~What Bears The Pain?~

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Camila's P.O.V.

I stirred in my sleep feeling a soft yet warm hand caressing my cheek, I feel as if I am in cloud nine feeling the warm and comfortable sheets surrounding me, keeping me still just like when I was young. The blinding sunlight that usually wakes me up for the past few months have clearly disappeared, the warmth surrounding me isn't the same as I've been with before.

I feel like I was back home but not at the right place.

I feel like I am at the most safest place but never my safe haven.

I am where I am but not where I should be.

I feel loved but never beloved.

I dint belong here, this isn't where I am supposed to be but this is also my home then.

Soft chuckle and deep breaths were heard, even with my eyes closed I knew who she is already. Her hand started trailing to my cheek, caressing them before her hands ghosted over my curly locks. A soft smile instantly bloomed on my lips as I snuggled close to the long pillow that I was hugging, feeling like a child or at least acting like one.

I could feel my hair being slightly pulled, being braided and even just being caressed seemingly trying to make me fall back to sleep. Just when I could feel myself feeling drowsy, I opened my eyes and sighed with a small relief, warm brown eyes bore right into mine earning a soft smile to the person sitting and hovering over me. My limbs felt tight so I slowly turned my body around, letting by back rest on the soft comfortable mattress before doing a little stretching in order to make my limbs go back to normal.

"This is why I love waking up here" I mumbled before going back to my original position, I lied down on my side and looked directly in the eyes of my mother who seemed to know that I really was acting like a child.

"How are you my little girl? Did you have a good sleep?"

My Mama's question is a signal that I already have to wake up and stop sleeping over. Without letting out a sigh, I slowly sat up from the bed, pulling over the comforters to cover my cold legs which had been blew by the cold morning breeze with the windows being opened. Mama assisted me in settling down, putting a pillow upright on the headboard just so I can rest my back there due to it hurting due to my swollen belly.

Even though I wanted to be stubborn and to keep on sleeping, the baby inside me seemed like she couldn't help but want to play, she's been moving around inside my tummy for how many times even in the middle of the night. She actually woke me up several times now, I feel like she's going to be a very hard child to cater on when I give birth to her. I really have a hunch that she's one of those nocturnal babies who'll think it'll be so much fun to be awake at night to have her Mama all by herself, I am praying she'll not be but I think I already can see what would happen in the future.

"I did and I think Charm can say the same thing, she's getting so comfy moving inside me now" I placed my hand on my swollen belly, feeling my baby awake and moving making me feel a bit uncomfortable but fine. I love feeling her moving inside me, it seems like I could always monitor whatever she's doing creating a more stable and strong bond between the two of us.

Charm, the name Shawn and I chose for our little baby girl is already close to being 17 weeks old and I am proud to say that she's really growing so fast. Based from by baby bump and the past week of having a checkup due to me being in a car accident, I was able to know that she's gaining more than what we expected which is a good news. So far I've been given medicines in order to keep her healthy, I don't need to have some sort of diet since her weight is still normal even if she's a bit chubby.

"That little girl is going to be just like you, a ball of sunshine, Mi amor" Mama commented, smiling brightly feeling so happy with what had happened to me.

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