I look out the window, staring at my reflection. I wanted to run because I wanted to run. I ended up with Horobi because I wanted to. There isn't an explanation about why I ended up thinking of going to him, but I did.

"Did you leave me over another guy? Did he talk you into leaving me?" Allen asks me. "Is that what is going on?"

I close my eyes. "It wasn't a guy that made me leave you. I was wrong to have tried leaving you again." I'm going to have to do what he wants me to do. "I didn't mean to go."

I'm never going to see Horobi again at this point. I'm going to be stuck with Allen for the longest time because of how weak I am. He's going to make me be his wife again and change my face back to how it used to be or similar to how it was.

"I knew that you didn't want to truly leave me. You love me so much and you couldn't think of leaving me when your mind is clear. You thought about it when you were upset and I get that," he says. I don't care if he is driving, I don't want to see everything go by.

How can he think that I wouldn't want to leave him? He's a nightmare to be around. He's horrible to me every single day of my life when we're together. If we're apart, things are good. Why couldn't I have been born without her face?

"I missed you while you were gone. Did you think about things properly? I won't be mean again, I promise. I can change." He won't change.

I open my eyes and turn my head, looking at him. "I thought about things." I don't want to keep talking about this.

"Good." He looks at me. "Good, girl."

He looks back at the road and he turns, taking a left. I wonder where we're going. I don't want to be isolated with him.

"You'll see. Please, just sleep for now."

"A-alright." I have no choice, do I? Sleeping is better than talking to him or seeing his face.


Allen pulls on my wrist, dragging me towards the waters. We're at some lake or something. It seems to be man made, but it is beautiful looking. The water is glittering from the sunlight and it looks beautiful on the dark water.

"Isn't this beautiful, Juli? I wish we could have come to see this together when we first got together. Maybe this would have blessed our humble beginnings due to its beauty," Allen tells me, stopping.

I look at him, my legs trembling. "What about her? Your first wife? Did you get to see things like this with her?" I question, raising my voice.

He turns his head, looking at me. "Are you wondering about that? I love you, Juli. Elise is dead and gone. You know that means that she won't come back, Juli."

He pulled the plug on her once he knew he could just get a new model who could do things on their own. Elise wasn't ever going to wake up, so he had no choice. However, it is sick that he waited until he found me to do so.

"But you loved her so much that you left her the moment you found me. You didn't have her soul anymore and you couldn't live with that! So, you married me despite me not being even close to her spirit wise!"

If I was close to being Elise, I wouldn't have endured endless amount of abuse. Of course, none of that is her fault. She, from what I know, was a good person. She didn't have to deal with this version of her husband. When he was with her, he was the perfect man.

"But you can become similar to her. You have a stubborn personality is all. If you become like her, you will be able to coexist with me without angering me."

I shake my head. "You know I can't be anything like her. I changed my face just to put an end to it."

"You didn't mean to change your face at all, Juli. You didn't know what to do without me being at your side. That's all that happened. You didn't know what to do." He looks at me, eyes watering. "You love me."

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