I close my eyes, placing my hands over my ears. I need this to stop right now. I have no idea what is going on, but I don't like it.

"Beg for me to let you go right now. If you do, I'll let you go. I won't fight you."

"Uh...hello?" I feel something push on my chest gently, right above my girls. "Are you in there, ma'am?"

I open my eyes and he puts to my hands on my ears. Oh, right! I nearly forgot about me doing that just now. Why am I doing this right now?

I drop my hands and take a deep, shaky breath. Okay, I just need to calm down. I'm sure I'm remembering something I witnessed at some point in a show or something.

"Is this some sort of game you're trying to play with me?" he asks.

"Game?" I blink. He's so tall and childish. I wish I could be taller than him, but sadly I am only five foot six.

"I don't get the hand and ear thing at all," he replies. Neither do I. I just did it for some reason. "Do I need to hurry up and end this so you don't suffer?" He pulls out something, which is a bit shiny. Wait...is that a gun?

"It has MetsubouJinrai on it. Did you engrave it yourself?" I ask. I need to think of a way out of this situation that I'm in now. I am not going to die to some guy who isn't a Kamen Rider.

"Does it matter when you're going to die?" he holds it out, pointing it at my chest. "I can end this right now if you want me to or drag it out. Up to you."

"Wait...I can give you something that you want to know. Anything," I tell him. I can bargain with them and get out of this situation.

"You can give me information? Like what?"

"Anything about Hiden Intelligence and A.I.M.S. that I know about. I'll give you the information if you spare my life." And I certainly won't come back here alone ever again.

"What's your name?" He puts the gun down, pointing it towards the ground.

"It isn't any of your business," I answer, glaring. "That isn't what we are talking about."

He puts the gun away and he steps forward, grabbing my injured hand. "Talk and I'll let you go with your life. I promise." He smiles as he applies pressure to the wound, sending pain through me.


"Talk right now or else! I am playing nice right now."

This is how he plays nice? I don't want to know what he is like when he's not playing nice. This guy is a crazy person!

"Mari," I tell him, finally answering his question on my name. "Mari Snow."

He stops the pressure. "What was so hard about giving me that kind of information? And what is your goal? You know, why are you here?"

I clench my teeth. I don't want to give him that kind of information. That is kind of sensitive and pretty much classified.

"You want me to do the pressure thing again?"

"..." Nope, I certainly don't want that. While I'm tough, I can only handle so much.

He applies pressure once again to my hand, making me gasp. "Done being silent?"

"N-no..." I don't really want to say that kind of thing, but it already came out of my mouth.

He presses harder, blood leaking out of the wound and dripping onto the ground. "How about now? Are  you going to change your mind?" He smirks.

"Okay, okay!" I close my eyes. "I'll talk, but don't hurt me anymore!"

"You're always begging for less pain. You're a dumb bitch who should know her place."


I open my eyes. "What is your name? I won't tell anyone what your name is." Not like I'll be able to explain why I know his name if I told them. It'll just make me look bad if I tell anyone his name.

"You should go first," he orders. 

"Once we all get data on you, we'll make an anti-hacking program that goes against MetsubouJinrai protocol," I tell him. "It is like an anti-virus kind of program. My company is looking to put an end to the all the hacking you do."

"Oh, that's neat!" He likes that? "And?" He knows there is more to the story?

"We got files on you all."

"All of us? So you know about...no, you can't. No one has seen..." He shakes his head. "You should send me those files somehow. I got it! Just hand off a USB or something to me and I'll deliver it to where it needs to go."


"Does it bother you?" He tilts his head a bit. "If it does, I can end this. You promised to share what you know." Oh, I remember. I'm not stupid.

I shudder internally. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Great. Jin."

"Jin?" That is so normal sounding for someone in Japan and someone who is a terrorist. Jin, huh?

He releases my hand. "If you get data on anything else for us, I'll be sure to take it. I need you to do what you can for us."


"We can use it to prevent you all from sabotaging our plans." Like that is hard to do. He's bad at doing his plans.

"Fine, whatever. Uh...do you know if I can treat this while I'm here? You know, temporarily?" I need to cover up this wound for a bit.

"I can help you with that now that we're partners. Hold on," he tells me, grinning.

"Wait...don't yet! I have a HumaGear that I own and I need to know if you will hack her or not. You can't hack into her, please." Anything but hacking her. I can careless about becoming some sort of MetsubouJinrai spy right now.

"Deal!" Is he even the one who should be making the deals? I'm sure he's just the guy who does the hands on stuff for the big boss. He points down. "Sit."

I nod and sit down, looking around. This place is so dark. Well, not totally dark yet. It has some light in it.


I hold out my hand and he touches it with some cloth he probably found. Actually...it looks a bit clean. Why do they have this kind of stuff around?

"Ah!" That was a delayed stinging sensation! Is he cleaning my wound out?

"I'm sterilizing the wound for you. I'll even wrap it up since we're friends now," Jin tells me, grinning. He tosses the cloth down and pulls out another, wrapping it around my hand quickly. He ties it, sealing it up from any other harm.

"Who is the big boss man behind all of this? If I'm going to be helping you all, I should at least know who they are by name." I want to know the one who is behind all this. I want to know who is giving the orders to Jin to hack the HumaGears. The one who is leading them into this war with humans.

He straightens himself out. "Horobi."


"He's busy right now so you can't meet him. He's doing computer work and I'm trying to keep it down for him!" Jin exclaims, sounding joyful. "You'll meet him soon, Mari! I promise!"

And he'll probably be mad that someone made a deal with someone behind his back. What have I done? I'm teaming up with the enemy.

No, I'm practically in bed with the enemy.

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