Chapter 1.

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^^^^^^^^^^^ Picture above is like the basic combat gear.

Enjoy reading.


"I request immediate exfil we've been ambushed and I'm losing one too many men!" I yelled into earpiece as I shot mercilessly at the group of terrorists approaching our hiding spot."

The only logical explanation for this mess that we've found ourselves in is that there's a mole amongst us, because this mission was planned and finalized to a T in a closed room meeting which consisted of the operators, myself and the commanding officer. This was supposed to be a daytime attack which would be least expected, catch the bastards unawares, rescue the hostages, be in and out before they realized what had hit them. However, jokes on us now as the supposed predators have become the prey, running and hiding trying to maximize the resources we have till the Calvary arrives.

"Hawk 1 QRF has been deployed and will arrive in approximately 8 mikes however imaging shows about 200 armed enemy combatants approaching your position from the South East to engage in about three mikes." Lt Colonel Elijah Johnson my commanding officer replied through the earpiece.

Five minutes of gunfire in this kind of situation sounded like a suicide mission to me right now, firstly we are outnumbered greatly, secondly this was a hilly terrain therefore too many hiding spaces which could be both a blessing and a curse. Thirdly the hostages are in greater danger now than before because if these people are as smart as they engage then the hostages are being moved as we speak.

"Okay guys QRF is Oscar Mike however a little gunfire is inevitable, attack from the South East so Willies, Bader, Flores, Blake, Richards, and Miller set up watch on that hill right there to have a front row seat to protect our asses." I instructed the best marksmen and trained snipers and watched them make their way up the hill before turning to the rest. "Make every shot count and remember we go down fighting." I said this while looking at my men one after the other as though it would be the last time. Stocking up on the remainder of our ammo we got into position and the countdown to the attack began.

"As soon as there's approximately 100 meters between us, Mitchell, Jackson I need you guys to throw a grenade each to put a large decrease to their numbers. When the grenades go off Bader, Flores, Miller you engage, when you run out of ammo Richards, Willies, and Blake take over. Over here we make our presence known when they're about 75 meters out. Everyone clear?" I asked as the sounds of footsteps got louder and I knew it was almost showtime.

"Make it rain on my go, 1, 2, 3, go." I watched as the thrown grenades made an arc and landed perfectly taking about 70 of the bastards. And then the firing rounds started, eventually they figured out where the threats was coming from but not before another 20 or so of them had fallen too.

We watched in silence as they started engaging too but what caught my eyes was the one setting up the weapon. I knew immediately that I had to make a quick decision before the RPG was fired and turned my boys to mists. Where in the world was this QRF?

"QRF is 2 mikes out, Butler try to take cover away from the blast zone. Be safe." Johnson announced in my ear and I couldn't help but think how glorious his announcement sounded right now. Even better than when I was pounding his ass some months ago.

He was about to fire the RPG. "I fire the guy with the RPG, they know we're here, permission to engage while running towards that hill, the Calvary is inbound."

I could hear the sigh of relief of my men as I took aim to take out missile man before he turned my men to dust.

Boom!! I watched his body rattle off the stand he was on as he fell and the waves washed through my body as the tally of lives I've taken increased.

Eyes turned towards my angle and with that 1 second element of surprise we took about another 10 men which also gave the six marksmen the head start to approach us towards the exfil point.

"Man down I repeat Hawk 3 is fallen." Blake, Tyler Blake is fallen to the land of heroes.

"Mitchell throw another Grenade" I ordered as the sound of the Quick Response Force Helicopter ricocheted in my ear and I knew the Calvary had arrived, finally.

"Incoming!" Boom!

My ears were ringing, eyes watery, tiredness, and is that blood coming from my nose, they'd thrown an explosive at us too.

Rapid gunfire echoed around me as I struggled to get a bearing of myself but I just seemed to not be in tune with my body. I felt unattached to my body, like I wasn't in it anymore.

Silence everything was silent right now or was I imagining it, I wouldn't know. My body feels too heavy yet so light.

"I've got you Captain." A field medic kneeled by my side as he focused a small pen light to my eyes. "Can you follow my fingers sir?" He asked and I think I tried or maybe I just closed my eyes out of exhaustion.


I woke up few hours later to an IV in hand and Johnson on a chair next to me.

"It's about time sleeping beauty woke up." Elijah said with a chuckle as he handed me two pills and a cup of water. "Do you love me?"

"Hell no, what sort of question is that?" I looked at him to find him smiling like he just conquered the world or something.

"Doc said you might have some amnesia when you woke up so I was testing to see if you did. Clearly you don't since you still look and act like a Buffalo."

"Oh Lord get out Johnson." he knew how to press my buttons so easily stupid son of a gun.

"I'm still your commanding officer douche, show some respect Buffalo." he said again pulling rank on me and having way too much fun while doing it.

I sighed deeply before answering him so he could leave me alone. " I apologize, now can you get out... sir?"

"Of course I can, briefing at 19:00hrs don't be late Captain Butler. For what it's worth, good work today." Moments like this make me remember why I'm friends with Elijah, in a split second he could go from friend, to leader.

The pain subsided now thanks to the pain relief medication and no other apparent damage, I just rested in the infirmary till 18:50 hrs before making my way to the briefing room. The loss of a team member weighing deeply in my heart as I remembered Tyler Blake, Kelvin Jenkinson, and Paul Ramsey who were fallen but would forever be in our hearts.

This brought us to the important question, 'Who is the Mole? That gave up the otherwise secret mission and informed the enemy of our position.

End of Chapter 1 y'all, hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Anyways.... Adios E.A.

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