57: Come Let Your Wife Make You Beautiful

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“It’s fine by me if you don’t wish to speak up. I’ll just ask Mo Li tomorrow.”

“You really want to know that badly? Then let me just tell you about it myself. Honestly, I wouldn’t have mentioned it if you didn’t find out. Because it’s not something to be celebrated,” said Jin Qingyan as he pulled her into his embrace.

An Xiaoning remained silent and listened to what he had to say.

“There’s too much to tell about her, so let’s start off with who she is. I’ll tell you about the rest in detail, in the future.” Jin Qingyan removed his shirt and laid down while canoodling her in his arms. “She’s my sister from another mother. She’s a year younger than me and two years older than Qingyue. My father had her with another woman whose last name was Fang when he was younger. Ever since she passed away, their child had secretly begun living in my house, which Tianze and Mo Li knew about. However, she went missing without a trace when she was 12, and neither of my parents had gone on a search for her. I secretly tried to find her a couple of times, but my efforts were futile. I can’t openly keep that photograph in an album because it makes my mother upset. I can’t allow her to see it,” he explained.

“What’s her name?”

“She never had one. None of us had ever addressed her by a name, not even my parents,” answered Jin Qingyan.

Knowing it was time to stop, An Xiaoning did not probe further and said instead, “This must be your family’s secret.”

“Kind of, not really. Well, you could say so since it’s never been reported in the media, but at the same time, not quite, because all my close friends and family are aware of the matter. My mother said she had caused a huge scene at home, back then.”

“Why do I have a feeling you don’t actually detest that girl, and in fact, you even feel a certain sense of guilt and sympathy towards her…”

“Yeah… she’s innocent. During her time at my house, she was treated worse than a servant. Sometimes, she wasn’t even allowed to have her meals. Tianze and I often snuck her some food to eat.”

“Actually, you should try searching for her now,” An Xiaoning suggested.

“I’ve always been on the search for her, but to no avail. It feels like she just vanished from the face of this earth. It’s been too long.”

You’re right, she ran away from home when she was 12, she should be 23 years old now. So many years have passed.

“Switch off the lights, I’m going to sleep.” She put the book away and closed her eyes after tucking herself under the blanket.

“Remove your mask, lest I get a huge scare when I wake up to go to the washroom in the middle of the night.”

“But there’s still a ton of essence serum left on the mask. It’ll dry up and fall off by itself before you even wake up to visit the washroom. Forget it, to be fair, you shall have one too,” said An Xiaoning as she tugged on the edges of the mask to adjust it.

“No,” he refused.

“You have to.” She sat upright to get him a sheet and continued, “I bet Gu Beicheng applies a sheet of facial mask on his face every single night. How could he have such great skin otherwise? Do you want to lose out to him?”

“Hmph, my complexion is far better than his even without applying facial masks. It’s au naturale !” He reached his hand out and said, “Give it to me.”

“Great, come let your wife make you beautiful,” said An Xiaoning with a sheepish smile, handing him the sheet of facial mask.

Jin Qingyan removed the facial mask from the packaging and placed it over his face. Noticing that he was going to dispose of the packaging, An Xiaoning interjected, “There’s still a lot of essence serum in there! Give it to me.”

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