protect him. Many people got serious injuries during kendo training without armor."

Kai takes the armor piece from Cole and looks at it suprised as well. "Ok, it's really pretty heavy. But how the hell did Lloyd fight so fast in this? Or when he ran into the field, nobody could move so fast in such a heavy armor, except maybe for a supee muscle spotler but Lloyd is pretty small and not the strongest. And as far I know the armors in our school aren't as heavy as those."

The others just shrug and look at me while Zane puts the clothes down next to me. "Who knows, Lloyd trained for this a lot. His physical condition is really good even though it doesn't look like it. His height is probably just irritating all of us."

They all just laugh and put the armor away.

"Now let's change him and bring him home. After all tomorrow is the next match and he needs to rest in his bed."

They nod and together change me into my normal clothes. While Kai carries me on his back, Zane takes my bag and they walk out. Just as they're outside all my school mates get quiet and smile when they see me sleeping on Kai's back. They say goodbye to us and my friends walk back to the monastery together with Wu.

I stand outside the building and watch those kids leaving the stadion. One of them carries the sleeping Lloyd on his back. They're just talking with each other happily and make their way home. I decide to follow them, undercover. Make sure he's safe since the silent one once against failed to protect him. I saw his fight and he really impressed me.

I want him back.

It's not my fault that we got separated.

He's my son.

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