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( Manila's Finest Series #2 )

Previously Titled "A Rough Side Story: Through Dangers Untold"


© January 24, 2020

No part of this book may be used, replicated or distributed in any formats without the permission from, or crediting the author/copyright holder.

Rated SPG - R18+
Matured Content !



1. The story is about Stacey and Renante, supporting characters from the novel Rough (available on Wattpad Paid Stories). If you want a little glimpse about these characters before the timeline when Through Dangers Untold happened, you can check out that story. (But not required or mandatory to do so).

2. Again. You are not required to read Rough to be able to understand the flow of Through Dangers Untold. Despite, borrowing some events from Rough (and some events from that novel affecting the events of this story), it is not necessary to read Rough to be able to relate. Though, reading Rough will provide a better and detailed narration of some of the flashbacks that occurred here.

3. I suggest to go with the flow when you read the story. Most comment I encountered is from confused readers. It's a sort of detective-mystery novel for a reason. Things seem vague because all the suspects have THEIR OWN version of the story! And that causes the confusion here! You can make your deductions and enjoy the time to sit back and try to solve the mystery BUT if it doesn't help you enjoy the story, then stop analyzing and just go with the flow! ^_^ Read! Read! Read!

4. If you want more details added in our cute little FAQs section, please let me know. Or make an in-line comment in this very, sentence. Thank you so much! <3

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