36. Shock

51 0 2

Lloyd's POV

I look at her shooked. Marinette and Adrien are my great grandparents??

"You're kidding...right?"

She shakes her head and just when I want to say something I fall back and land on the ground. I look confused at my feet and see that my right foot is disappearing.

"Oh no! Minibug you have to defeat him fast!"

While she looks through the portal and watches Ladybug fight Chat Blanc I stand up and walk over to another portal. I see a Marinette and Adrien, a bit older. Besides them, I see an older Felix with...Chloe holding his hand??? In front of the four are standing two children. In front of Adrien and Marinette stands a little girl, she has blonde hair and green eyes like Adrien. And in front of Chloe and Felix stands a little boy, also with blonde hair but with blue eyes like Chloe. They all smile happily and I just look at it with a little smile while gently brush over the little girl. Just when I touch it the picture moves forward. The girl is now grown up and stands beside a man. The next moment two little kids run into the picture. One has brown hair and seems to be older than the other with blonde hair. I look at the kids for a while. In the next picture, I see an old Marinette and Adrien holding the two children from before in their arms.

//So what she said is true...they're really my great grandparents...seems like this family was always connected to the miraculous. Wow, I'm finding out more and more about my family...//

I look at my father, running around laughing with my uncle. I reach out one hand to the portal and just when I'm about to touch it Bunnyx appears beside me and grabs my hand.

"It was a mistake to tell you about it."

I look at her and slap her hand away furious. "Why?? Is it so much to ask for me to know a little more about my family?? I grew up as an orphan with the thought that I'm alone in this world and that there's nobody left, now that I get the chance to learn more about my family it's something bad??"

I look at her with tears in my eyes. She just looks down at me, turns around and walks back to the portal Ladybug went through and remains silent. I wipe over my eyes and then look back into the portal. They're so happy. I wish I just could've had that. I sigh and then walk over to Bunnyx and watch Ladybug fighting Chat Blanc.

"Sorry that I was so rude."

"Naaah it's ok. We all have our weak points. I'm sorry for not paying attention to your feelings. I sometimes forget...that you're all still children. But you have to understand that time is just such a fragile thing and nobody should know too much about their past and future. I don't even like the thought that you're here in the past and try to change the future. But remember even if you change your future." She has her arms crossed and looks at me with a serious expression. "Your destiny will stay the same. You can't change it, but you can take it and do the best of it. You just have to follow one simple question. Who are you?"

She looks back into the portal and I just look at the ground. Her words are stuck in my brain. Who am I?

We both watch Ladybug and Chat Blanc standing on a building in front of each other. She's so emotional. She really cares for him, after all, they are in love with each other but just haven't realized it yet. We both see him creating a giant white destruction blast, we look at each other and she nods at me,  I understand and immediately jump through the portal. I land between Ladybug and Chat Blanc and look at him.

"Chat, everything will be ok!"

He looks at me with big eyes and the blast is getting a bit smaller.

"Lloyd...you're alive!!! You have your miraculous, you can fix all of this. JUST WISH IT ALL AWAY. PLEASE LLOYD! I DON'T WANT THIS ANYMORE!!!"

I see another tear forming in his eyes. Ladybug is using her miraculous at the same time.

//He...he is so emotional...? He can fight against the Akuma in that state? That means...under certain conditions...an akumatized person can fight against the Akuma and take control again? At least for a short time...//

"Tigg, ninja hide."

I detransform and Tigg looks around confused. I take my miraculous off and she disappears. I look into Chat's eyes and hold it out to him.

"Here Chat. Take it. Take it and fix your mistake."

Just when I said that the blast is getting smaller until it disappeared completely.

"Thank you. Chat Blanc will fix his mistake. And we'll be happy again."

He walks over to me and I hold my other hand behind my back holding up five fingers to Ladybug. I start to count with my fingers while he comes near and when he's about to touch it I jump behind him and hold his hands behind his back, I kick his legs away and force him to kneel. He's fighting back strong and I have problems holding him there but Ladybug already took his bell and destroyed it. She purifies the akuma and Chat Blanc changes back to Chat Noir. I let go of him and he stands up. While he looks around confused Lb and I bump our fists together.

"What..? Marinette and Lloyd? What are you doing here? What happened?"

I smile slightly and walk over to him, I lay a hand on his shoulder. "You were akumatized. Don't worry, we're going to fix everything. Everything will be alright." I turn around and then walk through the portal. A short time later Lb follows me and Bunnyx brings us back to a certain Portal. Lb goes through it and just when I want to go through it too she stops me.

"Remember what I told you. You should soon go back, especially now that you know who Marinette and Adrien are.  And tell the miraculous user who brought you here that they should be more responsible and that...they should fix this."


"Just tell them, they will understand it themselves."

I nod and then bow down before I also enter the portal. We both run to Adrien's house and Ladybug stops herself from signing the present. She looks at me and smiles. "Thank you Lloyd."

"No problem. And you know I even found something out what could help my father."

"Really? What?"

I just smile and look at her."Not important. Come on do it this second Ladybug seems pretty confused."

She laughs and uses her miraculous. The next moment I'm back at the bench with the others. A smile appears on my face,  I just lean back and the others look at me confused.

"Why are you so relaxed?" Asks Alix and I close my eyes. "No reason."

A little later Marinette runs to us and tells her friends that she failed. They just sigh but still comfort her, Marinette looks over to me and winks me while I just watch her smiling.

//If she would know that I'm her great grandson she would freak out.// 

I laugh quietly and then spend the rest of the day with my friends. 

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