Isamu gets up and leaves with Yua, leaving me with Aruto and Kairi. I don't know what is going to happen now that we've done that. It is all up to Horobi at this point.

"I'm sorry that you got hurt and kidnapped," Aruto says, apologizing for earlier. "I shouldn't have let him get close to you. I should have been keeping an eye out for him. I know he's out there yet I do nothing to ensure that he doesn't get close to us."

"I have the kit," Izu says, stepping in front of me. "Shall we get started?"

"Yeah, let me do this." Aruto moves towards us and he kneels before me, taking the kit from her. "Mari, lean forward and bend down a bit. I'm sorry if it hurts you to do so."

He opens the kit up and I lean forward, bending over a bit so he can easily reach me. He places something against my lip gently, patting it on it slowly. Well, tapping it against it.

"This should help it help nicely," he tells me, smiling. "I think you're going to be alright once I take care of it."

I nod slowly, being careful not to knock out the thing from his hand. "Yeah."

This is the opposite of how Jin helped me that one time. Jin isn't careful with anything really. He's dangerous and harmful. Horobi is probably similar. That guy only cares for anything he cares about. If you're outside of that, you're screwed.

"Are you feeling alright now that you're here?" Aruto asks me softly. "I was worried about you when it happened." I am sure that everyone was. It isn't everyday that someone gets kidnapped here and they have to watch.

I nod. "Yes, I am okay. I am better now because I'm with you all and I see you all as my friends." I'm not in much danger with them at my side. When I'm with Horobi and Jin, I don't feel at ease. I'm always on edge because I don't want to upset either one of them and end up dead.

He puts the kit to the side. "I finished wrapping you up with Izu's help. She's quick at it." I didn't even notice her doing anything.

"Oh, nice." I smile a little, face stinging. I wish I could punch Jin the face right now because he was way too hard with it. I said to hit me in the face, not make me suffer afterwards with an aching and stinging face.

"Izu, you can put this away now."

"I will do that now, sir." Izu picks up the kit and turns away from us, leaving to put it away.

I'm curious about where their hearts lie. Are they just terribly evil humans who hate others humans or are they just plain evil HumaGears? How would a HumaGear get so evil in the first place? I am so curious about them.

"I am really sorry for earlier."

 Aruto just looks so upset about this entire situation. Too bad I'm the one who suggested it and had Horobi all over the plan. I hate that Horobi edited the entire plan after I left that day and decided to steal all my keys for a bit.

"It is fine. I'm okay now." My heart sinks. I hate lying to the poor guy. He's so kind to me and I'm just lying to his face.

"I'm glad that you're okay since I was worried that he would kill you. I don't know what we would have done if they did that," Aruto replies. Man, I hate lying to him. He's nice to me and all I do is repay him back with lies about things. 

"Thanks." They took care of this really well. No one suspects a thing really now. Well, Yua is probably the only who who does.

"Will your boss be mad at your for losing your key to them? If he gets mad, I'll talk to him for you and explain the situation carefully," Aruto offers. "I don't want him firing you over something that was out of your control." If only Aruto knew what truly was going on.

"I have no clue what is going to happen once he finds out." He's not a bad guy. Allen seems quite okay for someone who just got put in a high position of power. "I don't know much about him, so I can't tell you if he'll be mad about it or not."

Allen is a complete mystery to me right now. I know absolutely nothing about him at this moment, but I hope to find out about him so I can understand him better. First impressions can be misleading, so I can't just go off of mine. He didn't seem bad, but for all I know he can be.

"I hope things go well for you when you tell him about it."

"Thanks..." I hate that Horobi did that. He has now put me in a difficult spot. "I'll call you if I need you, Aruto."

"Alright." He smiles. "Take care."

"Thanks again for everything. I will be sure to try and take care of myself." I can only do what I can.

"Aruto, can I do anything else now?" Izu asks, finally returning.

Aruto looks behind me and nods. "Yes, please provide access to our building to Kairi and Mari at all times. They're safer here than anywhere else." Honestly, that is pretty much true.

"Will do."

I clear my throat. "Uh...can I leave Kairi here for a few moments? I am going to go and talk to my boss now. I have to inform him of the key being taken from me as soon as possible. If I don't, he'll hear it from A.I.M.S. and that won't go over  too well." 

I don't need A.I.M.S. making my boss get all over my case. Especially when I had no intentions of that key being taken from me. Horobi just had to think it was a great idea to do so. I don't know what made him think it was, but I can assume what did. He was walking around his base and tripped over something. He landed on the big pile of wires on the floor and it shocked him, making him have that terrible idea of stealing my key. Yes, that is it.

"Alright, I understand. Go."

I nod. "Thanks. Kairi, behave."

"Understood, Mari," Kairi responds. She's just so good.

Time to get chewed out by my boss. I'm so ready to get my beautiful butt fired or punished. I don't know which one will happen, but it'll be one of those things.

A/n: If I post more of these chapters today, its because of them being written already. I'm working on Wishful Dreams (deciding what to do in the new chapter still so it'll probably be later today when it is updated or tomorrow). It is easy to copy and paste written chapters from the word doc so yeah. More Zero-One story!

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