S2 EP 5 ! "Framed!"

Start from the beginning

"It was true. I didn't know I had a library card." K-Ci shook his head as he spoke to the audience again.

"Could y'all believe that? I was being framed for something I didn't do. Do I look like a thief to y'all?" He questioned. JoJo, DeVante, and Dalvin shared looks.


"The cop dragged me outta school, locked me up and threw me in the cell, no questions asked." K-Ci told.

K-Ci sat in the cell, playing the harmonica. "I got accused for somethin' I didn't dooo..." He sang. "They didn't listen when I tried to tell the truuuuthh. I'm just an innocent young black mannn, but they don't give a damnnn!"

"No, hold up, pause. That ain't what happened, let me tell the story." JoJo interrupted K-Ci. "The officer never gripped K-Ci up, Principal Harris did."


Mrs. Harris threw K-Ci into one of the chairs in her office. "Stealing? From a high priced jewelry store? Are you crazy?!" She questioned him as he looked very frightened.

"Mrs. Harris, let me find the culprit! Give me till Friday to prove to you I didn't do this." K-Ci pleaded.

Mrs. Harris nodded, "Okay. But if you don't have any proof? I'm letting them take you to jail."

"That was when I realized I had to bring in the big dog. It was gonna be hard, but this depended on my life." K-Ci said while looking at nothing in particular.


"The Boss is ready for you," Dalvin told his friend. DeVante held the door open as K-Ci hesitantly walked into the dim lit room. He approached the desk where 'The Boss' faced the other way in their chair. JoJo stood in the near corner of the room.

"State your name and issue." The Boss stated.

"K-Ci," K-Ci started, "I've been falsely accused of stealing expensive gold earrings that were placed in my locker. I need you to bring the person responsible to the light."

The Boss, a.k.a Darlene, slowly turned around in her chair. "Whats in it for me?"

K-Ci dropped to his knees, "Please Darlene! Just do me this one favor! I don't have anything to offer!"

"I'll see what I can do. Get him out of my sight!" Darlene shouted. DeVante and Dalvin ushered in, pulling K-Ci up off the floor and dragging him out the room, as JoJo shut the door soon after.


"He was all cryin'!" Dalvin cackled.

"On his knees and all!" DeVante joined in.

If 'shaking in their boots' was a person." JoJo pointed to K-Ci as the three laughed some more. K-Ci mugged them, "Back to the damn story."


"Friday surely did come quick after that." K-Ci went on. "I needed to be in the clear, and fast."


"Cedric, we've been waiting for half an hour. You might as well just face the facts." Mrs. Harris told K-Ci. The officer and the woman who owned the jewelry store sat in the office too.

"Just a couple more minutes!" K-Ci said to the three, "C'mon Darlene!" He mumbled.

"Just turn around so I can put these cuffs on you." The officer approached K-Ci. Before K-Ci could respond, Darlene kicked the door open with JoJo, DeVante, and Dalvin behind her.

"Stop! He's innocent!"

"I know you ain't just kick that door open." Harris eyed her.

"Thats not important! K-Ci is innocent!" She said. She went out the room and came back with the real culprit: Sabrina.

"This is the person who took the earrings and put them in K-Ci's locker!" Darlene gripped Sabrina up tightly, "Explain yourself to them, now!"

"Okay!" Sabrina winced, "Yes, I took the earrings. My baby was running late for school and as he left the house, I realized he didn't have any earrings on. I had already broke in the shop and took the earrings hours before and planned to give them to him, but I just placed them in his locker. I didn't mean any harm!"

"How did you see me leaving my house...?" K-Ci questioned.

"I have my ways."

"Thats creepy, Sabrina. I'll be calling your mother. We're sorry for the accusations, K-Ci." Mrs. Harris said.

K-Ci nodded as he, JoJo, and the DeGrates left the office.

"I'm in the clear! Thanks, Darlene." He hugged the young teenaged girl.

"No problem, K. I'll be expecting my twenty dollars now." She gave a cheeky smile as K-Ci mugged her.


I hit y'all with two updates in one week cause why not 😊?
I love updating for y'all ! ❤
Just chill, till the next episode.
- thee illest ✨.

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