Chapter 41.

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I had a very solid plan to spend today which is my day off, sleep till midday, get some workout in, shower and eat, get some reading done from this new app I've been toying with, then go for dinner at the mansion.

None of that was going according to plan right now, now I understand that our little afternoon walks and tour has been practically non existent for a few days now because, I've been extremely busy with work which is why I need to sleep but Jalil wants to go out.

"Romy Rom Rom, lets go out you've been asleep forever." Maybe if I ignore him he'll leave me alone to enjoy my sleep. "It's 10:27 come on let's go for a walk."

"Fine be wicked to me I'll just ask Enzo if he'll go to the art center with me." Ever since we've visited the art center, he's fallen in love with the place from the sculptures, to the paintings, and drawings it's weird how he can interpret the emotions from a painting when all I see are a glob of colors. "Are you really ignoring me?" He whines out and it almost gets me to open my eyes, almost.

He goes out of the room and everything goes quiet and finally I can continue my sleep marathon, a part of me wants to go see what he is up to because leave Jalil to his thoughts and some weirdness is bound to happen. But I really want to sleep and the lazy part of me wins the argument.

Might have been minutes or hours I don't really know when he steps back into the room and casually jumps on the bed. "So babe I was thinking of getting some pink paint so we can paint the room." what the fuck? Eww pink is just eww but I see what he's doing so I continue to ignore him. "I also threw out all your 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and Body-wash and got you this sweet smelling strawberry lavender body-wash." Um this is getting serious and it's pissing me off, who seriously throws out a bottle of Suave 3-in-1 goodness for some Lavender nonsense. "Oh and I rearranged your cards in your wallet from the most beautiful to the one that could do much better."

"That's it you're seriously pissing me off Jalil." Everything in my wallet has a place so I know where everything is ergo I can tell when something is missing in there. Who arranges a wallet from the most beautiful card to the not so beautiful, matter of fact it's a fucking card who cares what is looks like?

"For fucks sake Jalil my wallet is so disorganized!" I'm livid because I know he did this on purpose to piss me off, he knows how I am about things being in the right place. I'm mad at him scratch that I'm livid but also turned on by the button up shirt he's wearing which has the top buttons undone therefore his tit piercings are a little exposed. "This is pretty shitty, you know?"

I slowly walk towards him and for every step forward I take, he takes one backward, I don't miss the small smile threatening to fall from his lips and it's even more annoying because I don't know what's so funny.

"That was very naughty." I whisper after caging him between myself and the door, my lips so close but I don't kiss him yet. Instead I grab a handful of his ass and squeeze it not to a point where it hurt but to a point where he releases a slight whimper.

"I'm sorry daddy." A part of me knows he riled me up on purpose but I'm too pissed to care. I back him up into the bedroom and a bright idea comes into my mind, since I'm up we might as well have some fun.

"Bend over right here." I point to the edge of the bed while grabbing some pillows to position under him so he's comfortable. I can see the smile on his lips and can't help return it, Jalil is the one person that knows how to push my buttons but I love him so it's all good. I grab the lube and condom and squirt some of the substance on my first two fingers.

I position my fingers at the edge of his tight fluttering hole and just circle it for a short moment before pushing the first one in.

"nngh that's so good." A small smirk escapes my lips at how he moves his hips to my rhythm like my own little bunny. I increase the fingers from one to two and never let up the rhythm I set up. His hands are grabbing the pillows so tightly that I can see his knuckles turning white, his soft moans fueling me to get him to the ultimate level of pleasure, but he's so beautiful like this that I just want to hold onto this moment and never let go.

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