"Uh...how many places do I need to sign?"

"The first only. The rest is just information that you don't need to worry about. You've been married before, so this shouldn't bother you that much." He smiles. I doubt I actually need to sign all of these in one place. He's probably going to copy my signature and put it on other things to make himself feel good.

I should be signing more things, but since he's shady and can get any issues dealt with, I'll pretend all of this is fine. If I need to sign in more places or on more papers, he'll put it there I'm sure of it. I'm sure he has all the proper paperwork already with him anyway. I don't know how he does things, but it seems like he finds a way to.

I nod and place the tip of the pen down, looking away from his face. I move it across the line he wants me to sign on, putting my name down. Okay, it is done. We're now going to be a couple.

"I didn't need to have all these papers here, but I felt like keeping others for important information. It is just telling me where to go to for this and all." I feel like there is more to that. It should just be a simple thing.

"Is it documents about us?" That's my guess about what it is.

"Smart girl. Yes, it contains documents about us and my background. It'll get down quickly, Mari, so don't worry too much. I know people who move this through without hesitation."

He's going to use his position in the world to speed things up. Does he have some dirt on someone? That's my guess. He's going to go around the typical loops people have to go through in order to get this done.

"I'll file to change your name once we do the ceremony. How about we go out there and pick out a dress for you?" Gai suggests. "I know I told you to let me handle the planning, but I can't let that part not be done by you. You should wear something you love to the wedding."

I'm officially done being single now that I'm with him. I don't know what made him pick me out of all the potential partners out there, but he picked me. Maybe he is going to use me to cover up something or to torment Allen.

"I would love to pick out a dress for our wedding," I state. I know it'll be public and the media will be invited for sure. He is going to want to have a good image to the public if he is a really shady person.

He pulls the papers back, smiling softly. "I think we should get comfortable with touching each other. Am I allowed to embrace you at all and hold your hand when we're out together?"

"Yes, you're allowed to do that." If he's going to be the father to my potential offspring, I need to be ready to handle him trying to get intimate with me.

"I won't try anything you dislike a lot. If you don't want to get into bed with me, you don't have to. I won't force you into bed with me," he states. "So, let's head out in a moment. I'll arrange a driver so we can sit with each other."



I turn my head a bit, looking over a white dress. Do I deserve to even wear one of these again? I'm not tainted, am I?

"You're going to look beautiful on our wedding day," Gai tells me. "And don't doubt yourself, Mari. A woman as wonderful as you can always wear what they want to. If that happens to be white to a wedding, you can."

I turn my head a bit, eyes leaving the white dress. "You really think so?" I ask. He looks so sincere and soft right now. Like he actually cares about me, but I doubt he truly does. This is nothing more than a business arrangement for him.

"I do." He nods. "Look at a few more dresses before deciding. I would hate for you to pick one you don't like that much."

He's right. I should take my time and not pick something that I'll hate. It has to be one that is beautiful enough to make me shine in front of the media. I would hate to make Gai look bad because he looks so smooth and stylish.

Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora