Chapter 53

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He moved to hover above me, being very careful not to put any weight on our babies. He began leaving warm loving kisses on every part of naked skin that he could find.

"Yeahhh, this woman definitely likes that lyubov moy." (my love)

We had been making out for about five or ten minutes when the meal bell rang.

"Awww, and I was having such a good time."

Dimitri laughed against my neck and I laughed with him.

"We need to go to the grocery store for mama sometime today Mitya."

"How do you know that Roza?"

"I helped mama get breakfast ready. But before you say anything, no I did not cook any of it. I just sliced the black bread and set the table."

"I would have eaten it even if you had cooked it detka, I assure you." (baby)

I gave him a loving kiss for that vote of confidence, because we both knew that I couldn't cook like mama. Or even like he could. But I was trying to learn, because I wanted to be able to cook for my family sometimes.

"Thank you, lyubov' moy, for that vote of confidence." (my love)

"You are quite welcome dorogoy moya." (my darling)


"Come on, let's go feed our children while the food is still warm." My beautiful fiancée squealed excitedly.

After everyone sat down for a normal Saturday morning family breakfast, the conversations started.


"Yes, mama?"

"What do you have planned to do today?"

"Going to the grocery store for you."

My loving mother smiled, "awww, you're such a good boy Dimka."

My sisters all started fake coughing and calling me a, 'suck up' and a 'kiss ass'.

"No, it's not that. It's just that Roza and I as well as her guardians are eating the lions share of the food. So, why shouldn't I go get more to replace what we are eating? Plus, Roza had already told me that we were going to do that today, before we ever came down to eat."

"Whhpishhh." Mason teasingly made the sound of a whip just before he said, "dude, you are sooo whipped."

"I absolutely am, and I adore every single solitary moment of it, I promise you. Being whipped is very rewarding. And if you are very lucky you will be whipped too someday, maybe even someday soon."

"That's true." Eddie and Mishka both said.

"The good far out weighs the teasing." Eddie explained as he looked to Mia. Giving her a look filled with his love for her then he winked at her.

"It sure does Ed, it sure does." Mishka said with a faraway look on his face. As if he was remembering, with fondness, memories of his time with Sonya.

"I still hope that I am able to find that someday." Donnie said.

"Donnie, have you ever thought about asking Sharon out. I can tell that you two like each other."

Donnie blushed just as Vika, Mia, Mason, Eddie, Mishka, Mel and I all nodded in agreement with lyubov' moya statement. (my loves)

"I mean she is always saying, 'Spiridon, would you like anything?' 'Spiridon, can I get you anything? 'Spiridon, can I do anything for you?' 'Spiridon, would you like a pillow or a blanket?' I mean seriously dude, either poop or get off of the pot already." My wonderful fiancée teased Donnie and he blushed even more.

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