Chapter 4

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I really wish I saw it earlier, if there's one time I could change the hands of time, now would be the time.

"DShK incoming!" it happened so fast and in two seconds, the whole Alpha team were dead. How in the world did they have a DShK.

"Johnson they have a fucking DShK with no civilians in sight I'm granting permission to engage." This was my call and I couldn't care about any formalities right now. If it was the last thing I did, Alpha teams' death wouldn't go in vain. Eight brave souls just gone too soon.

"Engage on my go, Willies, Richards go for DShK man, Smoke them out and shoot every last one of them." I instructed before counting "1, 2, 3, go."

How in the world did they know to wear gas masks and they are wearing bullet proof vests under so the only good shot was to the head. This mission just got a whole lot harder.

"Base this is Hawk 1 requesting immediate backup, preferably special operators." Situations that involved shootouts were areas where DEVGRU thrived.

"Request granted earliest time will be 15 mikes." Better than nothing I thought.

Another group of them came out of the second van with suicide belts on. What the actual hell is this kill people day?

"Throw the grenade." I watched the perfect arc of the grenade however it only killed the ones standing outside. The vans were bullet proof and bomb proof. They'd countered everyway we could come for them. This officially was a suicide mission, I wasn't even scared for myself no one cared for me but my men had families and our chances weren't looking good right now.



I opened my heavy lidded eyes maybe minutes later or hours later or even days later I'm not exactly sure. I can't move my legs or hands, my throat feels parched, and I have a splitting headache. Why am I in a dark room and why is someone crying next to me?

Sitting up quickly which was a very bad idea but I did it anyway, I realized that I couldn't move my hands or legs because they were bounded by heavy chains, definitely not the type I liked. I looked myself all over and my weapons had been removed so I was bare in just my uniform.

I tried to remember what had happened and how I ended up here but all I could come up with was someone shouting 'incoming and I was flew from the detonation of the explosive.

Taking my time to look round the dark room to find the source of the hiccups, there was a silhouette in the corner to my right where the tears were coming from. Across from me was another figure stretched out on the floor probably taking a nap.

"Hey where are we?" I asked the crying man and I cringed at the sound of my own voice. A cup of water right now sounded like silver and gold.

Instead of an answer to my question his cries increased like a faucet was left open or something. Great just great I'm stuck with crying princess and sleeping beauty. This is pathetic really.

"Can you stop crying for a second so I can think of a way out of here, thank you." Did my plea make his cries stop? Nope they turned up a notch again. Fuck my life. Wait maybe he didn't speak English that is a plausible explanation for why he's ignoring me. Well that'll suck because the only languages I could speak fluently were English and German.

"Do you speak English?" I asked towards his direction again. The room was so dark that I couldn't even see his face or that of sleeping beauty. No answer again, maybe he's a mute that doesn't understand English.

I looked back towards sleeping beauty and from the compact posture of the Silhouette and defense stance he was exhibiting he looked to be a military man too. An ally would be really nice right now but I don't know whose side he's on however judging by the state and smell of this place I'll say our side.

Bracing myself for the pain ahead I scooted towards the silhouette amidst grunts and groans of pain shooting through my body. I lightly kicked the person's leg and they jumped up immediately.

"Woah okay sleeping beauty, calm your tits."

"Captain Butler?" He knows me I guess that should be a good thing.

"Yeah, who are you?"

"I'm Sergeant Callum Feldman, younger brother of Major Suzanne Feldman." Finally I could do with a little bit of good news today.  

"Is he always crying like this?" I asked Callum because one thing is crying princess had a pair of lungs that opera singers would wish for.

"Yeah every night sir, you get used to it after a while."

I don't think that was ever going to happen I've always hated tears and crying and all that, this was no exception.

I snorted before mumbling 'doubt it'

"Is there a schedule of some sort that's being followed here?" I asked because at the slightest chance I was going to get us out of here.

"Well in the morning they come to open this window, the only source of light, they feed us remnants at noonday, and come back to close the window at night. I do hear sounds of people being tortured but it hasn't happened to both of us yet. We get a partial bath twice a week and brush our teeth once in two days which should be tomorrow. Toilet is to your right in the corner"

I listened with rapt attention to his explanation, but why was I the only one bounded with chains both hands and legs still baffled me. I can't even see the type of chain used to bound me till tomorrow morning when light came up.

"Has he ever spoken to you?" I asked Callum about our crying princess who had finally cried himself to sleep.

"No sir."

We stayed in silence like that till I heard the soft breathing of both men and with a new found determination I promised to get us out of here.

Unknown Pov

"I told you where they were and you got what you wanted so can you release him now?" I asked Sultan or whatever his title was. Did I regret what I did to prevent him from being executed? Maybe a little but the end justify the means, getting him back was the end.

All they wanted was Captain Butler the other operators were just collateral damage. I never liked Butler anyway he was always so privileged, with his Secretary of State father and only a fool wouldn't see that he and the Lt Colonel were sleeping together.

I don't care what they want with him as long as I get him back all is well in this world.

"Don't tell me what to do woman, capturing him was the first step until we get what we want for our cause neither one of them would be released."

"That was not the deal Sultan. We were supposed to trade them for each other and make it seem like he managed to 'escape'.

"Well I changed my mind, run along now traitor."

This is so frustrating but at least I know he won't be executed so I hurried back to base for the briefing on the greatest mission failure this unit has registered. And to watch the Lt Colonel receive all the blame for the loss of 21 servicemen and the kidnapped son of the Secretary of State, what more could I ask for in life?

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Anyways Adios E.A.

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