Chapter 15.

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"Target secure." a sigh of relief escaped my mouth, one mission down and after so long in the doghouse, we deserve this win.

"Tierney please switch to Mane's body cam." That's the only part of the operation that needs some sorting out. She switches from Major Feldman's body cam to Petty Officer Mane's and I watched him hold the scissors to cut the wire. Come on Mane you got this.

"Deactivated, I repeat deactivated." Another round of applause echoed through the room at the completion of a mission and no casualties at all, definitely worth celebrating.

"All units be advised we're RTB." Feldman commanded and that's my cue to tune to the other screen, I trust she can handle transport back to base.

I grab my stress ball on the table and start to press hard on it as the joint force march down the hallways which all looked the same, to find the hostages. This went on for a few moments until the DEVGRU team leader Master Chief Watson gave out a command to someone to drop their weapon.

A breath I didn't know I'd been holding was released as I heard Roman's voice yell out 'friendlies!'

This kind of moment is what I know I joined the military for, to fight and never give up, to get on your own feet and defend yourself not run like a little female dog. Even after being held in captivity for days and the torture, he's back to giving commands and proceeding with the operators to find Adrian Benzema the underboss of the terrorist group 'Armageddon' who should eventually lead us to his boss 'Sultan' according to the Interpol intel.

"I must say Colonel, what a fighter you've got here." The C.O of the Army paratroopers said, guess he decided to join in the fun.

"And what a unit you've got here too." Obviously thanks to them and their unit of operators for getting the hostages and my people back.

I watched Roman lead the men to a double door kind of room that resembled where the Livestream was carried out few days back. Not a horror movie kind of guy since I'm in the horror itself everyday but this room is definitely a fine location for a horror movie production.

I don't see an exit anywhere so there has to be something Roman knows, and of course he doesn't surprise me.

"Over there is a false door where he usually makes his entrance from." Roman points to a slab on the wall that if not aware, couldn't be obvious to someone to be a door. They set up a breach explosive to breach the door. "Son of a bitch escaped" he exclaims in frustration. Knowing him I know he's itching to find this guy and ram his foot deep down the guys ass he'll feel it in his throat.

"Tierney please pass me the blueprints of the location that was sent over by CIA." If Benzema escaped then I want to know from where. "Also check satellite imaging to see if we can determine his exit."

"Colonel what do you suggest?" The DEVGRU C.O inquired from me and I explain to him that I'm going through the blueprint and Satellite imaging to determine this punks escape. And behold there's a tunnel from that room that leads to.... the forest.

"The tunnel below that carpet leads to the forest behind the house, perfect escape route. I suggest we inquire from Master Chief Watson if they can keep going or turn back now, but a terrorist underboss will still be on the loose."

We listened in silence as he went on private channel with Master Chief Watson to inquire the ground status of things. "He says they can continue, so is this an official command?"

The Marine C.O answered positive first followed by paratroopers who'll send another air unit to support, leaving me. In the academy they'll tell us that 'choose a hard right over an easy wrong everyday.' If we turned back now they'll just regroup but if caught now with Benzema's testimony we can cripple the organization.



"We've been authorized to proceed sir, how do you want this done?" The Master Chief asked me.

"Well for starters they're sending backup so that's good, we go through this tunnel, satellite imaging shows them pressing North so we pursue." I assess the men and see no sign of fatigue, obviously they're used to this kind of situation.

And so one after the other we crawled through the tunnel to the end. Usually I'd pride myself in being able to close all emotions when operating but this moment was different as blond highlights, freckles, beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile kept appearing in my mind reminding me of a certain someone who's safe now.

"We're here" Watson announced as we crawled out of the tunnel to a vast mass of trees and whatnot. Helicopters could be heard from a safe distance as backup for us so that's good.

"So we press North, target is needed alive, watch your six." And so we started our journey up North much closer to securing this bastard so I can ram my foot so far up his ass he'll feel it in his throat.

We've been Oscar Mike for about ten minutes now and yet nothing, air support has been trailing us and that gave us another set of eyes.

"All units be advised movement registered about 350 mikes from your position North-eastward." Finally some more good news, had to be our target, had to be.

We keep moving the determination to nail this s.o.b much more evident especially for myself and Callum after everything we went through.

Some five minutes later, I hear a twig snap and I know the other men hard it too as all movement is halted, it ends all too soon as the first gunshot rings through the air. We return fire all too eagerly, this fool had almost another thirty men protecting him.

"Take cover behind the trees, remember package is needed alive." I command as we take cover to retaliate gingerly. It had to be gunfight and only gunfight, this could easily be ended with a grenade but the package will be blown to pieces too, aww bummer.

This guy had another small army guarding him about forty men. Air strike had descended to a certain level at this point to support too.

Boom boom boom guns rang all around. Benzema and about seven other men start to crawl away from my line of sight. "I need four operators, cover us!" I yell out as we go in pursuit. Boom boom boom.

I might have underestimated his army too because they were tough punks too, not giving up easily.

Boom boom boom, I watched his army reduce more and more but it all came crashing too soon.

Boom boom boom.

Hahaha evil cackling.

Votes, Comments, feedbacks.

It might be late but better than never:
C.O- Commanding Officer
DEVGRU- Also known as Navy Seals, United States Naval Special warfare Developmental Group.
Interpol- International Criminal Police Organization.
Mikes- Minutes.
RTB- returning to Base
Oscar Mike- On the move.

Anyways Adios E.A.

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