Chapter 30.

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"I appreciate everything you've done sir, thank you." I thank Secretary Hudson for the umpteenth time in the past three days. He hands me the documentation for everyone and I gladly accept it.

"I forgot to mention, I spoke with the Italian ambassador to America and he told me that an investigation had actually been set up for Jalil's father on the counts of Money Laundering and Accessory to murder, but he has diplomatic immunity which makes it tricky. But he should be put away pretty soon with the loads of evidence they have against him." Secretary Hudson whispers towards me while gesturing to his lips to keep them zipped and I give him a thumbs up in reply.

We shake hands again and I giddily make my way to my truck to give Jalil the good news and to get his and Lorenzo's plane ticket. His mom has assured me that she'll get hers and Rashid's plane ticket. It's painful to see the fear they all harbor at the mention of that man's name, she'd accepted to flee immediately she heard that he was around again. She'd been more scared because of Rashid than herself, but we've not been able to tell her about Lorenzo because that'll just break her heart more.


After my daily dose of Jalil and plane ticket already purchased, I made my way to the house I haven't stepped foot in 13 years, my childhood home.

Aunt Terry had gotten to know that my dad had been spending time with me for over a week now so she'd begged him to convince me to come for dinner tonight. I tried to make up an excuse, I really tried but somehow Jalil had made me promise him that I'll go and try to get reacquainted with my family. I really didn't know how he made me promise but it involved some very distracting piercings and long sexy legs.

Seriously Rome are you going to visit your family with a boner? at least something is very excited. I immediately divert my mind to think about earthworms to get my raging boner down, those things are gross. It does the trick.

I arrive at the gate and press my thumb on the keypad, I just wanted to try it but surprisingly it opened. He didn't take my thumbprint out of the gate access pad. The little things like this made me feel like a douche for my behavior towards handling all this, I actually thought my dad hated me.

I park next to my dad's SUV and upon grabbing the flowers and strawberry shortcake I've brought I make my way towards the door.

I press the doorbell and seconds later a young boy opens the door, and instantly I know that's Daniel.

"What's up old man?" he throws out as he turns back, leaving me at the door to ponder upon that. First the unfortunate turn of phrase and once again I'm 31 not 81. I'm not fucking Old. At least he's not a hugger and definitely not the mushy type too so I think we should get along just fine.

"Thanks for coming son and you come bearing gifts too." I give him a small smile at that.

My eyes close in on the figure approaching us from the kitchen with dishes in hand. She really didn't change much, apart from the shorter hair she had now. At least I'm not the only one nervous since it's written all over her face how nervous she is.

"Erm I got you flowers aunt Terry." I wave the flowers in an attempt to ease the tension between us.

"She's allergic to pollen!" Daniel yells from the living room and I roll my inner eyes at myself. My attempt to apologize is to kill the lady, well done Roman.

"Keep quiet Dan!" she yells back at him, "They're beautiful R.J. (Roman James), thank you." she collects them from me and goes to put them in water. My dad quickly rushes after her and I can only guess she really is allergic to pollen but she's trying to be nice. Maybe this was a mistake after all.

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