~What Do I Do Before A Date?~

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Camila's P.O.V.

At exactly 5 o'clock, I was already wide awake and was staring at the ceiling to get a grip of myself, thinking about the things that had happened last night. It was then, that my phone started to ring, my hand slowly reached for it on the nightstand and quickly turned it off before even Mama could get awake.

Just like my usual morning routine, I made my way to my Skyler's room whom he is probably still sound asleep considering now that he doesn't have his classes because of certain events in their school faculty. I made the door slightly adjacent, just wanting to catch a glimpse of him without entering his room as he might wake up and that will ruin his wonderful dream.

His long yet small body lies peacefully in the bed as his chest heaved up slowly and carefully. He was facing the door, hands tucked under the warm comforter and the pillow he has seemingly looking like a peaceful angel that always had melted my heart.

Skyler had always been lying beside me eversince he was a baby, I would make sure that he would always be the first and last thing I could see whenever I start and end my day because he is that precious and wonderful to me. He is that most priced possession that I have even if he's not a thing nor riches that everyone wanted to have at this point. For me Skyler is the most important thing, no one could ever take away or replace from me.

It might be because I am a mother now that these are the things that I could feel, maybe because I finally understood what my Mama told me about love and sacrifices. Once you got to be a mother, you would also know what it means to be a woman.

But when Skyler reached 4, he suddenly said he wanted to have a room of his own. He didn't tell me exactly why but maybe he just wanted to somehow try to act independent since he's been doing a lot of things all by himself. He sometimes shows me that he didn't need my instructions anymore because he's a good and smart boy.

Thinking that maybe he's going to stir awake if I keep looking at him, my hand slowly closed the door quietly as possible before turning around to meet the eyes of my mother. She was wearing her white robe that I had given her as a gift a year before, it was what I wanted to give her as somehow, even at small times I wanted her to feel that we also are rich people who wear robes just like them.

We aren't that much poor but we can say that with the expenses I have and being the only breadwinner of this family, I am indeed having a hard time carrying the responsibility of doing and paying everything for them. But I love my family no matter how hard it is for me... as long as they're right there beside me then I would always choose them at all cost.

"Mama, you woke up so early. Good morning" Acting like her own little girl, I skipped my way towards her and engulfed my mama in a very tight hug. She chuckled softly, hugging me back for a minute before we both pulled away and just exchanged non stop happy smiles.

"Good morning to you too as well mi hija, how was your sleep?"

"Wonderful mama, although might I need to remind you that I am no longer that 5 year old little girl who is always scared to have her nightmares. I can sleep very well now Mama, I'm a big girl" I proudly answered.

There were times that I get nightmares in the past, being a little girl I am, I easily get scared whenever my papa would bring me out and watch horror movies with me. That night I would always cry to sleep because they keep haunting me in my dreams, whenever that happens Mama would always lull me to sleep no matter how tired and stressed she is. She'll leave the then baby Sofia and papa on the bed just spoon me and calm me down.

"It doesn't mean that if you already have a son who is 4 years old and a handsome posh rich guy who sent you home last night makes you less my baby. You're still mama's bebe (baby) Camila"

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