Chapter 26.

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Happy Sunday, happy rest day y'all.


"Class dismissed." I sigh in relief as the professor packs up her things in preparation to leave. This is one of my favorite classes yet one of the hardest ones too, Criminology. Thank God it's the last class of the day, I just have to wait for Lorenzo so we can go to my apartment and work on our adolescent Psychology project.

We'd paired up three days ago to do the project together and our topic is 'Self Identity, Emotion and Personality development of Adolescents.' It's a topic I know I'd enjoy so I told Roman during our Skype session. We ended the call angry at each other due to him saying that I'm too happy at the mention of Lorenzo. Lorenzo is a nice person and pretty cool but he'll always remain a friend, I love Roman But he's a butthead to think I'll leave him for Lorenzo. We've not spoken to each other since then and it's killing me because I miss him and I want to show him the new belly button piercing I got yesterday. It still hurts but then he might be angry again because Lorenzo also got the same piercing. Good lord have mercy.

"Earth to Jalil." Lorenzo waves to get my attention and I sheepishly smile in return. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

"It's nothing." I reply curtly, I can tell he doesn't believe me at all but he doesn't comment on it.

I'm so appreciative of the silence as we're both not into unnecessary small talk. Come to think of it me and Enzo are actually so alike, our love of piercings, same choice in career, it was a surprise when he told me he was born in Italy too and he speaks fluent Italian. It'll be creepy to have a relationship with a person so much like you, wouldn't it?

I unlock the door to my apartment and we settle in. The walls of my abode are painted a cool brown colour with some of my favorite quotes pasted on the wall. I can't stand bland houses so there's a form of art or picture on the walls of my apartment, well except the bathroom.

"Maybe we should eat something before we start?" I state but it comes out more like a question. Lorenzo has taken off his jacket to reveal the wife beater he's wearing under. He's very muscled and fit unlike my lean and pretty much regular body.

"That's great, I'm starving." He replies and I rush into the kitchen to make us some noodles, fast and easy so we can get started. "Need some help?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen. As much as I decline his offer he doesn't accept so I guess he can help then. At least I tried to be nice.

"Dio Santo!" I exclaim in surprise as Enzo glides his sauce covered fingers across my face. He's laughing at my misery, well two can play that game. I put my hands in the sauce and glide it across his neck and top.

"Madonna Santa, Jalil" he dips his hand into the bowl and I back up to run for my life.

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo, please don't do it please." I beg as he comes closer and I keep backing up. He lunges at me quickly and I land on the floor ungracefully with a shriek. He's tickling me with the sauce covered hand and I can't take it.

"Sorry!" I yell in my laughter/crying state to get him to stop the torture. He relents seconds later and I'm out of breath as he helps me up so we can finish making lunch.

"That was fun, now we have to clean up." We stare at each other dreading who'll get to clean up even though it's my house but I didn't start it i whine internally.

"We do it together?" I ask and he nods in agreement, so we finish making our lunch and clean up the kitchen. I set the lunch in the table before going to find an extra towel for Enzo to clean up with while I do do myself.

I step out of the shower clean now and I realize a call from Romy coming in. I skip to the bed and dive on it to talk to my boyfriend.

"Hey Princess." I don't know why tummy still flutters every time he call me that. "I'm sorry for not calling yesterday I was very busy."

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