Loving Horobi was really difficult. Every single moment of being with him was full of blissful moments and absolutely painful moments. When he would talk to me, it wasn't like he was talking to a HumaGear. When he talks to a HumaGear, he is a bit different. And by HumaGear, I mean Jin.

It doesn't mean I hated being with Horobi at all. I just wish that things could have been different for us. If I could turn back time, I would live each moment with him over and over again just to be near him.

"Do you regret anything?"

I shake my head. "Not really, Abyss. I do regret leaving his side and coming to Gai's. I could have had more time with him before he died."

I can't believe that Isamu destroyed him with that attack. Horobi just came in and saved Jin for a little bit. Then Jin went out and got himself destroyed by Aruto. Now I'll never see either one of them ever again.


"I am sorry, but I remembered what I do regret. I regret not getting enough pictures of those two," I state, sighing a bit. "I wish I could have been a happy family with them. I enjoyed being with those robots so much."

Jin would do all kinds of things there. He would doodle family pictures and stuff and he would play games with me. It wasn't something I would tell people about, but it is something that I will share with Abyss.

"I do not understand how someone can love someone like Horobi. Horobi was cold and empty unlike Aruto and Gai."

"Why bring up those two?" I purse my lips. What is she trying to get at now? Making me go crazy?

Abyss brings up a hand up to her hair and moves it a bit from her face. "They are the only men around you who are actually interested in you. Isamu Fuwa has zero interst in you because he seems to be interested in someone else without knowing that he is. A certain person has increased his heart rate and made him act odd." She's been looking into what he is into? Why would she want to do that?

"Yua?" I ask. If he loves Yua, I will seriously pick up a coffee and toss it across the room. She's difficult. 

He hates HumaGears, so he wouldn't be into one. Besides, he's so judging me for wanting to be with Horobi at some point. Not like he should be judging me. Who is he to judge someone for being interested in someone who had no idea that person they liked wasn't human?

"I believe that she does nothing to him besides upset him or frustrate him. But that is according to what I have seen between them. Sure, they trust each other, but it does not seem to be that they're in love."

"I don't know many women who could hold his interest," I reply, looking off to the side. "I guess he must be into someone else that we don't know about." I bite my lip, holding back a sigh. I am quite curious about him since he's always putting up this facade. 

The door opens and I look over at it as Gai steps into the room, looking at us softly. He has been working with Abyss despite not being that fond of HumaGears. I wonder if it is because she is important for something.

"Abyss, can I have some alone time with my woman?" Gai asks, putting down his umbrella onto the ground. "I'll pick this up soon, but I really want to talk to her." He is always carrying that umbrella and it makes me think he cares about his looks. He doesn't look bad, so I can't blame him for caring. 

"Yes, you are able to. I will get going now," Abyss answers and she turns away from me. She moves up to Gai and looks at him, her face cold. "Please take good care of Mari."

"I will do so." Gai nods his head as he keeps his eyes on me.

He moves out of her way and she opens the door. She steps outside and he shuts the door, not even looking outside. He seems to not really care for her unless it benefits him. What is his plan with Abyss?

"What are you needing to talk about, Gai?" I want to know what he wants from me. I need to hear it now.

"We are getting married tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I gasp. "That soon?"

"We cannot push it off any longer. I have arranged it already and set everything up. All you have to do is show up and put on a show," he answers as he approaches me. He stops in front of me and holds out his hand.

I look at it and swallow hard. Do I have to get married tomorrow? Why did he pick tomorrow? I know I told him he could handle it after he decided to, but tomorrow? I don't even have time to warn Aruto and the others!

"It is fine, Mari. We have to begin practicing for it all. I have holding a reception for private parties who wish to congratulate us and see us happy together. So, you have to be comfortable with me."

Ah, right. I should be comfortable with him enough to the point no one thinks we're not really an item. I have to be believable with him.

I take his hand and stand up. "Let's do our rehearsal. Where is at?"

"I'll take you there now."

A/n: And sorry for the late update. I've been working on the Wishful Dreams chapter still (I am currently stuck on it so I apologize for the delay on it. I'll try to get it out soon once I figure out the chapter). I am really, really sorry!

Next chapter is the wedding and it won't be super wedding full (I am putting it in the next chapter to get it out of the way and all). It won't have drama during it and it'll have some Aruto/Mari in it. 

Thanks :D I hope you enjoyed the Abyss and Mari talk in this chapter. I figured we should explore their relationship since now everyone knows Abyss is out there in the world. I'll update this story again next week (Sunday or Wednesday will be the day for it that I will try to get it out but it could end up on any day depending on what I am up to).

Thanks again for listening to me ramble. <3

Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें