~What Do I Know About Her?~

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I have always wondered how love truly feels like.

It was always a question to me on how one would know if this particular person is the right one for him.

How would you know that the person you've been eyeing for for so long is actually that person who would make you feel so happy and contented?

How would you know that this certain person can bring out the best in you when you don't know really well who she is?

How would you know that she will be that person who's going to spend the rest of her life with you without worrying about what other people think?

How would you know if this person is the right one for you? One that will make you uphold the words 'till death do we part'?

How would you know if this love is worth fighting for when you're already hurting?

How would you know that it is the time to stop when you had fell so deeply in love?

How could that person you love, that person whom you poured everything to, given all you have thinking that she is the right one for you suddenly breaks your heart?

How would you know if it's true love when you don't know anything about love at all?

Will you stay away from it or will you let yourself fall under that spell again?

Will you actually want to throw the dice and see if love is in your luck, risk everything in your power just to be played by that powerful love again?

Or would you want to play love instead?

Sitting on my swivel chair, my eyes came in contact with my secretary who had been working for me for 5 years. I had woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed, I had a very bad headache due to the multiple meetings and proof readings I has made last night with the several proposals coming from different companies. Apparently they all wanted to form a partnership with our company knowing well that the stocks and sales we have are getting higher and higher these past few months.

Mendes Corporation is a car enterprise that is built from scratch by my grandfather, he actually lived a poor life then, he was the eldest out of the 5 children my great grandfather has and was the sole bread winner of the family. He had to work for more than 4 jobs in a day just to earn a living for his siblings and parents, he also had to drop off from school and just keep on working.

However when he came across a car shop and asked to be an all around boy there, the owner, who had lost their one and only son in a car accident got so happy to somehow see how hardworking and loving my grandfather is. They helped my grandfather and let him study as well as the rest of his siblings too, they gave him everything they needed but somehow made my grandfather promise them something. That he should be successful in life but treat other people, show them kindness the way they showed him kindness.

That is the reason why in this company, everyone is treated as equals. We respect and give them their own position and privacy but respect is the number one motto of the company, without it then maybe this company wouldn't be as successful as it is now because of the hardworking employees we have.

With how smart and talented my grandfather was, he already was able to have and build his own small shop at the age of 21 and under the name of Mendes car. Eventually that small shop turned so famous and that was the time when the whole shop slowly turned into an enterprise and had been what it is right now.

When dad turned 21, grandpa handed him the company as it is also the time for my dad to finally go through all the hardships grandpa was able to handle. It actually became a legacy, when I turned 21 the company was then transfered to me just like what happened with dad.

Used To ThisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora