Chapter 34.

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"Lorenzo Emiliano Sebastian Russo! I'm not wearing that, it's too explicit and I'd die from embarrassment." I exclaim after seeing the 'lingerie' he got for me from Victoria's Secret and he even got me a seductive fragrance from a place called Bath and Body works.

"But you need to open up big man's eyes Jalil, you know bring out the beast in him so he can fuck you... military style." he finishes before picking up his cup of hot chocolate with a smirk like he has just said the best thing in the world.

"This is too much Enzo, see this one has two holes, one for my.... i-it's too much, I don't think it's necessary." I look at the pants on the couch again and although I'm embarrassed to think about wearing them, I feel myself getting excited to wear them too, it's a weird cycle of emotions.

After we got back from the mall, Romy had gone to the base to get cleared for special assignments pending the time he gets cleared again for combat. So Enzo had taken the opportunity to make me some tea and him some hot chocolate before unraveling his 'gifts' for me.

"What's that one?" I point to the kit in the separate nylon and I wish I hadn't.

"Well.... that's to uhm clean the.... goods." He says while gesturing towards my private area. Oh god kill me now. "Here take a look." I collect the kit to see it's an enema kit, I've heard of this being used for constipated babies so how does it relate to my 'goods?'

I turn the kit to the back to search for instructions because asking Lorenzo will end up in me calling the undertakers to bury me alive. I feel my cheeks hit up at what is written in the instructions section, sex is a lot of work and prep.

I drop the enema on the couch before looking to the other bags, the bags are never ending. Did he buy all this during that short period? "What's in there?" I point to another one.

"It's a shaving kit with aloe Vera for smooth skin and some baby oil and uhm extra slip lube." Am I dead yet and is this hell? My brother is the one buying me things for sex. The blush is permanent on my face.

Note: most of their conversations are usually in Italian and English. It's a mix really. Just wanted to point that out.

"Lorenzo I appreciate all these I really do but, I don't even think w-we're ready for s-sex, we just moved in together." I explain to him as calmly as I can muster.

"Jalil the big guy is not going to make the first move, he's waiting for you to make a move, and from the looks you give each other I think S-E-X is pretty close." Why does he always sip from his cup when he thinks he has said something meaningful.

"You really think so?"

"I know so little bro, he wants you comfortable enough with him before sex is introduced into your relationship since it's your first." Little bro?

"I'm ten months older than you Enzo" it's not much but it's something. Speaking of not much, "I'm hungry."

He looks at me like I've lost 50 brain cells. "We just ate about an hour ago and I remember you eating your sandwich and the big guy's second half."

"It was an hour and forty five minutes ago so I'm allowed to be hungry. I'm craving homemade pizza." Lorenzo makes the best homemade pizza I've ever eaten, my eyes plead with him to make it for me and he caves in no time.

"Italian style?"

"Of course."

"Come on lets see what the big guy has in the fridge and cabinets." He replies, I cheer in happiness at the goodness I'll be eating very soon.

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