"I don't want the brownish blonde looking highlights though," I state. "Blue at it with a few streaks up and down the hair is a better idea to me." It'll give me a bit of a bold look. 

"Yes, I can totally do that for you. Can I do your makeup while I'm at it? After your hair, of course."

I nod. "Go for it."

"It'll be fifty percent off. Any ideas?"

"That's good." I turn my phone back towards me and press the off button. "I would like to have my makeup down. Uh...I don't know what I'll look good in so you can pick it. I'm not huge on the trends and all right now." I just do whatever I feel like doing unless it conflicts with what Allen wants.

"Come on, let's do your hair." She motions for me to move over to a chair. She must be one of the better workers if she can touch idols. I wonder why I am able just to walk in. "You can walk in because most idols do that. And we don't say no to people who pay us."

I nod. "Sounds nice."

I move over to the chair and she goes around the side, looking at something. They must keep the dye over there or something. She's going to do an amazing job.

"Here you go." She pulls out an apron looking thing. "You should go ahead and put this on so we can keep dye from going all over you."

"Ah..." I take it from her and she moves behind me, lifting up my hair.

"Let me help." She grabs it with her free hand and puts one side down. She lets go of my hair and pulls the other side up, linking it with the other half. "There we go! Now, let me go and grab the dye."


She's a nice woman it seems. Honestly, the nicest one I've run into at a place like this. Most try to get me in and out. I'm not sure if Allen had to do with that though. When we were married, he would make sure no guys would touch my hair. Then he picked what style I would have for my hair because I had to resemble Elise.

Maybe this will make me feel better than I do now. I need a change. I need something to bring myself back to life.

"So, what makes you want to change your hair? Impressing someone? Oh, by the way, I go by Sasha. I know, I am not someone who speaks English. BUT! I do love the name a lot and decided to use it."

I look ahead, staring into the mirror as she touches my hair. "Sasha is a pretty name to go by. I'm Mari."

"So, what is it?"

"Oh, I'm just wanting a new look." I doubt I can impress anyone with my choice in look. Once it is done, it is done. I'm going to be happy with it unlike Allen.

"So, you're not wanting to do it for a guy?"

I laugh softly. "No, I'm not doing it for a guy. Or a lady. I'm just doing it for myself because I think I deserve to look my best. Honestly, I should, right?"

"Right. Us girls do need to keep boosting ourselves up. Now, Mari, are you with anyone?"

"I've gotten back with my ex-husband recently." I'm not going to hide it. She's a stranger. "The divorce was my idea and it was because of my own selfish reasons." Is it wrong to want to leave someone who doesn't truly love you and only hurts you?

She nods her head. "I hope that it isn't too bad for you to be with him again. I know that sometimes relationships can be difficult. I have had only a few relationships, since my career come first, but I do know it can be hard. And believe me, I have had a few hard times in mine."

"I agree." I doubt she's been abused just for not being someone else. Just who is Elise exactly? She can't be that perfect.

"Do you love him?"

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