Chapter 17.

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It's been a rough 24 hours from the previous day of the mission till now. As a field officer both missions were a win, two big operations and no casualties is a big win to at least redeem myself back at D.C. However as a best friend it made my day a whole lot shittier as all my mind can replay is that moment when the red started pooling around his abdomen and he fell to the ground.

As the missions went on yesterday, we provided updates to D.C. and Pentagon every hour so they were well aware of the situation, including the Secretary of State- Roman's father.

He almost got on his private jet to travel to this base to see his son, he had to be pacified by his friend the poor man couldn't catch a break.

Roman is in a critical condition as he was in surgery for 11 hours and they almost lost him twice from bleeding out on the surgical table. Right now he hadn't woken up so we're waiting till he's stable enough for transport back home.

When I thought my day couldn't get anymore shitty it surprised me or maybe it didn't I don't even know. The CIA liaison with the unit had interrogated Adrian Benzema on who supplied him information on the takedown, where his boss is and numerous other questions I didn't bother to know. He didn't even waste anytime in informing us that Major Suzanne Feldman was the mole and she approached his men when her brother was captured among the first hostages.

The reason she did it maybe I could try to understand but it didn't justify the end especially one where Roman's life hung in the balance.

She'd been cuffed immediately and put in the guard room pending transport back to the U.S for trial. Sergeant Callum Feldman had broken down once he was informed of his sisters decision to save his life. She's getting nothing less than 20 years in jail, court martial, dishonorable discharge with no pension. I honestly have no idea where she'll start from after her sentence.

However I got to meet someone interesting in Roman's room this morning when I went to check on him. A boy named Jalil the son of this country's foreign ambassador to Italy and apparently he's Rome's boyfriend is the news circulating around base. We had a long conversation well more like me talking and him crying/trying to listen but failing miserably at it and the occasional answers I got too.

I think he's good for Roman, my friend truly needs a little bit of innocence and true love to reel in his very explosive sex life and non existent relationship life. Jalil seemed to be madly in love with that Buffalo and I'm all for it, better start making my best man toast.

I walk back to my shack to get some well needed rest as I haven't slept in 72 hours and there's only so much caffeine can do.


I clutch Romy's hand in mine so it doesn't get cold. After Dr Ross' announcement yesterday I'd sat there for three hours just confused about everything. How a person I saw an hour ago could be struggling between life and death is truly unbelievable. My mind also wouldn't stop conjuring various scenarios that kept the tears coming.

I place my hand tentatively on his face and caress it softly, even all bounded to machines and wires he still managed to look hot. I could imagine the arrogant smirk he'd sport if I told him he looked sexy and I smile softly at that. My knight in shining armor, pretty cheesy but he is and I didn't get to say thank you.

After my crying fit Callum had made sure he dragged me to a doctor to check out my bruises from that horrible place that no one deserved to be in. I've never been particularly built or the most muscular person, mostly taking my stature from my momma but after this ordeal I've become skin and bones.  Due to our being fed only once a day, remnants I might add, the doctor had suggested we start with little food at scheduled intervals so as not to overwhelm or upset our stomach.

After that he also made sure I called my momma and brother who were relieved to know I was okay, after watching the livestream too and hearing the rubbish demands. My brother said it was a grueling two days for my momma after she'd managed to escape the brutality that man had meted out to her for no reason, and managed to stay under the radar ever since. Let's just say my plan to travel from school to come surprise them truly surprised them in a different way from what I expected, in fact it surprised me too.

Even with all that I'd come back to the infirmary and Romy was still in surgery, I almost died of frustration at not knowing anything but his fellow officers tried to make it bearable, as they sat here all night trying to make me laugh. They also made sure I took a good shower after all this time, brush my teeth and change clothes as I 'looked like shit.' Military men are brutally honest I tell you brutal.

They're nice people though even after I tried explaining to them that I didn't have a British accent, part of my childhood and the past three years have been spent in New Zealand so it's more like an Australian accent kind of than British accent, if we were to compare. The only perks of being the son of that man is that I got to live and experience the cultures and traditions of various countries early on in life to know people were incredibly diverse, and I respect that.

Earlier this morning I'd met Romy's best friend who he actually mentioned to me was his C.O. His friend is also huge and tall and pretty scary but he turned out to be a big teddy bear. He told me some pretty funny stories of their time at the academy although he was Romy's senior so their interaction was minimal to the couple of classes they had together. However, the way he knew so much about Romy made me a little.... jealous, Did they sleep together? Anyway his life before me doesn't matter.

My hand had found there way into his soft hair by now, he looked so vulnerable right now a look that didn't befit him, and I never want to see him like this again.

"Sei Bellissimo." I whispered as I take in his handsome face before intertwining our fingers and resting my head by his side to get some sleep. He's going to come back to me, I know it.

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Adios E.A.

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