Chapter 29

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This is a work of fiction guys ergo things are oversimplified and may or may not actually work that way in reality.

Enjoy :)


We alight from the cab about an hour and a half later to meet with a secure facility guarded by a not so small number of soldiers. I summon a little courage and approach the gate with a still ill Lorenzo dragging beside me.

"Can I help you!?" One of the soldiers ask with a very strong voice that makes my jump back in reflex. The others just look on, any mistake and we'll be blown up to mist in milliseconds.

"Yes sir, I'm here to see Captain Scofield." I whisper and he says something into his radio.

"Name!" I jump back again, his voice is so loud.

"Jalil." I reply and he speaks into the radio again before ordering someone to open the gate, we pass through the sign in cubicle where we're given paper tags with our names on it.

"Hi I've been expecting you since Rome told me you'll be coming, I'm Mike by the way." He's so big and massive with a little scruff on his chin and red hair trimmed in a buzz cut atop his head. I shake his stretched hand and Lorenzo does the same. "I'll set you up in one of our shacks, and the only rules are you can't enter the conference room nor can you go out of those gates for your safety of course." Not like I planned to do any of that honestly since the same rules applied in Romy's base.

"Thank you sir." Myself and Enzo say at the same time to Mike and he waves us off to not bother as he exits so we can get comfortable.

"Get some sleep Lorenzo so you'll feel better." He doesn't even argue with me as he takes his pants off and gets in the bed. I dial my boyfriend immediately.


"Wow, last time I saw you, you were seven and Eloise was running after you to stop pulling the girls' hair." I shudder at the memories of my childhood and my twisted idea of a good time. Ahh blessed childhood. "How are you Roman?"

"I'm well sir thanks for asking, you?"

"Can't complain, although the border policies bother me but it's all part of the job, win some, lose some." He replies and I guess it's politician talk because he and my dad let out a laughter at that. "You certainly didn't miss me Roman so tell me what's up?"

I decide to just give him the shortened version of the story and tell him the relationship between myself and Jalil and the danger he's in, my dad also helps me out in some parts. Secretary Hudson also asks some questions in between which I answer honestly and he even takes down notes.

"Well of course I'll help you Roman, tell you what I'll get in touch with the consulates today and prepare the paperwork myself tomorrow. Day after tomorrow come to my office and documentation will be ready for all four of them." My mouth drops at how casually he says all this, I really am surrounded by people with enough juice in the country. This is so wonderful and I definitely can't thank him enough for this great thing he's done for me.

"Thank you so much sir, I'm forever grateful to you sir." I'm so short of words at how fast it's all going.

"Roman come on you're a son to me, have a drink and relax" he calls over the waitress and I feel bad for having to decline due to my injury, I still can't drink alcohol yet. I explain this to him and he's the one thanking me for my service like he didn't just do a massive thing for me. "Just take care of him when he gets here, keep that love alive." I nod furiously at that.

My dad doesn't decline the offer of a drink and pretty soon we're just talking about random things from my childhood which is like to keep some parts secret, to the media propaganda

"I have to go now if I want to get everything done for you, Roman. And you're welcome to my office anytime." He stretches his hand towards me and I shake it while thanking him again and him just accepting my thanks after realizing they're not stopping anytime soon. He and my dad also shake hands and make plans to visit each other soon.

I walk out of the golf club alongside my dad who's also heading back to his office when Jalil's call comes in. I'm so pissed off at him.

"I'm mad at you Princess, very mad." I answer into the phone.

"I know Romy and I'm sorry, forgive me?"

"Always." I reply and the line is quiet for a few seconds before we both speak at the same time. "You first." I chuckle.

"Enzo is my half brother, I'm 10 months older than him that means my momma was nine months pregnant with me when he got another woman pregnant." He states and I can tell that he'd put a lot of thought into this. His father really is a piece of work. Dude your wife is nine months pregnant, she deserved better than you.

"How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know Romy, I can't hate him because he's done nothing to me and he suffered for years as a child with that man. His back is filled with belt marks." Jalil's voice is quivering and I know he's close to tears.

"I talked to the Secretary of Homeland Security today and he can help with documentation to move you, Lorenzo, Rashid, and mom here. So this time next week you'll be here with me and I can protect you."

The line is silent for a while and I have to check if I'm still connected to the call, why isn't he saying something?

"Jalil are you there?.... Baby talk to me." At this point we're at the parking lot and my dad waves to me as we split up to our different cars.

"I'm here Romy." his soft reply comes out.

"So, what do you think about that?" I ask while connecting the call to my truck's Bluetooth speaker.

"We can't keep running forever babe, he's going to find us there too. All he does is hurt people and I won't forgive myself if he hurts you Roman." I can't keep the blush off my face at his protective tone. I still think coming to the U.S is the best option for them right now though which is exactly what I tell him.

"We're going to be a burden on you Romy, what about University for Enzo and I and Secondary school for Rashid? Let's think this through Romy."

Okay maybe I hadn't really thought of all that but his dad is bad news, and his life is my number one priority so pardon me if I want to keep him away from that serial abuser and let every other thing work itself out. For crying out loud he literally cries and fidgets upon hearing the man's name and nothing else.

"Jalil it's no coincidence that he moved less than five miles to your apartment and school area, and I know it's not to personally deliver your Christmas gift, please let me protect you, please." I can't really tell him that I'm scared to lose him and perhaps there's an underlying selfish cause behind this for me but I can't lose him.

"But Americans talk weird." He whines and I don't know if to be offended. We don't talk weird as much as I know.

"No we don't." I reply and I know he didn't just huff at me, He's really begging for an ass spanking now "So is that a yes?" I ask, hope radiating in my voice.

"Yes Romy." A smile makes its way to my lips and I hope to hear those words again sometime in the future when we decide to take the next step. "I must warn you, I'm a bed hugger." My smile grows into a laughter at that.

"I'm good with that Princess." I reply.

Well a lot of things need to get done to prepare for their arrival. Time to get some repairs done in my house and transform it from a bachelor pad to a not-so-bachelor pad. We might need a bigger house at this point but I'll figure it out.

Happy Sunday everyone and I hope you loved this chapter.

Anyways Adios E.A.

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