I place my hands on his. "Please get your hands off of me or else I'll be forced to act out on you for doing so." I will not hesitate to rip off his arm if I have to.

He removes his hands and looks down, frowning. "I'm sorry, but I am just wanting answers into why you're not you."

"It is fine. Do not do it again or else I will use force to remove them from me," I warn.


I straighten my posture and close my eyes. She's been moved. I think it is time for me to get on the move and back to doing what I need to do. It isn't a good idea to leave things how it is at this time. 

I open my eyes and look Aruto over. "I need you to call A.I.M.S. immediately and meet with me once I find the location that we need to go to," I order. He needs to hurry up and call them before things get serious. I do not want things entering a crisis situation. 

"What?" He blinks. "What are you talking about right now? Why do I need to call them and bring them with us to some random location?" He doesn't know why he should?

"She is in trouble and is in need of our assistance."

The moment she wasn't able to do things on her own, I took her to the hospital and put her under the name Jane Doe. However, he has found her and I am not allowed harm to come to her. Orders from before have been voided due to an override.

"Who is in trouble?"

"Her." I turn away from him, heading towards this exit. "Are you going to come with me or not?" I look over my shoulder as he stares at me, looking unsure of what to do.

"If it gets me to know who in the world you are, sure!" Aruto exclaims. "I'll call Izu too."

We are going to need as many reinforcements as possible.


"So, you're talking orders from her and you have no idea if she's truly Mari or not?" Isamu asks. "Am I getting this right?"

"It seems that you are getting it right. I remember seeing her arm when she came to work one day. Her skin was broken and it looked metallic at where the wound was. She came up with some excuse about how I was seeing things," Yua says, answering Isamu. "I think she's a modified HumaGear who happens to look like Mari." She is a keen observer it seems. Of course, I think she is only that when she wants to be one. 

Isamu shakes his head as the van keeps moving, heading to where we need to go. "I don't think that is the case. Why would someone make a HumaGear to look just like her?"

"Is it impossible for me to look like someone else?" I ask. "Once we get to the location, we must do what we can not to provoke the kidnapper. If we do that, they will harm her and we will not be able to retrieve her." It is necessary to avoid unneeded danger. I would love to avoid any danger and keep loses to a minimum.

"Kidnapper? What does you mean by that?" Yua questions. "You're not making sense at all. You better get to the point or else we're going to get harsh with you." 

They aren't aware of what I know and that is okay. It isn't every day that someone can hook up to a satellite and get information at an incredible speed. It is understandable that they're confused.

I look her in the eyes, turning my head a bit. "He has her and we are going to stop him from doing anything to her. Please take the proper actions needed to avoid danger. If you do not, death could happen as a result from not taking proper action." Things are entering a crisis situation now and we need to hurry up and get to where we need to be. 

It is understandable for them to be confused, but now isn't the time to be confused. She's in danger and it is my job to protect her. Once I achieve my goal, I will focus on whatever else needs to be done.

"Who is he?" Aruto asks. "I am not getting this."

"You will find out who it is soon," I state. "I do not have confirmation on who it is, but I can assume from the data I have collected."

"Data you've collected? So, you're an A.I.?" Isamu asks. "You're really a HumaGear like Yua suggested? Why would you have Mari's appearance then?"

"But how would that be possible without Mari's consent? And wouldn't she have the modules?" Aruto questions, obviously wanting some answers. I cannot give him the answers he seeks since it isn't something I am worried about answering now. Besides, I do not understand it all at this time.

"Please stop here now," I order.

The van stops and I stand up, heading towards the exit. Once I get out, it'll be game over for him due to them. I hope that they can do what I need them to do in order to fix this situation.

"Please come with me." I open the door and hop out. 

It is time for us to meet them again and stop this situation from getting out of hand. 

A/n: So, it isn't Mari they've been hanging with? Shocker! I know the intro to this person was short, but I didn't want it to be too long (I was originally going to keep it going for ten chapters or maybe less than that). How do you think this person is? I'm not going to give their name, but you have somewhat met them.

I guess this is good news for Aruto, since Mari is still out there and not against him. But who are they going to meet up? Where is Mari? Don't look at me because I do not have the spoilers you seek (I do, but I am not telling you all).

Thanks for reading and don't worry, this character isn't too bad. She has her own objectives as you will see later (not really a spoiler, so I can give it out). Thanks again. :) 

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