Chapter 20.

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I woke up startled for the third time in two days from a nightmare. Each of the nightmare always have the same theme, me being kidnapped and killed at the end of the day. The most terrifying part of it is that for the nightmares I've had so far the method of dying has been different, so far I've had bleeding to death, gunshot to the head, and gunshot to the chest is the latest one. It feels like I'm going insane, even though we're free now, this constant cloud of paranoia still hangs over me.

"You're okay baby, I'm right here remember? Romy says softly while rubbing my back on the little hospital bed we're currently cuddled up on. The thing is I know I'm okay, but a part of me is still paranoid that the threat isn't over. Sometimes I get lost in my head just conjuring images of ways we could have been killed or tortured more than we were and Romy has to return my attention to whatever we were doing. I know he notices the way I'm jumpy and scared of even the smallest noise.

However, he always knows what to say or what to do to calm me down and remove my mind from the next scary scene it is plotting. When I wake up from my nightmares he's there to hold me, when I get lost in my head, he'll pull up some Cat or Husky videos to cheer me up with their adorableness.

But he leaves for the U.S tomorrow and it seems like both of us have been avoiding the topic since Elijah announced it. Maybe if we avoid it long enough everyone will forget about it and we can move on. I know it's for him to get better health care and be back to at least 99% fitness, but I can help being selfish for wanting to keep him to myself.

I never knew that I could get this attached to someone who was practically a stranger to me about two weeks ago, I guess anything is possible now.

I've spoken with my momma everyday since we've been freed and even told her everything about Romy. I think she was more surprised that I'm team dick than the fact that he's an American soldier which says a lot. I honestly don't know where we'll stand when Romy leaves, are we just friends that said 'I love you to each other a couple of times, or acquaintances that kissed a couple of times, I don't even know what we are.

"What has got you blushing Princess?" See I cant even think about us kissing without blushing to my ears, it's embarrassing. "Aww don't hide baby, you're cute when you blush." I playfully hit his chest out of embarrassment because now I feel like I've been caught doing something I shouldn't be doing.

"But seriously do you want to talk about it?" Romy asks me gently. As a student of Psychology were taught that talking to someone you trust is a step in progress, but it's actually really hard to open up. Talk about a practical 'do what I preach but not what I do' moment.

"It's just another nightmare Romy I'm fine, excuse me." I gently step down from the bed and make my way to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I hear hushed voices from the room as I prepare Romy's tray consisting of his toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash since he can't stand for long periods of time yet.

I walk back into the room, tray in hand to see Elijah, officers Rodgers, Mane, and Tierney in the room, but they stop talking immediately they see me. Weird but maybe they're talking Military, not like I'd understand anyway.

"Hey guys." I greet them with a small smile and receive replies ranging from 'good morning Jalil' to 'hey little man'. Elijah is full of nicknames for everyone, he even calls Romy 'Buffalo' which gets me cackling every time.

I place the tray on the bedside table next to Romy right before he pulls me to him and gives me a small peck on the lips. And I'm blushing again, why does he have to do that in a room full of people. He's such a naughty boy.

"Can you give us a few minutes baby?" He asks while caressing my face and I automatically lean into it. I nod my head in affirmation before stepping out of his room to go to Callum's shack.

Ever since Major Feldman was shipped back to U.S for her trial, Callum has been down especially after learning that she did it to 'save' him. He also ships back tomorrow alongside Romy since he requested to be there for his sisters trial and it was granted. He's become isolated by other officers because his sisters actions cost them beloved friends, and brothers in arms. Especially when she's a high ranking officer and supposed to watch their backs.

"Good morning Call, did you sleep well?" I ask him softly after noticing the bags under his eyes.

"I tried J but I just couldn't." He sounds so exhausted, like everything is crumbling down on him. "But I'm not the only one because you look like shit too." Wow talk about being honest to a fault.

"Thanks for the compliment."

He looked at me confused "it's not a compliment J."

"I know but I'm taking it as one." I whispered and in moments we both burst out laughing. I guess the fact that we've looked worse than this was so funny to us.

We just sat in silence, both in our own thoughts. I've never been much of a talker and I'm so happy Call and Romy aren't ones for unnecessary talks too. We can cuddle for hours and not say anything just exchange soft touches and kisses intermittently.

"Ooh you're blushing J, what you thinking of?" I grumbled a low 'nothing' as I willed my face to calm down. "You know I'll miss you a lot right?" He asked me softly, if I wasn't so close I probably would have missed it.

The first formidable years of my life were spent moving around as the child of a diplomat so making friends was kinda hard, since I might be leaving in months anyway and I'm not the most social person out there too. But turns out it takes being abducted by terrorists to make friends that I click with.

"Not as much as I'll miss you." I replied with a genuine smile to my friend.

"Uhm I doubt it, I'll miss you more." He replied again.

"Not even, but agree to disagree." Carefully Callum moves closer and enveloped me in a hug, but more like a side hug since we're still sitting. I place my head on his shoulders and we just sit there till it's time for PT.

"Hey Princess." Roman calls out as I walk back into the room.

"Hey Soldier." I reply back as he pats my spot next to the bed for me to sit down.


We've been cuddled up for about two hours now, and in that time Romy has been in his phone for the majority, just texting and texting. Elijah has come in here like four times and they speak in hushed tones around me, Officer Tierney also made me go get coffee with her so Romy could talk to Callum and Officer Mane. I can't help but he curious about what's happening, especially when some people are giving me looks and Romy is being weird.

"Enjoy your coffee?" He asked as I get back into the room and Elijah is leaving for the umpteenth time.

"I don't drink coffee Roman." I scowl at him at the mention of so called beverage and his forgetfulness too.

"Right, I'm sorry baby." I chuckle at his lame attempt of a pout.

"It's fine, but is everything okay?" I ask with concern etched on my voice. It's our last day together for potentially a long time now, I'm leaving for home tonight because I can't do the goodbye tomorrow when he's leaving, so it's better I do it tonight. Thing is I haven't told Romy yet.

"Everything is perfect." He replies with a wide smile that I can't help return. He leans over a presses a kiss to my cheek before a ding comes on his phone again.

I watch Romy press the button to summon Dr Ross and she arrives in about a minute, also giving me that look like she knows something I don't know. What in the frickly frack is going on?

She's been helping him stand for a couple of minutes every three hours although I can tell it hurts him. But Roman has gotten so used to being strong that he forgets it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes maybe every time if you're me.

However, today is different she's helping him sit on the wheelchair. Where's he going? Again what's going on?

"Princess, give me a hand?" Romy asks gently and I nod in affirmation. I take position behind the wheelchair and wheel him out of the infirmary room down the hallway  to God knows where.

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A very merry Christmas in advance to everyone. Have fun but be safe, ok? Ok.

Anyways Adios E.A.

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