Horobi nods. "I see. Well, I'll do your laundry for today," he says, putting the bag of ice and water down. He picks up something and holds it up. "Night dress for you."

I take it and he moves back, allowing me up. I pull off my shirt and toss it down, letting it land by my feet. I pull over the black and purple silky night dress and sigh. Why do I allow him to watch me do this stuff?

"You forgot the pants."

"I rather leave them on. I'm wearing granny panties right now."

"Granny panties?" He doesn't get that?

"It looks like old lady underwear. Horobi, that is what that is." And they are white and clean as heck. I made sure of it. I don't want no dirty and stinky stains on my panties.

"Who cares what underwear looks like?" He turns away me and over to the table with his blade on it. He picks up a bottle, which contains some of my pain pills. "I don't think these will do. I'll have Jin go and steal something for you to take." He doesn't care because he has no fashion sense!

"You're going to make him steal medicine?" I ask. That's wrong! "That's a crime, Horobi."

"I don't need you getting sicker while you're injured and weak immune system wise. Sure, I want humans to die, but I'm not risking your life while I'm using you. Even if that would make things easier for us, I won't let it happen. And why are you so worried about committing a crime? You're already doing so."

He may not like me, which he is open and harsh about, but he tolerates me. And I tolerate him. I don't like him just like he doesn't like me. I can careless about his perfectly handsome face and his sexy sounding voice. He has no personality and is blander than a piece of toasted bread. A toast is pretty dang bland without butter or cinnamon butter.

He turns back to me and holds out his hand. "Hand me the top."

"Oh, right!" I bend over and pick it up. "I forgot to hand you it."

I place the top in his hand and he brings his other up to it, touching it gently. He folds it and puts it down on the table. He looks around, eyes scanning the room. He's looking for more stuff to clean.

"I'll handle things for you."

"I know."


"Why did you give me something without telling me it'll help me?" I have to know. Why would he track me without telling me that he's tracking me? He could have been honest with me about the gift not being a simple gift.

He looks me in the eyes. "You wouldn't have accepted it then. I'm sure that Allen tracked you a few times and that is why you also couldn't leave him. In order to avoid triggering you in any way, I made sure to not tell you about that. But since you know now, you can stop wearing it. It is up to you if you trust Allen or not." He wants me to keep wearing it so he can keep tabs on me, huh?

"I'll wear it. It is a gift and it is rude to say no to a gift to your face." I smile. "Besides, I like how it looks." I hold up my arm and look at my wrist. It is a pretty looking bracelet.

"I hope that you don't get kidnapped again because I didn't like revealing myself to him. However, I had no choice. And what was that about in your sketchbook?" Oh, he saw that? 

"Oh, that? I drew you getting hit by a car," I lie. "It isn't anything you should worry about."

"A car?"

I nod. "Yeah. You ticked me off that day," I tell him, keeping up with the lie. "I draw angry, nasty things when mad."

"If anyone gets hit by a car and dies here, it'll be you."

He's right. I would die way before he does. He's a strong, sturdy male who is potentially a robot. Not like he'll let me know, but I can assume it all I want. I doubt he ever sleeps. I never see him do that.

"Do you want me dead?"

"It depends on the situation. If you betray us, sure. If you don't, I'll worry about your time to die a different day. It all depends on where things are supposed to end up." What is that even supposed to mean?

I wonder what goes on in his head that makes him think that all humans should die. Maybe, if he is a robot, the gears in his head are bad and not turning properly. Does he even have gears? I have no clue.

"What do you think of me, Horobi? Be honest." I want to know more about him and how he feels towards me personally. Not like I care though.

"You're an idiot who gets into a ton of trouble. It isn't your fault that you do, but you end up in it regardless."

"Just those two things?" That can't be it.

He smirks. "You don't know how to listen to me when I tell you to do something and when you do listen, you somehow end up in trouble. You know that it bothers me that you took Abyss behind my back. I don't know if I can trust you to even be near my workspace now with how you took it."

"I won't try anything ever again. I already tried my luck with you and look where that got me. You kept me from dying." And yet no one saw him keeping me alive. Where in the world is A.I.M.S. when I need them to do their job?

"You are lucky that I kept your phone in order to make the call for help. Next time you take Abyss, I'll kill you." Ouch! "I hated calling them for assistance. It made me really disgusted, but I had to call for it. It isn't your time." Again, what does he mean by that?

"I screwed up big time and I'm sorry for doing so," I reply. "So, I agree with what you want to do. You may kill me if I take it ever again."

"I am glad to hear that you acknowledge your mistake. However, what matters is if you learn from it." He turns away and points to my spot. "You may lay down and rest. I'm sure that your body needs it." So, no pulling out the sword and offering to kill me the moment I touch it? Okay.

Oh, it does.

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