Chapter 40.

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It's been three weeks since that beautiful night with my boyfriend and even though my butt felt like it was on fire, it was totally worth it. It's like the dirty side of me is beginning to show its face and I can't get enough of it, especially when I things that turn Romy on like calling him daddy, or rubbing his chest, or licking the veins protruding from his V line.

We've done it in the shower, on the couch, against the bedroom door, and the laundry room, my cheeks still get red thinking about all those moments.

"Okay take care Lily, take care Ren." Lexi is terrible at giving nicknames but I don't bother telling her that because I'm the same way and eventually you get used to it. But Enzo cringes every time she calls him Ren because it reminds him of the bird with the same pronunciation. She got her certificate in Cosmetology earlier this week and I'm so proud of her hard-work and achievements.

"I saw papa on the News yesterday, they've been investigating him for a while and just found out that he's been aiding the Santo Corona mafia family, acts of corruption and bribery, and accomplice to murders. He's facing up to thirty years in prison." I'm at loss for words right now not because I've managed to push this man to the back of my mind over the last months but because I didn't know that Justice could be served on such a nice platter. Although it's not enough to atone for all he did to us, It's a start and no more looking over our shoulders to see if he's back.

"Wow I didn't know that, that's good right?" I ask because I'm not seeing any hint of joy from my brother right now.

"I guess it is, you know a part of me always hoped that he'll snap out of it and maybe by chance be a good father to me even when he was beating the shit out of me. That didn't happen." He chuckles humorlessly the pain and sorrow evident in his voice.

I tug his arm down so he'll look at me before throwing out my suggestion "Why don't we buy a boatload of snacks, wear our onesies, watch a scary movie where other people's lives are far worse then we dance away whatever emotions we feel."

"But you cry every time we watch a scary movie." See this is what happens when I try to be nice and volunteer my sanity to help my brother out, I'm insulted using my past transgression.

"That happened one time you big Hippo." The gasp that follows my sentence has me sprinting down the street before he can catch up to me.

"I let you catch me." I giggle out which is practically what I say every time this has happened to hide the fact that I'm out of shape. It's not my fault that running hates me, I did excel in Pole vault however back in secondary school.

"Of course you did shorty, I appreciate the offer but I'd rather be alone tonight. There's my ride actually, love ya." He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before crossing to the other side and entering the cab. I blow him a kiss which he catches before settling in the cab and driving off. I hope he's okay, I hope we're all okay.

The remainder of the walk home is spent with my weird thoughts like 'if a fly loses its wings, what would it be called now?' do they even have legs to walk in the absence of wings, this genuinely bothered me till I got home. It's more surprising when I see Romy's car in the parking lot.

"Hey babe you're home early." I note while walking over to give my boyfriend a kiss.

"I just heard about the news of your father so I came home early to see how you're doing. Oh I made dinner and did the laundry and also prepared a hot bath for you." I take in this man before me, very caring, thoughtful, patient, and loving, to everyone else he's this silent, tough, calculative, and brutally honest but to me he's my boyfriend and my big teddy bear.

"You're the best" kiss "I love you." kiss

"I know." he replies smugly but I simply pull him with me to go take a bath. He makes quick-work of both my clothes and his and gradually we step into the perfect temperature bath. My muscles relax in the water and I rest my back against Romy's chest.

"How d' you feel?" He asks while tracing a line on my torso.

"I haven't processed what I feel yet, I've only ever been scared of him so him never being a threat to me or my family is good, right?"

"Absolutely, he deserves it and more." he replies before continuing "I just want to make sure you're happy, sincerely happy." I nod in answer because right here right now, I'm happy.

"You're my safety." I whisper to Romy.

"You're my safety"  he whispers back. We're in the bath for a while till it starts getting cold and we have to step out. I put on some boy shorts and a Guns n' Roses t-shirt, while Romy puts on some Basketball shorts and nothing else, tease.

"How was work today?" I ask as we settle to eat dinner of my favorite chicken wrap and some Apple juice.

"Well I got cleared for combat early this morning and I also heard from the grapevine that I've been shortlisted for a Commendation medal." The joy in my heart knows no bounds and I don't hide it, I envelope him in a crushing hug.

"I'm proud of you babe, this is awesome right?" I ask since he looks pretty passive about the news.

"I don't deserve a medal Jalil, I'm no fucking hero when all I did was sit in a cell helpless and clueless chained like a Goat about to be slaughtered. Callum did the same thing but he doesn't get a medal, Elijah doesn't get a medal, you went through the same shit but you don't get one, the soldiers that fell don't get one. I can't stop having the feeling that with my relationship to the Secretary of State becoming public, I'm getting some special treatment."

Many times Romy will tell me to stop selling myself short but now he's doing the same exact thing.

"Roman James Butler, you graduated fourth place in your West Point graduating class, been on countless deployments and assignments, currently on waitlist to become a Major, got kidnapped by terrorists, fought your way out of that and saved me in the process, got shot during the mission you went on without a bullet proof vest or appropriate uniform at that. All this you did without your dad, so why the self-doubt now?"

It's baffling to think of that he thinks he doesn't deserve the medal, not everyone will get a medal therefore if you're shortlisted for one it's because you deserve it in my opinion.

"I just think there are people more deserving of it than me." he states stubbornly.

"Say it after me, I deserve a medal for the hard-work I've put in since I was 18." He doesn't answer me at first till I look him in the eye and he knows I'm not kidding. "Come on keep saying it till you believe it." Grumpily he starts saying it and I know it'll take a little getting used to but he'll get there.

"You deserve the commendation award babe."

I'm all for uplifting people today, remember to never sell yourself short you're more amazing than you think. Also, don't bring others down to uplift yourself celebrate with others so they'll celebrate with you.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

Tough Love (ManXMan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن