Chapter 16.

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Heaven, hell and all in between, Angels, demon, aliens and the supernaturals if they exist. My life flashed in front of my eyes as I landed heavily on the floor with a smile. Here's the end, it's the end. But I didn't feel good about it nope not at all. Maybe because I never got to know my step brother, or because I never got to explore my faith, or I never got to fall in love or maybe I did, or maybe because I'm about to break a promise I made to the one I love.

Wait what? Love? Well no use denying it now I love him, after years of meaningless sex and I fall in love in a week with a total stranger, I don't even know his birthday..... yet.

"The Captain is down, I repeat the Captain is down gunshot to the lower abdomen no exit, medic is with hostages, he's losing a lot of blood."  Someone ranted out in my ear as they reported back to base. When he says it like that makes it sound like I'm dying, wait I am dying moron.

"Hey don't close your eyes Captain, I'm putting pressure on it Okay, but don't close your eyes." Really? But the light is so beautiful and gold and I feel tired just want to rest for a while.

"Captain they've captured him and all his men are dead, the medic from air support is fast roping down to secure you and airlift you back to base. Just hold on tight." I only heard a part of what he said what does Captured support air you base mean? Maybe he's dying too, I chuckled to myself, I'm so funny.

I know someone who wouldn't be finding this funny right now, Jalil Khalifa, won't be finding this funny.  Two promises about to be broken I promised to always be there and I promised to come back for my dog tags maybe if I try hard I can fulfill them, but it hurts too bad.

I felt my body get carried and buckled to the medical harness for lifting to the chopper, pressure applied to the wound.

"Status report, GSW to the abdomen and might've hit a major organ, I need a trauma surgeon on standby, arrival in ten mikes." The medic relayed to the base during the airlift.

I never even told him I love him, my Crying Princess, my baby, scratch that I've never told anybody I love them including my parents. Elijah probably thinks this is his fault but I knew the risks when going into this fight, I didn't even have a bulletproof vest so it's easy to take me out. I can think about all my wrongs some other time, I'm tired and just want to sleep.

The medic was taking my vitals pulse-irregular, Blood pressure is significantly low, and respiration is also irregular. Uh oh that can't be good for me.

My mind goes back to Jalil, my love, maybe if I don't die he'll let me take him on a date and then I can ask him his birthday. I can't fight it anymore, I feel weak, tired, out of breath, I just want to close my eyes for a minute.


I watched the Army guys walk back with the guy I'm just learning is not Sultan but his second in command, his hands were cuffed to the back and he looked badly beaten.

I crane my neck to see through the guys to find Romy but I don't see him but luckily I see Callum behind. I rush out of the big armor truck they situated us in towards Callum.

"Callum! Where's Romy? I.. I don't see him anywhere, he said he'd come find me is he coming?" I'm pretty sure I asked that in one sentence due to my hyperventilation and short breaths.

"Uhm... he erm.... he's o.. on the chopper back to the base." What's with the pitiful look from Callum and the stuttering too.

"But he's okay, right?"

"Why don't we go into the truck Jalil and I'll answer your questions." He replied solemnly which honestly was scaring me but Roman said he'd come back, he wouldn't abandon me like that so I follow Callum into the truck.

As we rode back to the base question after question I shot at Callum and I could tell he was holding back some of the details of Romy's condition but the aspect he did tell me already had me in tears. The other officers in the truck had come to find out who I was obviously from the Livestream but Callum introduced me as the Captain's boyfriend. I don't know if that's true though, after this ordeal I don't know what our relationship stands as.

We arrived back at the Army base and a small welcome party were there to receive the soldiers especially the ones that were in captivity. Callum held to my hand tightly as we wiggled our way through the crowd but not without one or two people welcoming him back too.

We stopped in front of a tall brunette still wielding a gun that made me squeak and jump behind Callum. Wow women in uniform could be pretty scary too, but she did look like Callum when you look closely.

"Welcome back Sergeant Feldman." The woman did to Callum with a big smile on her face, she's really pretty.

"Feels good to be back Major Feldman." Callum reciprocated the smile to his sister I'm pretty sure now. I want to smile too only seeing Romy will make me smile like that. "I missed you sis so much, but I'll see you later so we can catch up."

Callum continued pulling me towards somewhere, I don't know where but it better be where my Romy is. Behold I saw the sign that said infirmary, thank God.

"Dr Ross hi, is there an update on Captain Butler?" He asked the doctor and she looked taken aghast as her demeanor also changed.

"The bullet is lodged in his small intestine which makes surgery harder coupled with malnutrition and stress on his body, we can just hope he pulls through." I slumped on the floor as she explained the present situation. It doesn't sound too good at all.

I take a sitting position on the floor, my back against the wall as I try to make myself look smaller, tears streaming down my face. I didn't even get to tell him I love him and now he might die, I didn't get to know him very well heck I don't know his middle name or shoe size. Yet I already love him, he has to pull through he has to fight to come back to me.

Gahhh this saddens my heart and soul.

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Anyways Adios E.A.

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