Chapter 43

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Opening the room's door in which Anthony had entered two minutes ago, I got in and locked it behind me silently, hiding the key under a furniture. I breathed in and heaved out a long breath, trying to calm myself. As I could feel the slight excitement cause my arms to tremble, I clasped my hands together behind my back. A shiver ran down my nerves when I heard the water of the sink flow. Placing a hand onto my inner thigh, I could feel the knife in my garter. It was just a matter of seconds before I could exterminate that leech. The gentle trickling of water only aroused my fury.

After a little moment, the water stopped flowing, meaning that he was done and was wiping his hands. I gathered my insanity, my fury and my excitement inside while I felt hungry for revenge. I was going to let myself loose for tonight. I was going to show him who I really was and that it was a big mistake to mess with me and my family. He had killed my mother, my brother, and now he was traumatising my sister, Alice? No, I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't care more for tonight or what would happen after that. I just wanted sweet revenge.

I didn't care if vampires killed me after they would find Anthony's corpse smeared in his own blood. I always promised to give him a slow and agonizing death, which I was going to fulfil. I clenched my fists when I felt the immensity of my rage overcome and consume me. I just wanted to see red. His blood oozing slowly while I would drag my knife along his skin to give him the most torturous death I had ever given anyone. How I would like to drain him from his blood just like he did with my precious family. I would also hurt him like he did and he would just lay helplessly on the floor.

I had been supressing my demon in me for so many years, and now, it was finally time to unleash it and let it take control of my body. I wanted to hear that leech's screams of horror and pain along with his pleadings. Just like he had heard from my family when he pitilessly assassinated them. I took a small step, walking towards the bathroom door. Adrenaline was already flooding my system while I took even steps. There was this weird feeling stirring in the pit of my stomach while my demon began taking control of my soul and body.

I could feel the air thickening in the room when the knob of the door in front of me was turned. A bead of sweat trickled down the back of my neck while I held my breath. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion while the door sliently creaked open. I wrapped my fingers around the wrist of my other hand that was tempted to grab my knife. I dug my fingers into my skin when Anthony slowly came out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I was waiting so long to get my prey alone with me in a room where no one could disturb our fun.

He silently closed the door behind him and turned. His pair of butterscotch eyes lasered into my own as he acknowledged my presence. I felt pinned but only grinned maliciously at him. I took a step, wanting to close the distance between us. He raised an eyebrow at my presence and asked curiously in that same voice that I wouldalways have nightmares about, "What are you doing here, human? Are you lost?" My nails dug deeper into the skin of my wrist, getting the immense urge of getting my knife and strike him but I tried to keep my calm. I had to control myself.

"Perhaps...." I responded in a trailing voice that purred at the back of my throat. I took another step so that I was just in front of him. He looked confused as to why I was looking at him directly in his eyes. I stealthily placed a hand onto his shoulder, making him eye it strangely. As an eerie feeling ate me from inside, I grinned wider with malice swirling into my sapphire eyes. That urge for revenge was torturing my guts while churning my stomach in tense cramps. That feeling about taking revenge engulfed my conscience, pushing away aside my other thoughts.

"Or perhaps not....." I trailed off similarly in a purring voice. Extremely confused, he looked into my eyes to find some kind of real answer to his question. I chuckled quietly under my breath to myself and took a look on the scar that he had on his left cheek. I glided my hand from his shoulder to his cheek and cupped it while my thumb brushed over the slowly fading scar. I felt my blood run cold into my veins when he placed his glacial palm onto the back of my hand. He had some sort of anger flicking into his darkening eyes. He didn't like to be touched by humans.

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