chapter 42.

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Upon getting to the base today, I'd received a message to report to the commanding officer Brigadier General V. McIntyre. This could only mean one of two things I'm either being reassigned or it's about the commendation medal rumor going about. The other night at dinner I'd confronted my dad about it and he assured me that he didn't interfere in my career and vowed that he never would.

I make my way towards the office and in no time I rap my fist on the door before going in.

"Captain Butler please take a seat." Brigadier McIntyre has always been one of those tough bosses, tough on the job but a totally different person out of the uniform, he's best known for being married to a model and former miss America.

"Thank you sir." I release my salute and move to take a seat directly across him while waiting for him to finish the paper work he's drafting.

"I'll just get straight to the point Captain." I nod because I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, the suspense is killing me. "I called you in here for three things Roman, first I know you've heard the rumor for a commendation medal floating around here but I want to be the one to make it official. Congratulations Captain on that, the ceremony is next week.

Secondly, I don't know if you looked at the list but you've been promoted so congratulations Cap.... well Major Butler.

Lastly, congratulations on getting cleared for combat now, that being said you're being reassigned to your previous assignment. Keep up the good work Major and once again congratulations." I stand up and we give each other a salute before I make my way out.

There's already a small reception around my work area, I tend to distance myself from people but they always tend to gravitate towards me it's so weird. Shouts of congratulations go around and everyone is clapping as I walk into the room, 'speech, speech, speech' I'm definitely not giving a speech. "Thanks guys uhm lets get back to work, drinks on me later tonight." Cheers go on around me  as we all get back to work.

I'm pretty much going back to take Major Feldman's place since she was sentenced to 20 years in a Federal prison but at least it feels nice to go back to a familiar territory and familiar faces. I contemplate texting Jalil or calling but this is one of those things that's better to do in person. There's so much to do in so short time, I will be missing Christmas, his college resumption, and birthday. I understand now if he wants to end it with me because this is what he'd have to put up with for years to come and I know it's tough to deal with.

I know aunt Terry will be pretty open to Jalil moving in when I'm away so they can make sure he's okay, and I know my boyfriend is tougher than he gives himself credit for so he'll be okay I'm confident in him.

The day crawls by with more congratulations coming from colleagues and friends including Callum who has told me that he's not re-enlisting, opting to further his education and make a living in the civilian world. Anything he decides to do however, I'll support him because between myself, Jalil, and Callum, we share an experience that's terrible in itself and we bonded over it.

I probably should have thought about it when I offered drinks because after about an hour and a half at the bar, my tab has risen to about three thousand dollars, it's like everyone even the people I don't know are drinking on my tab but it's always like that during promotions so I guess I can handle it for today. We drink and merry but just half a bottle of Smirnoff for me since I have to drive home.


"Baby I'm home!" I yell all the way into the bedroom where he's currently on the phone with his mom. "Tell her I said hi."

"She says hi." He says while throwing my favorite basketball shorts at me which I catch with ease. "How was work today?"

I contemplate the order in which I should break the news before opting to wing it. "I got promoted to Major and I'm getting the commendation medal too." The joy radiating from him as he literally jumps on me and I steady myself to catch him is one of the numerous reasons why I love him.

"O my gosh I'm so proud of you Major Roman Butler" kiss "you deserve it babe" kiss "You're the most hardworking man I've ever met." kiss "Congratulations daddy" kiss. His unparalleled happiness continues as he jumps back down suddenly "I'll make something special for dinner while you call the family and inform them." another kiss.

It's easy to get carried away but I can't forget the most important news of all which is the fact that I ship off next week, a day after the ceremony for nothing less than three months. "That's not all Princess." I pull him to me so I can have his undivided attention. "I deploy after the medal ceremony back to my former assignment."

The quickness at which the happiness morphs into sadness is constricting to watch, it feels like when you've been gifted something you've wanted for a long time then it gets stolen the next day, that feeling of indescribable pain is what I feel when my baby's eyes tear up.

"How long?" He manages to let out.

"I'm not sure yet but it won't be less than three months." I see the way his eyes widen at that before he whisper yells.

"Three months?" He goes quiet before his eyes widen again "That's Christmas, New Years', first day of School, and my birthday. I don't like that Romy." He pouts into my neck, the efforts he's taking not to cry is quite admirable.

"I know baby I do, I've gotten used to waking up beside you every morning and kissing you last thing at night, sharing with you how my day was, your adorable snores, your heavenly dishes, your cuddles, you've made me a better person in all aspects and I know it's too much to ask for but will you do this with me, wait for me to come back home?"

My nerves are getting the best of me as my palms literally get sweaty while I ask and practically plead with my eyes for him not to leave me alone.

"I'll always be here Romy I'm not going anywhere so go and please be safe so you can come back home to me, okay?" The joy coursing through my veins can't be equated to anything because it's indescribable. "And for the last time I don't snore at least I'm nice enough to not tell you that you sleep talk." He kisses my cheek before walking away.

What? I'm pretty sure I don't sleep talk. So why is it getting on my nerves?

"I'll make your favorite while you tell the family." I pull Jalil back to paste a chaste kiss on his luscious lips before grabbing my phone to call everyone. Of course my dad would already know about it but him pretending to be surprised is one of the highlights of my day, sticking to politics will do him good as he won't be breaking box office anytime soon with those acting skills.

The rest of the night is spent eating, drinking, talking, and celebrating with underlying thoughts of the new journey we're about to embark upon as a couple.

Well there had to be some drama and Brigadier McIntyre just served us some. My babies just had to be separated smh.

Anyways show me some love, let me know how much you hate me for the impending separation.

Shoutouts to military spouses out there, y'all are the real OG's for your underestimated and overlooked sacrifice.

Anyways Adios E.A.

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