Shaken Nerves

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Once she reached home and saw her own mother, Jin Qingyue let out all the grievances that were bottled up inside her. Finally, she exclaimed indignantly, “How dare they say that I’m a curse, what proof is there? This is too outrageous!”

Mrs. Jin replied unhurriedly, “If you don’t marry him, no one will be able to put the blame on you.”

“Mother, Shaochuan said it won’t affect our wedding.” Jin Qingyue continued irritably, “It’s his grandmother and those netizens making up all those rubbish.”

Mrs. Jin did not say anything further and lowered her head to continue knitting a hat.

“Mother, are you knitting this hat for me?” She sized it up and continued, “There are plenty of nice ones on the streets, stop knitting it.”

“I’m knitting this for your sister-in-law, not you. There’s no need for you to show your dislike.”

Jin Qingyue pouted her lips. “I saw the news, Sister-in-law’s joined the police force. Even with those qualifications of hers, she can enter the police force. Did she use my brother’s connections?”

“Since you’ve seen the news, didn’t you see that it was the newly appointed Bureau Chief who invited your sister-in-law to join?” Mrs. Jin said. “Look at your sister-in-law, even though she’s married to your brother, she still keeps herself busy. First, opening a shop, then helping the police to arrest criminals. I heard she still does yoga and swimming. People like her are living such enriching lives, look at yourself — you’re around that Shi Shaochuan all day and it still hasn’t gotten you dizzy.”

“Alright, alright, alright. My sister-in-law’s your hot favorite now, I’m like a pile of dog poop, okay?” She got up and headed upstairs.

Mrs. Jin darted a glance at her, feeling very affected.

Although it did not rain at night, the night breeze was quite strong, and the five sat in the police car, heading towards Wang Fangfang’s grave.

Her remains were buried in the countryside, at the village where An Xiaoning’s previous foster parents lived in.

The car stopped at the petroleum road outside the village entrance, and the five got off at once.

An Xiaoning led the group while Pan Zhenghui stood in the middle, and the five orderly made their way towards the fields.

As they knew it had just rained and the ground was muddy, they all wore rubber shoes when they came over.

There was no one in sight in the fields.

They all walked carefully in the muddy fields, but An Xiaoning suddenly stopped in her tracks and said in a low voice, “The four of you can wait behind this stack of hay, I’ll go by myself.”

Although Pan Zhenghui was very unwilling to go, he felt that since they were here, they might as well go and experience it themselves. Otherwise, he would not believe such a thing!

He believed in reading one’s fortune, but ghosts and spirits were something he had never seen, so he did not believe in them.

“We should go with you.”

Seeing that he was rather insistent, An Xiaoning then replied, “Alright, you guys can come. But don’t make any noise at all.”

The four nodded their heads unanimously. Actually, it wasn’t just Pan Zhenghui who did not believe in ghosts and spirits, the other three were even more skeptical about it. Especially Ma Jianguo, who had incredible doubts inside his heart and was not in the least convinced.

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