Chapter 11.

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I couldn't even sleep for more than an hour, my curiosity could be both a blessing and a curse sometimes. With something this serious bothering me, sleep would never come. I just can't figure out why Roman would send me her name because right now she's also a victim in my perspective, her brother is in captivity too. However if I know anything about Roman is that his intuitive instincts makes him one of the smartest men I've come across therefore I'll get to the bottom of this.

Right now training was going on so I just watched how some of the women were showing off their male counterparts. My phone rang moments later.

"Colonel we just got a hit on the possible location of your suspects, D.C. will approve in about 72 hours so commence phase 1 of the plan." The DEVGRU Commanding officer informed me. Thank golly for the first light in this deep tunnel.

"Thanks for the good news Admiral, talk to you later."

Phase 1 of the plan is to inform my team of a potential location of the hostages and a mission to retrieve them. But the caveat is that the mission is just a diversion so the mole thinks they're safe however, the actual mission is taking place with DEVGRU and Paratroopers. Phase two is the retrieval of the hostages and capture of the terrorists, phase 3 will be handled by the CIA.

"Meeting in the briefing room in 20." I yelled out to my people, giving them time to clean up and dress.

"Is everything okay Colonel? You seem tense. Feldman joined me on the walk to the conference room with a cup of coffee stretched out to me. I collect it with a nod of thanks before taking a sip.

"NSA got a possible location for the terrorist, so our plan remains the same capture and rescue." It felt weird to lie to my partner because she's supposed to have my back but now I don't know if I can trust her with sensitive information. If in doubt, keep it to yourself is my rule.

"Oh did they?" When someone is on your radar you noticed even the smallest things that are off, like the smear of mud on her boots, her absence during training this morning, and many other things.

"Yes so we need a mission plan."

I just hope she isn't the mole because this is a crime punishable by death maybe life imprisonment with a good defense but it's unlikely.

We settled down and I watched the operators trickle in minutes later for the mission briefing.



I ran my hand through Jalil's hair that had become dry due to lack of care. He was asleep on my lap, clinging to me like a Koala and purring every time I massaged a certain part of his scalp.

"You know with the way you command and lead the team, it's easy for us to forget that you're human too and can fall in love." Callum spoke lowly so as not to wake up Jalil. 

Love? It's too early to say but, Jalil tugs at a part of me that had been lonely for a long time now. I care about him so much.

"For what it's worth, this is a story worth telling people about how you met." Callum continued with a chuckle.

"When did you become so sappy Sergeant and he... uhm.... probably doesn't feel the same way about me"

For a minute now it's been hammering in my mind that after all this mess hopefully we're alive but then we have to go our separate ways and then what, pretend we never met?

Apart from the little we've shared about each other we don't really know each other or the lives we left behind, or rather the lives we were stolen from. But I find myself wanting to make him smile and forget his problems even temporarily. I've never felt like this before and definitely not this fast, maybe I just need to get laid desperately.

Loud footsteps approached from the hallway and my first reflex was to tighten my grip on Jalil's waist. 'Oh great it's Stupid and his best friend' I cheered in my head as they unlocked the cell.

"Hey get up Sultan wants to see you." Stupid's best friend said before doing a totally unnecessary thing that made me see red. He slammed his boots into my Princess' side and I knew for sure that he was going to be in serious pain.

"Ahhhh God that hurts" my baby cried out. I've never wished for anything more at this moment than for this damn chains be removed from my legs so I can teach this sob that no one hits or as much as touch what is mine or who I care about.

"If you touch him one more time, I'll rip out your Larynx and use them as shoe laces for those boots of yours, try me motherfucker, try me." I couldn't believe how calm I was being right now, but I guess that's because of the beautiful crying man in my arms.

I mumbled quietly to Jalil, "Princess, I know it hurts but don't give him the satisfaction of your tears."

"It hurts Roman." His voice sounded broken, eyes begging me to take away the pain, oh baby I wish I could.

I nuzzled his face into my neck away from the audience we had while gently rubbing the area that had been hit to avoid swelling.

"I know princess, you know I can always kiss it better." I whisper into his ear making him chuckle softly before groaning due to the action.

"Don't make me laugh Roman." His cries had died down at this point which is a good thing. We stayed in a tight embrace for about a minute, just nuzzling each other before stupid's friend had to open his mouth and ruin the moment.

"Stand up faggot, Sultan wants to see you." My face contorted at the disdain I feel every time I hear that word. Also feeling Jalil tense made me want to get rid of the moron standing inches away from me.

"You'll be fine baby, just go listen to what he has to say and then come back to me safe and sound, okay?" He nodded his head furiously reminding me of how innocent and adorable this man is even in the midst of chaos.

Smacking a loud kiss on his cheek, Jalil stood up and walked out with Stupid and his counterpart to go meet their boss and for the first time in years, I blushed at how fast I was falling for Jalil Khalifa.

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Adios E.A.

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