"Hello, Kairi," I say, smiling at her. It is great to see her once again.

She tilts her head, eyes glowing a bit. "Hello, Mari." She sits her head back up straight and smiles. "I almost got confused due to your new hairstyle. Did you change it to try out a new style or to impress a guy?"

"I did it for myself since there is no guy to impress." I turn to Aruto. "Hello, Aruto." 

It makes no sense for me to want to impress someone now that the other two are out of the way. I was always living to make a dent into Horobi's mechanic heart it seems. So, that is no longer needed moving forward. So, this is all about me now.

He smiles and waves at me. "It is great seeing you two in the same room again. You should really see if your lover will want her to live with you."

Gai would not want to have her living with us due to his own issues with things. I doubt he wants technology outside of his control in his place. He seems to be uptight and controlling of certain things. It is best to stay out of his way and let him do what he wants now that there is nothing holding me back from doing what I should be doing.

"I will see if he wants her to," I reply. I cannot seem rude and seem like I do not care for Kairi. Kairi is one of my main concerns when I'm moving around this place.

"So, how is your future husband doing?" Aruto asks. "Did anything change between you two now that MetsubouJinrai is out of the way? You know like getting comfortable with each other?" Comfortable? 

I shake my head. "No, nothing really has changed between us. We have decided that once we become intimate, it will be a peaceful in the world. We cannot be putting the future in danger, Aruto." I assume that he means sexy when he said comfortable. He thinks I'll be having a sexy time with Gai in private now.

"I understand completely. It isn't the right time for you to." He looks away, lips curving up slightly. I do not understand his reaction. Does it please him to know I won't be touching Gai?

I tilt my head. What is up with his reaction? Did something I say bring him joy? How would anything I said bring him joy? This doesn't make sense to me and doesn't seem to be how one reacts to a friend.

"Aruto, quit being weird with her while Kairi is in the same room as you. She doesn't need her pure mind ruined," Isamu says. "Oh, hey, Mari!"

I turn as Isamu approaches us, holding up a drink in his hand. I see that he has finally returned. He will be taking Kairi soon and getting ready to go. I am sure that he has something out there in the world that he needs to do.

"Do not worry, Isamu," Kairi says softly. "Aruto has done nothing to alter my database. Everything that is in it has been added by group conversations and what is allowed in by Mari's command."

"Good. Keep it that way," Isamu replies. "I don't want him putting something awful in there." A dirty thought is what he worries about? What is his deal?

"Hey, nothing I say or do is dirty!" Aruto exclaims. "You're the one who says dirty things about HumaGears! You want to turn them into scrap metal even though most of them haven't hurt you."

"Shut up! I wouldn't turn her into scrap metal!"

"Kairi wasn't even mentioned!" Aruto shouts. They are odd.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"That is your phone, Mari," Aruto tells me, no longer fighting with Isamu. "Mine didn't go off and Isamu has a terrible alert sound tone." Terrible alert tone? I have never really heard his phone go off, so I don't know what his alert sounds for it are.

"I will go and answer it now. Please wait for me." I turn away, pulling out my cell phone from my pocket. I slide my finger on the screen and hold up the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"The patient you brought in earlier is stable. What exactly happened to them?" A nurse asks me. I nearly forgot that they were going to call me about the patient I brought to them. I need to get my mind into gear. 

"Do not say anything more. I will be there to see them." I pull the phone away from my ear and hang up. I turn and look at Aruto and Isamu. "I will be back. If you see Izu, tell her that I am sorry for leaving so early. However, I have important business to attend to." Very, very important business that cannot wait.

"Oh...okay," Aruto looks away, pouting. Why is he pouting about me leaving? Does it upset him to see me go so soon?

"I will be back at some other time, Aruto. Please take care." I bow my head a bit and turn away from him, facing the exit to the room.

It is time for me to go.

A/n: I am still sick (but it is a lot better now) and I'll be busy tomorrow (maybe). I will possibly be heading out to celebrate my late step dad's birthday with his family members tomorrow. I wasn't going to originally attend, but my twin may be going (I am not that fond of his family due to some personal stuff I don't want to air out here) and I will go if she goes.

I have most of my voice back and I'm not coughing a lot or having a very, very runny nose now. So, typing is possible now without trying to avoid dripping all over the place and coughing on everything. I am lucky it wasn't like the cold I had in high school (coughing up gross stuff and sleeping all night long peacefully). Good times, good times.

I hope that this chapter is enjoyable and once I am able to update Wishful Dreams, I will. I will try for a few hours from now to two days from now. Just know that I am working on it everyone. I am sorry for not updating it ;-; but I have only written most of the first half to this story due to wanting it in two one hundred chapter parts (yes, I'm going to make you all read two hundred chapters worth of story. Okay, I can't make you. You can close out or leave the story whenever). 

Thanks for waiting for me to get better <3 

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