Chapter 44.

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"Willies, Bader, Mane flank north, grab everything that might be of importance. Flores, Mitchell and myself we'll check out the warehouse to grab the device, everyone meet at exfil." I instruct to my team and with everyone aware of what to do we finish up the mission. It's been a little over three weeks since I deployed and after months out of commission, getting reacquainted with combat life has been fairly easier than I thought it would be.

Our mission had been to retrieve the remains of the helo that was shot down by terrorists yesterday night, this is to clear everything that could connect the helo to the American government since we weren't cleared to enter their airspace. It's been a fairly easy one since there's been no signs of resistance or enemies so I guess we should accept victory while we can.

Things had taken an interesting turn when Adrian Benzema cut a deal with the CIA to supply information on the Sultan and his agenda in a bid to avoid jailtime while also pursuing his own agenda to become the leader of the group after the capture of Sultan. Seems like a dumb idea to me but I'm only a messenger so....

"Hawk 1 this is base, chatter shows that their government got wind of that helo and are en route to check it out, your clock just shortened to 5 mikes. Get out now!" Life is never as easy as it seems.

"We need to exfil now guys, did you clear out the helo?" I ask into my radio the same time I grab the device that will help us identify which group shot down our helo. With an affirmative answer from Willies we begin the move to the exfil point in hopes of getting out before a gun fight ensues or worse causing a diplomatic incident between two countries.


"Good work guys." I fist bump every member of my team, this goes into another catalog of wins for us so we have cause to celebrate. Everyone disperses to go rest up before briefing at 18:00 hrs. Right now it's about 16:30 hrs which means it's 23:30 hrs in the U.S. so 30 more minutes to Christmas.

Ever since deploying, I've only spoken to Jalil three times, we don't exactly get free airtime or the time at all to call home, it's frustrating which is why every phone call counts. I'd promised to call him on Christmas day and nothing is going to make me break my promise to him.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say it's good to have you back Rome." Elijah states while walking into my shack.

"Well it feels good to be back." Although the timing is annoying, I've missed the rush of adrenaline, the smell of gunpowder, the grueling PT sessions, and so much more than is derived from combat. It's all I've known since the age of 22 after graduation from West Point. I still feel a little jittery around the whole place but it something I could definitely work on, and as for the anger, I just have to take it each moment at a time.

"How's he holding up?" He asks referring to Jalil.

"He sounds okay, I'm glad he's happy and safe." I reply while staring at the picture of Jalil I took when he was asleep the very first time we made love to each other. He's so beautiful. I have a call in 20 he'll love to see you." I've been friends with Elijah for a while now but he never talks about his family, not like I spoke about mine too but it's like I know nothing at all about the guy. The smile on his face answers my offer and not so long after Joe and Tierney come into my shack. "What is this, no personal space day?"

"We just want to know how Jalil is doing." Tierney starts before Mane continues "You've been ghosting us Major so we decided to corner you after the operation." I'm still getting used to being a Major, it still feels weird like when you enter a new year but still keep saying the old year and then correcting yourself.

Tough Love (ManXMan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora