Chapter 2.

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We all stood up as Lt Colonel Johnson and Major Feldman made their way to the front to commence the briefing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, at this moment we'll observe a 1 minute silence for our fallen brothers in combat." Major Feldman announced as the gloom returned to the room filled with operators of various ranks both enlisted and commissioned.

"In terms of planning and execution, today's mission was not a success but, we can't win them all so we take what we can get...." I zoned out of the briefing as Feldman continued to talk about team spirit and all of that. Did she get a new uniform because her butt sure looks great right now. Probably not something to think about a higher ranking officer. Focus Rome.

I returned my attention to the meeting as a packet started going round. "Some radio chatter was intercepted earlier and just like we suspected after our outing today, they plan to hold the executions in two days time on Live Stream to send a message to us. A new plan is being formulated and approved in D.C. right now." I bit my tongue back to avoid interrupting a superior officer mid-speech. Clearly I shouldn't be the only one seeing that there was a mole among us.

"Captain Butler you look like you have something to say." Johnson called out loudly. Ah you know me so well Elijah.

"Well our last mission was compromised which makes me think we have a mole among us therefore I think major precaution should be taken sir." I replied cautiously because one can never be too careful nowadays.

"Actually investigations are underway now to find out how our last mission got leaked and the guilty party will be charged with war crimes, treason, and espionage which are all punishable by death according to the military code. Thanks for the reminder Captain. Any other questions or comments?" Johnson asked like he didn't just drop a big bomb on all of us as could be told from the eerily silent conference room which, had everyone suspecting his/her neighbor.

"Well then Dismissed. Butler stay behind." I watched as everyone made their way out of the conference room with stealth and agile footsteps as expected of trained soldiers.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here" Elijah started as I nodded expectantly at him to get on with it. "Yesterday two of your men Petty Officers Richards and Wilkins were seen breaching the base perimeter to go into town. And today the mission was compromised." If he was in any way insinuating that my men were the moles then I was going to have a problem with that.

"With all due respect sir, ma'am, my team were the ground operators so how will the mole be among us if we were that close to turning to mist. The Alpha Team were also present during that meeting so they should be investigated too. You two were present in that meeting too for the record." This made no sense at all, we were the closest to dying and they think my team is the mole, fucking hell.

"Are you insinuating something Captain Roman Butler?" Major Feldman directed straight at me and I could also sense the anger radiating from Elijah. Exactly that's how I feel right now too.

"My apologies ma'am, sir. I just think everyone should be investigated equally." I didn't really feel bad for what I said but hierarchy sucks.

"Duly noted Captain." Elijah replied and I knew instantly that he was still mad at me from the clipped tone of his voice. Boohoo Eli. He really does look sexy in his uniform right now, if only we weren't at work and deployed and In danger of a mole, a threesome would sound nice right now.

I watched as Suzanne walked out of the conference room before turning to Elijah to find him already looking at me.

"I didn't mean it like that Eli." I said looking closely at his ocean blue eyes and furrowed brows that showed he was trying hard to stay mad at me.

"Could have been nicer Rome, remember Feldman's brother is among the hostages. You didn't need to insinuate anything like that." You see he had a very good way of making me feel bad and genuinely guilty, it was one of his favorite pastimes.

"I know that Eli."

He looked at each other for a moment. "Let's head out for dinner." He said out awkwardly.

"Yeah let's do that."


I sat in my shank as various operators spoke to the family who were just waking up in the U.S. There was no one that important that I had a pressing need to call. With all my life based on career and one night stands, the wars, deployments, shootings actually gave me an out away from that pit of loneliness.

After my mom had died, I drifted away from my dad when he got married to my mom's best friend three years later. I just couldn't understand how you could get married to aunt Terry, scratch that just Terry. I could only think that he had to be cheating on her, three years was way too short to mourn the amazing woman who was my mother.

And then they had this dumpling for a son who got all the attention. At age 19 after high school I joined the Army, and here I was at age 31 barely filling that space of hatred nor the void of emptiness In my heart.

I watched my men look forward to seeing their wives/husbands and children after this tour and the nearest event I was looking forward to was training at 06:00 hrs tomorrow. Wow my life really is pathetic.

These were men looking forward to go home alive and healthy if possible not leaking information to terrorists which could also get them killed. The execution of the hostages is in two days but we couldn't formulate a new battle plan if there was the risk of a leak. All this just confused me more causing a splitting headache for me.

I readjusted myself and willed my brain to believe that everything is going to be okay. I thought this as I drifted to a soundless and dreamless sleep.



"I told you where they were going to be, you were supposed to capture him and kill the others. It's not my fault that your plan was a fail." I yelled at their leader. He was supposed to get what he wanted and I was supposed to get what I wanted.

His gaze lingered on me unwaveringly as his men cocked their guns at me for yelling at Sultan as he was usually called. "We underestimated him and your military, this unit are not only fighters, they are survivors."

I felt defeated now this needed to end as soon as possible. "I can't do this anymore, they already suspect a mole."

He laughed sadistically before replying me "No one leaves until I get what I want, and remember my leverage on you."

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Anyways Adios E.A.

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