Love Trap

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Ye Xiaotian turned to face her and said, “In that case, don’t speak to her.”

“Is it really up to me? The decision lies with you. There’s this faint scent I’ve been smelling ever since you got on the car. What is it?” asked Mo Li, taking a deep sniff of the air.

“It’s the smell of jasmine flowers.”

Mo Li turned her head to the side and looked out of the window, feeling uncomfortable because of the faint floral scent.


On the second day of the boot camp, all the members were dressed in a uniform attire. They started off with some simple basic training, leaving the toughest part of the boot camp for last.

After all twelve members had gotten into their respective positions, trainers Chen Xu and Jin Shan then proceeded to speak while standing in front of them.

“Once you’re in the boot camp, there are only two ways out: one is to forfeit voluntarily, should you be unable to carry on with the rest of the training; and the other is to push through and make it until the end. However, do note that the fees will not be refunded. I know, none of you here are hard up for cash, and I’m also aware that each of you are here for a different reason. But since you’ve already decided to be part of the boot camp, then you ought to exercise discipline and adhere to the strict rules and regime here. Please make it a point to kick all your bad habits and foul temper.”

Chen Xu had an austere expression on his face, paired with chiseled good looks that gave him an overall vibe of a charismatic and mature man. “Bear in mind that this is not your home. You’ll be able to make a change and unleash the best version of yourself at the end of the boot camp only if you listen to the trainers. However, if you choose not to abide by our instructions, you’ll only have yourself to blame, should you be unable to achieve your dream results. Everybody hear me?”

“Yes!” the members chorused in unison.

“Excellent. From now onwards, we’ll proceed to the first stage of the bootcamp training. Coach Jin will now brief you on the important things to look out for during the training process, as well as the rules to follow during sparring sessions. Everyone, please bear in mind that proper training will only begin officially in a few days’ time. The first stage is just a warm-up,” said Chen Xu, before walking towards the side to allow Jin Shan to take over.

Staring at the crowd of twelve with a warm and friendly smile on his face, Jin Shan appeared to be much more relaxed and personable compared to Chen Xu.

“This is a confined boot camp, which also means that we’ll be seeing each other every day for the next four months or so. Thus, I hope everyone will be kind and understanding towards each other. I’ll now be briefing you about the important things to watch out for during the bootcamp. Firstly…”

The twelve members listened attentively to Jin Shan, all except Jin Nana, who was not paying any attention at all. Instead, she was focusing all her attention on Chen Xu, who was standing at the side.

Chen Xu began to feel uneasy, perhaps having noticed that she was staring at him intensely. However, he continued to feign ignorance and looked towards the front with a stern expression on his face.

“Jin Nana, please pay attention to what I’m saying, lest you break any rules or hurt your fellow members,” Jin Shan chided while glowering at her.

Suddenly realizing that all eyes were on her, Jin Nana let out an awkward smile and said, “Yes, Coach.”

Standing upright with her back as straight as a ruler, An Xiaoning listened to Jin Shan’s instructions attentively. Just as he was about to finish his speech, she turned her head to the side unintentionally, only to see a figure standing by the window. It was none other than Jin Qingyan.

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