Chapter 3

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The door was opened by the driver and I got out after Lord Dalrymph. Ohh my....god, what the..... Wow!!!! This isn't even a mansion but a beautiful palace!!!! And I can't believe that I'll get to stay here for a month until I get back to the pet shop.

Lord Dalrymph looked at me, put his two fingers under my chin, applying a bit of pressure on it to close my mouth which was wide open as I was admiring the beauty infront of me.

"Are you done gawking pet?" he asked me with a grin on his face.

I slapped his hand away from my face and replied, "I wasn't gawking. And I've seen better castles." as I rolled my eyes at him. He hummed in answer and tugged at my leash, indicating me to follow him. We went to the gigantic double white doors and a human slave quickly opened it as he saw who was coming.

The human boy said, "Good evening, Lord Dalrymph." And bowed before the vampire but the latter just nodded and entered. He's so mannerless, didn't someone teach him some manners or how to respect other people.

Oops, who am I to tell him to respect people when of course, I don't respect these vampires.

Anyway, when we entered, there were two ranges of human slaves on each side of the door, with their arms crossed behind their backs and head bowed in respect. I looked around, taking in the beauty of the inside of the palace which left me breathless.

On the big red puffy couches, were seated many vampires with their pets sitting on the ground or on their master's lap. Then, infront of us, were a couple that was coming into our direction, both had a smile on their face. Who are they?

The woman had blue eyes and red curly hair as me, except my hair was straight. And she had a slender body, she looked good. Actually it's because vampires have the ability to keep their youthness and beauty even if they grow older. The man had green eyes and blond hair. He looked good too.

Wait....the....woman, she looks like..... no stop it Grace you can't just compare that vampire to her.

"Alexander darling, won't you introduce your pet to us?" the woman asked Alexander, so apparently, my new master's name is Alexander. And wait, did she just called him darling?!

"Mom, I told you to stop calling me that. And, this is my new pet, Grace." Alexander introduced me to his parents. The couple smiled at me but I kept a blank face; because unlike them, I don't want to act as if I was happy to meet them.

"Aww, look honey, she's so beautiful!" the mother of Alexander exclaimed to her husband. She is squealing like a five year old child who just got a doll. Even if I looked at them straight into their eyes, they didn't even beat me or slapped or even yelled at me. Strange, what kind of vampire are they? Good ones? Hahaha, that's the best joke I've ever made. A good vampire....

"Indeed, she is." the man replied to her wife. I don't understand something, are they blind? Because, I'm not that beautiful. Just look at me, my hair is so messy, my face is two shades paler because of lack of blood, I'm so skinny, my bones are so prominent and I have wounds on me. Try to be honest with me!!

"So sweetie, how old are you?" the woman asked me with her sickly sweet voice. It disgusts me to see that she's acting nice to me. Can't she be a little more honest?

"I'm seventeen and turning eighteen on the 18 of October." I replied with a blank face and a flat voice. I wasn't a little kid like some vampires told me and was going to turn eighteen soon.

"That's great! It's just in two months." she exclaimed in happiness. "Alexander darling, she's so young! Please don't be too harsh on her." she said to Alexander. Him? Not to be harsh on me? Huh, I don't think that vampires can be nice to their pets.

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