Chapter 43.

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"Another nightmare?" Romy asks me as I wake up drenched in my own sweat, my fingers feel clammy and my throat is constricted, my brain feels fuzzy and my eyes struggle to focus on a specific point. I nod my head in answer to his question. "Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head no, I sense the worry emanating from him but I'm just in no mood to talk.

No one seems to understand my fear and it's frustrating because all they keep saying is 'thank you for your service' blah blah blah. This is the same service that almost got him killed some five months ago and the moment he's cleared he's going back there? It's frustrating. I'll always support my boyfriend because honestly I know how much he loves his career and how wrecked he was when he couldn't operate but I feel like no one is understanding my fear.

"I'll go make us some tea." He stands immediately to go to the kitchen, he deploys tomorrow so I really need to get myself together and keep this paranoia and fear at bay. I stand up to go watch some T.V. since I'm sure there's no sleep for me again. "So I was thinking, maybe you should move into the mansion, since it might get pretty lonely around here."

I stretch out my hands to collect my cup of tea before replying "I'll be fine Roman, Enzo has promised to spend some nights here with me but I'll prefer to be here.... in our home." Don't get me wrong, I love the people who have come to be my family but I do love my alone time too in my sanctuary which is right here, and I'll also need to at least feel closer to my boyfriend and that will only take place in here.

"Come here love." He gestures to me and although the lazy part of me wants to refuse, I can't help but take all I can get now before Romy leaves tomorrow. With my back to his chest I cuddle closer till I smell the 3-in-1 thing he uses and his AXE deodorant a combination which has come to become my favorite on him though I'd never admit it. "You'll be fine, okay? I need you to have fun and live life so we'll have a lot to talk about when I get back, take pictures, and make me proud in school."

All I can do is nod in response even though he just sounded like my boyfriend and parent mixed in one.

"Damn I sounded like your momma." He comments which makes a giggle escape me while he sucks the sweet spot of my neck slowly. "I'm the only one that gets to touch you like this." Romy's voice is raspy and low and a little shiver runs down my spine at his authoritative statement. His gentle assault on my neck continues and soon his hands make their way into my shorts, my body slightly jerks at the coldness of his hands but soon the pleasure overrides the little discomfort.

A small moan escapes my mouth as he tugs my private area while still definitely giving me a hickey. I turn my head to the side to kiss him and he doesn't deny me of that. With the speed and appropriate pressure of Romy's hand on a certain body part of mine, I can't think straight and the next thing I know I'm spilling into his hand.

"You're so perfect Jalil, it feels like I'm dreaming sometimes like I'll wake up and all of this is not real." Romy whispers into my neck and I'm short of words because I feel the same way most of the time, like I'll wake up and we're still with my father being beaten and who knows what else. "You're my safety, don't forget that." I turn so I can straddle him and the tears I've been keeping at bay finally free fall their way to reality. It hits really different when the thought of the next three or more months without Romy is going to be and the caveat is that I'm more worried about him than I am about anything else.

"You're my safety, don't forget that." I whisper back before placing my trembling lips on his. I untie the strings of his knickers and quickly pull down mine and although I know how much it's going to hurt, I guess my need trumps any other thought in my head. Romy flips us over and after prepping me for a few moments he slowly penetrates my walls. I give him the go ahead to move and in no time he's snapping his member into that sweet spot and the stars are swirling in my vision. His hands pump me and with a few strokes my orgasm tears through me for the second time this early morning, he unravels right after me and deeply sated and satisfied we cuddle up and fall right back to sleep, hopefully a dreamless one this time.

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