Chapter 32.

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I pull into one of the numerous parking spaces of the apartment complex, knowing full well that I'd be carrying Jalil inside since he has fallen asleep, I pick a space closer to my entrance. I unbuckle his seatbelt and just stare at his beautiful face for a second, the exhaustion was clearly written over his face and all I wanted to do is to make sure he's fed then undress him to something more comfortable, then lay him down to sleep as much as his heart wants.

"I'll take care of you Princess, I promise." I whisper before giving him a kiss on his forehead. As if sensing me, he immediately cuddles into my body and with a chuckle I lift him easily and make my way to the house. He really needs to eat more to put on some weight, it's like he hasn't been eating well at all.

Upon getting in, I go straight to the bedroom and lay Jalil down on the bed. I take off his shoes and socks first, then his sweater, and lastly his pants. I suck in a breath when I see his panties for the first time, his big ass were nicely rounded in the burgundy panties he was wearing right now. Thoughts of how much fun teasing him would be starts going through my mind, but I quickly bury those thoughts and turn away from my sleeping boyfriend.

I rush to the living room to calm down the thoughts in my head, both heads. Picking up my phone, I order groceries from Whole Foods, bless the heart of the nice person who has to do my shopping for me and come to deliver them. Aunt Terry had introduced it to me and Whole Foods is where it's at, I smile at my phone in utmost ecstasy as I order pretty much the foods I know Jalil likes including his weird ice cream preference, lime.

I get a little workout in, receive the groceries, take a quick shower, made some chicken wraps to be eaten with some chilled lemonade before deciding to wake Jalil from his deep slumber that was going on six hours now. I wouldn't want him to keep me up when he can't sleep later in the night and he must be hungry now so might as well wake him up.

"Jalil, wake up baby." I coo in his ears and he swats me off like a goddamn mosquito. "Keep your hands to yourself if you don't want to get spanked." I admonish him before continuing "dinner is ready baby, come on."

"I'm still sleepy Romy." He whines out.

"I know Jalil but you need to eat too, it's not healthy to skip meals." I state as he opens those beautiful sleepy eyes to stare at me confusedly. I know he's trying to process what I'm saying so it's okay. "Come on I'll carry you." He stretches out his arms and I grab him by his underarms and waist, with his legs wrapped around my waist I make my way to the living room where I've set up dinner for tonight.

Refusing to leave my lap, for which I have no issues at all although the panties make it extremely hard to focus on anything else. He's going to be the death of me. I hand him his cup of lemonade to drink first before handing him his first wrap.

"Thank you babe." He mumbles before giving me a kiss on the cheek and I give him a smile in return. He lets out a low involuntary moan "Dio Santo, this is good Romy." I unconsciously stare as his lips close on the wrap and he takes a bite, eyes closed with low food moans. My brain is just deciding to sum it all up as something else.

Jalil is a virgin therefore when he does decide to give himself to me, it has to be special not like any other I've had because frankly there's no other like him. However, the moans have to stop, something is getting excited and he'll feel it pretty soon.

I clear my suddenly parched throat and he opens his eyes to look at me, a blush spread through his cheeks upon realization of his actions. I can't even talk him out of not feeling embarrassed about anything around me. "What do you want to watch?" I ask in a strained voice.

"Blue bloods." I look at him in confusion, isn't blood red? Weird movie name but okay. "I just started watching it the other day and it's really good." I hand him another wrap which he takes gratefully, I guess he really likes it. Turns out the 'Blue Bloods' is a show about the NYPD. I play the pilot and adjust Jalil on my lap while we still eat dinner.


"His temper is kind of scary." Jalil states after a while and about five episodes in. Dinner had long finished but we kept sipping our lemonades. He refers to the detective, Danny Reagan whose temper could be quite a bit.

"But it gets things done, which is what matters." I reply with a shrug.

"There are other ways to go about things without getting physical Romy." He turns to me now, uh oh curious eyes search mine like he'd find some magical answer there.

"Of course there are other ways but physicality gets it done faster, and they're lowlife criminals anyway so they deserve everything coming to them." I reply to him, I've seen too much to actually believe talking to criminals would actually get shit done.

"Is this you talking or the military talking?" He asks warily and my mood drops instantly. The military is all I've known since I turned legal, never even held a civilian job in my entire life, well as long as the chores-for-money ones didn't count. Events I've experienced from the academy all the way to my tours and assignments, to being betrayed by my own deputy C.O. and watching the person I care about get manhandled by fucking terrorists. Yes it makes me think that talking things out is not what you do with criminals, they don't fucking deserve it. Sometimes, I can't even tell if my reasoning would have been different if I was a civilian. But, if I was a civilian I would never have met this beautiful man in my arms.

"I don't know Princess." I answer his question but before he can comment again I set him on his feet as I get up too. "Let's clear up and go to bed." I get the plates, he gets the cups and I feel his eyes on me all the way to the kitchen.

"You're really handsome, you know that?" I feel the heat creep up my cheeks. Ah damn it I don't blush.

"Well thank you, you deserve the best." I reply with a wink and it's his turn to squirm.

Dishes done, we make our way back to the bedroom with my eyes trailing my boyfriend's ass in those damn panties.

"You can shower first baby, I already arranged your clothes in the closet and your toothbrush is in the cupholder, you can't miss it." I explain before slumping on the bed, ready to shower and sleep after the long day. I don't miss the look of surprise on Jalil's face. "What?"

"Nothing y-you're just t-the best and you've done s-so much for me and I love you so much and I can't t-thank you..." he's a stuttering quivering mess right now and I just motion him over to me.

"shh" I coo gently to calm him down, "I love you too my cry baby." I whisper in his ear which earns me a smack to my shoulders. I grab both his hands swiftly "I thought I told you to keep those hands to yourself or you get spanked?" I ask and not without noticing the shiver that runs through his body. I whisper in his ear gruffly. I smack his big ass before continuing "Go shower baby."

It takes him a few long seconds to get himself together before squirming out of the room towards the bathroom. So adorable I honestly don't deserve him, not with everything I've done.

A soft voice jolts me awake from the light sleep I'd fallen into on the bed. "Romy go take a shower and come to bed." he says softly and I just nod in agreement before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I come out to see Jalil already on the left side of the bed, thank god for that because I prefer the right side and I can't even explain why. His eyes trail down my body which has started to get it's definition and mass back to normal, a smirk comes on my face as he takes me in shamelessly, at least I affect him as much as he does to me. "Ugh" he groans upon seeing the smirk on my lips.

"It's all yours baby, enjoy the show." I make a motion of dropping the towel and the rate at which he buries his face into the pillow makes me double over in laughter, I never want to strip that innocence away from him. It's endearing. "Okay I'm kidding... or am I?" and I get another groan in reply which increases my laughter again, classic.

I get dressed in a wife beater and a basketball short commando style, have to free the goods sometimes. I climb on the bed and pull Jalil into my arms and he happily snuggles into me.

"Good night baby."

"Good night Romy."

Just a little fluffy chapter for y'all to enjoy, it's great to see them back together.

I know y'all peep the little dismissal from Romy over there but you know in due time we might get an answer and we might not. Depends.

Anyways thanks for the support guys and see you in the next chapter.

Adios E.A.

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