Chapter 19.

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"Roman Butler turn that frown upside down and eat your meal." Jalil raised his voice at me exasperatedly. We've been doing this for about five minutes now, him trying to feed me the oatmeal and me refusing it. Doctor Ross had said that due to the bullet going through my small intestine, I had to eat minimally for a while and more soluble fibers and proteins in limited quantities at once. Hence the oat meal force feeding, but not to say I'm not turned on when Jalil is angry, he's super hot.

"But I don't like oatmeal." Especially when he has pasta next to him that smells tantalizing and looks delicious I might add.

I watch him huff dramatically before picking up the plate of pasta and settling down on the bed. Twirling the pasta on the fork, he brings it closer to my mouth and I yell in victory in my mind of course. He twirls another forkful of the delicious pasta for himself and so we eat in silence with Jalil feeding us both in turns.

"Thank you baby." I say after the food is finished and I feel filled up.

"You're lucky I'm in a giving mood Romy." He replies while clearing up the plates and the forgotten oatmeal. I scowl at the bowl of human cruelty as he carries it past me back to the kitchen.

"I must say you're whipped my friend." Elijah walks into my room with a knowing smirk on his face which I can't contend with. Although I feel like I'm more blessed than lucky to have met Jalil thought he circumstances could have been different. Which leads to my next question.

"Has Benzema talked yet?"

"Nope, s.o.b won't even tell us the first name of his boss. After giving up Feldman, he suddenly went mute." Elijah replies before taking a seat on the chair to my right. "How are you feeling Rome?"

"Very good actually, I'm happy to be alive." However, Elijah gave me a look which after years of being friends I've understood to be his 'I have news for you look.' "Spit it Elijah."

"How do you want it?" He asked referring to if I want the good news or bad news first.

"You know I eat my veggies before dessert."

"Dr Ross says you're stable enough for transport to the U.S. so I've signed off on it. You'll be transported day after tomorrow." That didn't sound too bad until he continued. "Due to immigration issues Jalil can't go with you.... he stays here."

Usually there are some moments where you heard the information quite alright but your brain just refuses to process it well. Yep that's me right now. So a flimsy piece of paper and policy is what will keep us separated when even death tried and couldn't succeed.

"Respectfully Colonel, I don't want to be transferred then." At the same time I said that, Jalil walks back into the room with a fresh glass of water and my favorite vanilla pudding.

He must have heard the news because he's snapping the bracelet the base issues to visitors on his wrist, painfully. It's an habit I've noticed he does when he's nervous, frustrated, or unhappy, he needs to have a sort of pain going through his body to keep him physically grounded.

"That's the thing Rome, you can't refuse because there's only so much a field Trauma Surgeon can do on base. You need follow up tests, and check ups over a period of time before you can even come back to Active duty."

I look at Jalil and he's totally avoiding my eyes, recoiled back into the shell he was in the first night I saw him. Avoiding to speak and silently finding a way to blame himself for it. I love him too much to leave him that'll hurt more than this stupid gunshot wound.

"Takeoff will be by 15:00hrs day after tomorrow and beware Benzema will be on the same flight too." Right now Elijah was being the bearer of bad news. As if shipping without Jalil isn't an issue enough which I'm still considering disobeying a direct order, I have to travel with the person that made my baby suffer?

The atmosphere is tense for a while as I try to decipher what is running through his mind and he's trying to avoid me like the bubonic plague. Elijah's face is also stoic which is what he does when he has made a decision as a leader but it might affect personal relationships.

"What's the good news?" Jalil asks softly which makes me remember I was promised a surprise anyway.

"D.C. sent out the list for officers shortlisted to make Major and your name is on it and with you meeting the requirement I have no doubt that you'll make it, so congratulations in advance." You'll think an increase in pay and many other perks will make me happy but it doesn't. Not when the one person I'd love to celebrate with is not going to be there with me. "I'll leave now to give you guys some privacy."

Things have never been awkward between us maybe except from the first night we met. Neither of us being one for small talk but still it's always been comfortable silence between us with at least a body part in contact. But right now we're far apart, the silence is deafening and I can't even tell what I'm thinking because my mind is too numb and my brain is on vacation.

"Major Roman James Butler, it sounds nice and sexy." He replied after a long time with a smile I can tell is forced.

"Don't change the topic, tell me what you think, please."

The room is silent again for a long period as he mulls over what I said.

"Your health is more important Romy and it's a digital world now so you call and text me everyday, and make sure to heal nicely. If it's meant to be then we'll find out way back to each other."

Usually I'm the awkward one when people cry around me well except Jalil, but I can't help it when I feel my eyes burning with unshed tears threatening to spill.

I open up my arms and he comes crashing in them carefully to avoid the wound, I place my lips tenderly on his and milk his mouth for everything and more that it's worth.

"Ti amo."

"I love you more." I reply before placing my lips back on Jalil's to resume the kiss.

This chapter is dedicated to @ssphitides thanks for the love xoxo.

I don't know if you guys noticed (my few readers lol) but I update this book every 3-4 days. So the next update should be between Sunday and Monday.

I would love if this chapter could get some love from you guys maybe four votes and a comment lol.

Anyways Adios E.A.

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