Chapter 28.

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Guys remember this is a work of fiction ergo some things are oversimplified or exaggerated.


I shift the gear of my truck and back out of the parking space to head to the restaurant to meet my dad. I'm all about asking favors today I see it's a massive favor I'm about to ask from my dad especially since we just made up barely two weeks ago. I don't want him to think he owes me anything at all, honestly I think I owe him for being a little shit and not supporting his happiness when he got married to aunt Terry. I didn't need to be comfortable with it, I just needed to accept his choice of happiness.

Last week Friday when we grabbed lunch at Subway and then went to the park to eat, I'd told him about Jalil and apparently his informant didn't have any filter. My dad pretty much knew about my promiscuous life anytime I was in the country, talk about embarrassment. He pretty much endorsed anyone who could keep me away from STD's even though I'm usually safe, most of the time. He'd also invited me to dinner with aunt Terry and Daniel which honestly has been scaring me because I wasn't nice to her at all. Not even a little bit. I do regret the way I handled things, talk about a big case of teenage hormones and bad judgement yep Roman Butler is your case study.

I pull into an empty parking space at dfd to see my dad's black SUV already there. Does his driver ever go home? Must be nice being the Secretary of State I guess.

"Is everything okay? Did you even get some sleep Rome?" He bombards me with questions as I reach his arms length.

"I could ask you the same." I throw back at him as we walk in towards the booth at the back. This place is owned by a nice Southern lady Ms Alistair, the best hot chocolate, coffee, and pastries with a homely feeling.

"I'm a Public servant, little to no sleep comes with the job, back to you is everything okay?" he asks again and Josey, Ms Alistair's daughter comes over to take our orders. She's a long time friend of mine, when we used to frequent here when I was younger we practically grew up together.

"Hey punk, Mr Secretary." she greets upon sighting us.

"Hey beef." I reply but I don't even have it in me to catch up with a very good friend, not with what I'm dealing with right now. She notices too as she just takes our orders and pats my back with a smile.

"Jalil's father is in New Zealand." Probably not the best way to start the conversation.

"So I guess we're not happy about that." he replies and I scoff, we're a million miles away from happiness right now.

"He's abusive dad, Jalil is in danger and It scares me because I'm not there to protect him and he's not picking up his call, I need your help dad please." The tears I've been holding get released. What the fuck? I don't even cry this is strange.

Josey arrives with our order and I take the time to quickly adjust myself and dry the tears.

"Tell me what you need Rome and I'll do everything in my capacity to get it for you." Well it's now or never I think to myself.

"Is there a way Jalil and his family can be brought to the U.S.?" I ask my dad and he just looks at me before grabbing his phone and motioning me to follow him. We walk slowly as my dad types rapidly on his phone.

"You remember Stacey Hudson?" Of course I do she's a friend of my mom's I used to think she was very hot too. I nod to answer my dad before he continues "She's married to the Secretary of Homeland Security Ben Hudson. I still have her in my contacts so I'm trying to get his number from her." I nod in understanding.

"Take it easy son, Jalil will be fine." I hold onto that belief as we wait for Ms Hudson to reply or for Jalil to reply.


I thought the worst thing had happened when I got to school and realized that I forgot my phone at home. Romy hates when I do that but I just forget sometimes.

How do I feel right now? I can't explain how I feel, the fact that Lorenzo is my half brother well that explains the resemblance, or that my dad was cheating on my momma all along, or that Lorenzo is a victim of that man's abuse for years judging from his back and I couldn't help him. Or maybe the major fact that so called man is here and we're both shaken to our bones like Chicken about to be slaughtered for Christmas.

I extend my hand to Enzo and he watches it warily before putting his hand in mine, I softly squeeze and think of what to do to counter this situation. First I'll need to get home and get my phone and make sure my brother is okay.

I unlock the door and settle Enzo on the settee. "I'll get you some lemon water to calm the nausea and then some food okay?" He's looking at me like he's waiting for me to just snap out of my niceness and throw him out. It's not his fault we have that man as a father he's just a victim too.

"Grazie." he whispers.

"Prego." I reply before making my way to the kitchen to get the things for Enzo so he can rest while I figure out what to do. A while later I have some lemon water and garnished tomato soup for him to settle his stomach with. I set it in front of him before waking him up to eat. "I'll be in the room if you need anything."

I eventually find my phone under my bedsheet to see eight missed calls from Romy and a text message informing me to pack my things and go to the base because my dad is around. I want to ask how he knows that but right now I'll just do what he says. I grab a duffel bag and shove some clothes, shorts, and underwear in there, carry on soap, and new toothbrushes, my wallet, and my phone. I call a cab to Auckland with a chance to stopover at Lorenzo's to get some of his things too. I grab my school bag last.

"We're going to the U.S. Army base in Auckland to hide, cab is on it's way, do you want to get something from your room?" He shakes his head no and I can tell he's really scared right now. But his essential are here anyway, his wallet, phone, school bag, any other thing we can just buy. "Okay cab is here." I carry my duffel and schoolbag along with Lorenzo's school bag so he doesn't have to stress.

I give the cab driver a small smile and he proceeds on the journey to the base. Lorenzo lays his head on my lap and I automatically start running my fingers through his hair. Using one hand to massage his scalp while using the other to text my boyfriend about everything that has happened in the last two hours.

I'm scared, Paranoid, and anxious right now and it's sad to think my father is the source of the agony we're feeling.


Finally Jalil texts back "I'm sorry babe, I forgot my phone at home again. we have a lot to talk about like the fact that Lorenzo is my half brother. We're in the cab to the base, I'll call you when we get there. I'm scared Romy. I love you too."

I'm relieved to hear from him and to know he's on the way to the base is literally problem half solved. And speaking of halves Lorenzo is Jalil's half brother? That'll explain the little resemblance I noticed that day during the call.

"Here we go Stacey has sent his number." my dad announces and in no time we're dialing the number.

"Ben this is Dave Butler, Secretary of State, how are you doing?" A little bit of shuffling is heard on the other side before he replies.

"Dave what a surprise, I'm doing great what about you?" I understand all the pleasantries is necessary but can we just get to the point? My dad notices my impatience and he gestured towards his chest in a 'calm down' motion.

"Can we discuss in private? Off record." He asks after all pleasantries have been completed.

"Of course swing by the golf club say.... by noon, we'll get some drinks and discuss, good?" I thumbs up to my dad and he in turn confirms the meeting.

"Lets just go to my office and by 11:30 we leave for the club." He suggests and I approach my vehicle. In no time I'm driving behind my dad's SUV to his fancy government office.

Well I have nothing to say, let's just watch the drama unfold ok? Ok.

Anyhoo this chapter is dedicated to @ladymaryterrace and @user06759841 thanks lovelies for the support.

Show me some love as usual guys and see you in the next chapter.

Adios E.A.

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