The Secret About the Past 9

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“She’s an extremely domineering and independent woman. After we got our first divorce, she was insistent on not carrying any hopes toward marriage. This time, I’m afraid she won’t want to get married again.”

“It’s not exactly your fault, Young Sir… When you first saw the live feed from the surveillance camera, it felt as if the world had come crashing down on you. Although you appeared to be trying to cool off those few days, I don’t think you’ve actually thought through the matter calmly,” said Fan Shixin.

Jin Qingyan murmured assent and instructed, “Find out her new mobile number for me in the afternoon. We’ll head to the office now.”


The answers Ye Xiaotian had gotten from other fortune-tellers were similar to what An Xiaoning had told Mo Li.

He pointedly brought the matter up to Mrs. Ye and had a serious talk with her, in a bid to persuade her mother to allow Mo Li to abort the child. He also tried to convince her to stop compelling Mo Li to give birth to a son.

But how could Mrs. Ye possibly give up?

She even threated Ye Xiaotian with her life, telling him that she would kill herself in front of him, should he have the audacity to bring Mo Li for an abortion.

Ye Xiaotian was vexed and perturbed.

It had never occurred to him that the matter would become a disaster for his family.

After laying all the cards on the table with Ye Xiaotian, Mrs. Ye called Mo Li to her mansion.

They glared at each other coldly.

“Mo Li, the child you’re expecting now is definitely a boy. Don’t you dare think of aborting him. Otherwise, I’ll definitely give you a hard time,” Mrs. Ye warned.

“Do you still want this grandson if it comes at the expense of your son’s life? Don’t forget, the consequences will be borne by someone in the family.”

“It can’t be someone from the Ye family,” said Mrs. Ye, remaining unfazed.

Mrs. Ye put down her teacup and had a sullen expression on her face, as menacing as that of Ye Xiaotian’s. “If anyone has to suffer the consequences, it will be your next-of-kin,” she continued.

“How are you so sure?” Mo Li asked, clutching the armrest tightly.

“How could I possibly land my own son in trouble? From now onwards, you are to move into the ancestral hall. You’ll be provided with full meals and anything you need, but you’re not to step foot out of the ancestral hall until you give birth to the child.”

Mo Li’s eyes widened in astonishment. “I beg your pardon?”

“Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“You’re trying to hold me under house arrest. Does Xiaotian know about this!?!”

“There’s nothing he can do even if he knows about it. Mo Li, don’t think that Xiaotian will concede to all your requests just because you’ve married him. As long as I’m still around, don’t ever think of becoming the true Young Madam of the Ye family. You came from such a poor family, but you got to enjoy a few years of living in luxury after marrying into the Ye family. It’s time you did your part for our family. All I’m asking is for you to give birth to a child, why are you acting like I’m going to slaughter you?” Mrs. Ye said nonchalantly.

Biting her lip, Mo Li questioned, “Will you only stop all this nonsense after I die?”

“If you die, so be it. Will the world stop revolving just because you’re dead? Is Xiaotian going to be a widower just because you’re dead? Will Jiani not have a mother just because you’re dead?”

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