~What Does It Take To Fix A Relationship?~

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Camila's P.O.V.

"Camila, wake up dear"

A faint voice spoke as I felt my body being shaken, instantly I opened my eyes and sat up from the chair before feeling dizzy and close to having a headache. The same annoying beeping sound rang in my ear as I opened my eyes and found myself still inside the cream painted walls of the ward room where my son currently rests in. It was just then that I had realized that someone was actually with me inside the room, instantly I turned around looking for who that person was and found that it was just Mom.

"What happened? Is Skyler alright? How about Connor?" I was in full panic and worry mode, the sunlight was so strong that I knew it might've been already close to the afternoon now.

The last thing I could remember was that I was just sitting on the chair beside Skyler's still unconscious body, I couldn't sleep that much thinking that he might wake up any time and might need to see me the first thing he opens his eyes. So far the doctors who had been checking up on him says that he's responding well to the medications that were given to him as well as his nerves were responding whenever they call out his name. I know that Skyler is close to waking up and that is one reason why I really want to stay by his side the whole time.

I have to be there for him...

"They're still unconscious, they're both still sleeping soundly and resting" Mom spoke, carefully making sure that I wouldn't fall from the chair where I was sitting on. I almost lost my balance due to the shock that I felt when I was being shaken awake.

"I thought one of them is awake, I was so worried"

I really was so worried for the both of them, as far as I know Skyler is close to waking up while Connor is still in sleep mode as what they try to explain to us. His body got so roughed up by the force that he needed to rest and his brain did that by making him go unconscious, he was also in a comma like Skyler but Connor's case was far worse as it is him who had took all the impact.

"Their bodies are still resting in order for them to regain their strength which I do think that you should do as well. You had been in an accident Camila, you shouldn't be having cold nights alone in this room. Sinu talked to me saying that you refuse to go home and leave Skyler's side for a second, you need to take care of yourself or else you'll get so much stressed"

"I'm fine Mom, you don't need to worry about me. I'm taking good care of myself and the baby-"

"That's what I am talking about, you are pregnant and you've been in an accident just recently. Sure you don't have that much impact with the accident but that doesn't mean that you didn't need rest just like the two boys. The baby might get so stressed if you keep staying here in this room watching over Skyler, you don't have a proper bed here and clearly you couldn't sleep that long and deep here as every nurses kept checking on him every now and then"

It has been 3 days since the accident and 2 days since Shawn and I had that major fight... no, actually it wasn't a fight but it was more of a talk which still hasn't resolved anything between the both of us. For 3 days even if I had also been in that accident and had just received slight bruises and a trauma, I was advised to stay at home as I was an outpatient but I didn't listen at all. I insisted in staying with Skyler in his ward, choosing to watch over him even if I have to just lie down on the couch and also sleep sometimes at the chair just to be close with my child.

Everyone tried talking to me, convincing me that I should go home and rest there but my principle of being a mother always comes first, I can't leave my son all alone here.

I do know that I needed to rest for this child inside me because we also would've been in danger, I almost lost her and doing this, staying beside Skyler and not listening to the advices of the doctors is one great factor that can stress me out and can easily cause me to have a miscarriage. Almost all of them tried talking to me but I never bowed down, I stood on my ground refusing to go home just so I could watch over Skyler every second of the day and at night. I needed to take care of my eldest but I also need to take care of the child that I am carrying, our daughter, another result of our love.

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