Chapter 6.

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My hands were aching now, I smell really bad and my breath isn't exactly my friend right now. Over the past two days I've made small talk with my crying princess and I really look forward to the short responses he gave me.

He looked so adorable right now trying to braid his unruly hair to get it out of his face and failing miserably at it, which was a source of entertainment for me and Callum.

"Hey Captain, you think my sister would be trying to find us right now?" Callum asks me out of nowhere.

"I know they are but there's still a mole among us so it might take a while." I know for a fact that Elijah would do anything in his power to get us back home, I had no doubt in my mind but hopefully they find us before this bastards behead us for fun on livestream.

I looked back at Jalil to see he gave up his efforts and was now pouting adorably at the wall like that was the problem. Poor wall.

To get his mind away from it I ask him a question. "How old are you Jalil?" Totally not because I want to know.

He looked at me quietly as if gauging my intentions before answering back sassily I might add "how about you guess."

Hmm I am liking this aspect of my princess. "Uhm 21?"






I must say he looks younger that he actually is, which reminds me of a questions that has been bothering me since yesterday, 'why was he here then?' being this young and no ties to the military what did he do then to end up in a terrorist dungeon.

"What about you Roman?" I love the way my name flows out of his pretty pink lips, it satisfied me like a drop of water in the hot desert.

"How about you guess too."

"31?" My mouth opened up in astonishment, did I tell him my age? because for sure he's not just this good at guessing.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't Roman but now I do." He replied smiling smugly and I couldn't help but smile. "What about you Callum?"

"I'm 27 years..." Callum answered before he was interrupted by the armed man that usually frequented the room.

He pointed at me and moved his index fingers to motion me to stand up. This moron is dreaming if he thinks with my arms and legs bounded I could stand up.

"Can you at least release my hands fucker?" He looked to his partner again for translation as Callum and Jalil looked on at the exchange.

"No way, your legs would be released but not your hands, fucker." His partner replied me with an ugly look on his face that made me want to slap him.

"Well then get on with it moron."

He came into the cubicle, released the chains from my ankle before pushing me out.

"Take it easy man, no need to touch me." I didn't want his filthy hands on me or near me, or around me.

"Sultan wants you clean so you have three minutes to take a shower and brush your teeth, make it count." The partner said as we stopped in front of a small room.

Slowly I walked into the bathroom thingy to take a military style shower and brush my teeth but not before looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I looked like a piece of the s-word, a beard was growing, my torso bruised and my hair matted from dried blood.

However, the most important question is what did this 'Sultan' want from me that he needed to see him. He must be drunk if he thinks I'm going to switch my allegiance to his selfish cause.

I quickly dressed in the white shirt and sweatpants that was placed on the railing in the bathroom before folding my camouflage and rushing out.

"I was about to come in there but I wouldn't want to see your tiny peewee." The ugly partner said and I honestly felt disgusted by the nasty words of his mouth.

"The fact that you call a cock 'peewee' says a lot about your non existent IQ." I replied back and he jammed his rifle into my abdomen. Damn it that hurt might have cracked a rib.

The other one opened up a massive double door and pushed me inside before locking it from outside. The whole place was empty and the chains he bounded back after my shower felt much more uncomfortable now.

"Too pussy to come out?" I yelled out in the large room. It was so hollow that I could here my voice echo sounded like something from the Umbrella Academy.

"You know she did say you were stubborn and had a big ego." A slightly shorter man said as he made his way towards from the door that wasn't obvious. He was dressed in a three piece suit, Italian leather shoe, sleeked back hair. His well manicured nails and hair spoke special ops, Slavic accent so European, closed posture shows lower status definitely not the boss, bruising on his knuckle shows experience in hand to hand combat. In a three piece suit, there are limited places to keep a gun and I don't see a sign in any of those areas, unprotection means cameras and backup.

Apart from my analysis and scrutiny one thing stood out to me, She said.... who is the she that told him something about me? Had to be from the unit or maybe Terry?

"I see you analyzing and making conclusions about me but most of them are wrong trust me." How did he do that, he just changed his accent from the Slavic one he used to one of the British accents.

"You said She, who is the She that has been feeding you information about me?" He let out a booming laughter as I failed to register what was so funny.

"Let's talk about your father Roman James Butler."
I haven't spoken to my father in about ten years give or take and he clearly has done his research because he just called my full name which means I was a target.

"What does my father have to do with this?"

"Everything Roman, see I know your father is the Secretary of State, he's friends with the president which is how he got the post in the first place and also friends with the Secretary of defense. He's the perfect person for our cause and you're his son i.e we use you to get him. Simple enough?"

"How about you fuck yourself. He hates me so this plan is busted already."

"Tomorrow I'm setting up a call with your father to make my demands in exchange for you." He clapped his hands twice and stupid along with his partner idiot came in to get me.

Upon returning to the cell I see Jalil at the door and upon laying eyes on me he gave a very breath taking smile.

"Hey." I said to him while returning his smile.

"Hi, are you okay?" His eyes gestures towards stupid behind me.

"Yeah I'm alright."

"Sultan wants to see you too punk." Stupid's partner walked towards Jalil and pushed him out of the door.

So if they wanted me for my dad's position, who was Jalil related to that they needed.

More like a fill in chapter that's necessary for the plot of the story. Hope you guys enjoyed it anyway.

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Adios E.A.

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