Chapter 27.

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So...... we hit 500 reads and to celebrate it an extra update for my lovelies..... cause why not?



I groan lowly at my ringing phone contemplating just ignoring and going back to sleep. Would a good night's sleep be a crime around here? Thank god the ringing stopped and oops might have spoken too soon because it started right after. Well might as well pick up the call.

"Butler." I basically grunt into the phone.

"Dude it's Scofield." shoot I hadn't even bothered to check the number of course the time difference. My friend from the Academy that was based in New Zealand and I told him to basically help me protect Jalil. Uh oh I hope everything's okay with my baby.

"My bad man, is everything okay?" Please be calling me for Christmas cookies I pray silently.

"I just got news that your boy's father is in town, infact it's no coincidence that he's lodged in a hotel less than 5 miles from your boy's apartment." My heart drops knowing the danger Jalil is in, all that registers in my mind is the fact that I can't lose him. "With how dangerous you said homeboy is, I think you should tell your boyfriend to evacuate with immediate effect."

I just nod my head before realizing he can't see me, "Can I ask another favor Mike?" I know I'm bothering him but my boyfriend's life is at stake here, I don't know what that sadistic bastard wants from him but I know it's nothing good.

"You saved my life man, as long as it's not a crime I got you," I guess it pays to be good, I'd saved him from a snipers bullet back in Fallujah.

"Can you provide asylum for him at the base, I'll tell him to come there for the time being." It's a long shot as we usually don't do that on the foreign bases but I don't see an option or a safer place here. No one is crazy enough to attack an Army base. All the weapons, ammunitions and soldiers are there, how stupid are you?

"I'll talk to the Colonel but it should be no problem, just let me know alright?" A little feeling of relief washes through me at that.

"Of course brother, thanks a bunch." the line goes dead and I immediately dial Jalil.

Three times now I've called and he's not picking up, what the actual fuck, what is the use of having a phone and not using it to answer your fucking calls. If he forgot his phone at his apartment again, I'll be super pissed off at him, and that puppy dog adorable face won't work on me, again. The little vixen has figured out how to get his way every time now, anyway that's why I love him.

I send him a text since he's not picking up 'hey baby, your dad is in town so when u see this pack your things and books and take a cab to the U.S. Army Base in Auckland. Captain Scofield will be waiting for u. Let me know when you get this so I know you're safe. I love you Jalil. P.S. It's called a mobile phone for a reason." I hit send before realizing my hands are shaking and the sleep has cleared from my eyes since I got the news. Thank God I picked the call.

An idea has been playing in my mind for a while now but I just didn't know how to approach it. You can't know until you try amiright?

Summoning a little courage I text my dad "Hey dad can we pls meet for breakfast at the dfd diner near the park. 7am." I hit send and almost immediately he replies "Love to, son." Well I can guess someone else that wasn't asleep at this time of the night.

I hold onto the rosary on my neck and send a quick prayer to god to please keep Jalil safe from the claws of the evil ones. For once in my life I've found love, I'm happy, it'll be devastating if everything is taken from me.

Lorenzo (hehe)

I lay my head on Jalil's shoulder as he takes notes in our Adolescent Psychology class. A week ago at his apartment he'd asked me about the scars on my back and I'd changed the topic. Telling him would mean him finding out about our relationship, that I'm the product of dear old dad's affair while he was still married to Jalil's mother. Not exactly the most welcoming anymore huh?

For years I'd gone around thinking I deserved the beatings for after all being a bastard, the beatings had started when I was 12 and Jalil's mother had run away with my half brothers, I became the victim of the abuse. I became the physical manifestation of his punching bag when he moved in with me and my mother a week after his wife ran away from his abuse. Not until weeks ago when I saw the Livestream videos and the connection to my father, did I piece Jalil together as my half brother. I immediately asked a dear friend to find out everything about him and in no time I transferred here and the rest is history.

At first I didn't know why I did it after I landed here but it felt right especially after I met him and we talked. We're so much alike in almost everything even to the fact that we both opted to use our mother's maiden names to avoid associating with that man. He uses Khalifa and I use Russo as opposed to our father's last name. Even that day last week I saw the same belt marks on his back and thighs which I guess made me hate my self a little less and hate my father a lot more.

"I think you should go home Enzo, you have a high temperature." Jalil whispers in my ear and I just shake my head that's laying on his shoulders. I can manage till the end of the lecture.

I know he's going to hate me when he finds out the truth but for now I'll bask in the idea of having a slightly older brother.

About ten minutes into my sleep my phone dings in my pocket indicating a text message. I unlock the phone and the bile rises to my throat as I see the sender.

"Hello son, I'm here."

I try to hold the bile that's rising in my stomach up my throat but I can't so I speed walk from class to the toilet.

"Enzo, I'm calling a cab for you right now to go home or would you rather we go to mine?" Jalil asks me as he hold back my hair and I vomit my entire breakfast. No what we need to do right now is to leave here and go far away where he can't get us.

"We need to leave Jalil." I state after rinsing my mouth with some tap water and spritzing some on my face.

"That's exactly what I'm saying Enzo, I'll get our books and we'll leave so I'll make some soup for you and..." He rambles on and I shake my head in disagreement.

"No I mean we need to leave this vicinity for a while." He looks at me dumfounded before bursting into laughter, I swear he laughs at the oddest moments.

"See, it's definitely a fever Enzo, come on lets go." he drags me out of the bathroom and in a few minutes he's packed our books and we're making our way towards the exit.

"Jalil I'm serious, dad's here." he stops suddenly and turns to look at me.

"Excuse me?" Yep he's definitely going to hate me now.

"I'm your half brother Jalil, I'm Lorenzo Asad Da Silva" Da Silva being our father's last name. "I'll explain everything to you later but he just texted me." I open up my phone to show him the text and I see him pale too as he reads it. "I don't know what he wants but you know it's never good." I can't even tell if he's angry at me or not but at this point we have a mutual enemy that we're running from.

"Lets go." He simply says and continues walking towards his apartment and I follow in tow.

Thoughts, Comments, Feedbacks, Votes.

How many people were surprised on finding out Lorenzo's relationship with Jalil?

Anyways Adios E.A.

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