109 • Fye

168 16 3

Fye didn't want to let go of her. Dana had turned her life upside down by coming back from the dead, but at the same time she'd became her best friend. She had been a great support, the conversations about Juice had often helped her to understand her boyfriend. 

And now she was leaving. 

As much as Dana had tried to convince her that this was what was best for all of them, she didn't believe her. Juice needed Dana. She hated it, but it was true. And even more, she needed Dana. Sure – they could call each other. But it wasn't the same. She knew how that would go. Three years ago she moved to Charming and although she and her friends had agreed to call each other frequently, it never happened. This time, it wouldn't be any different. Out of sight, out of mind. That was just how things were. 

In the end, she pulled her arms away from Dana and wiped her watery eyes. Then she turned to Kip. She didn't know him very well, but he was a sweet guy. The two were a great fit and the love between them was strong. She couldn't help but feel jealousy because not only Juice loved Dana so much, but also this man who just seemed to be perfect.

Kip hugged her briefly and kissed her cheek. "You can always come to us when you need a friend, you know that right?"

She nodded gratefully, although she didn't think she would do it. Soon, the three of them would have the perfect life; Fye didn't plan to barge into their lives and pull them back into the drama. They deserved peace and happiness. 

Fye bent her knees and gave Casper a hug. "I'm going to miss you too, little guy." 

He smacked his lips against her cheek, then he grabbed his mother's hand and looked up happily. "We now said bye to everyone Mommy? Wanna go to the new house!"

"We will stay a while in a hotel first," Dana answered, raking her fingers through his blond hair. "But then, we will look for a beautiful house. It will be a long ride, you need to go to the bathroom before we go?"

A frown appeared on his forehead as he was thinking, then he nodded. "Yes, gotta pee mommy!"

Dana took him to the restroom. Unintentionally, Fye stroked her belly, thinking about her own child. She was two months pregnant now. It would probably take at least another month before she would start to show. One more month to decide what she wanted. 

Although deep inside, she knew. Yesterday, she had seen what Juice was capable of. Of all people, it had been Dana who had explained his behavior to her. Dana. Not Juice himself. She hadn't heard from him all day. He hadn't came home last night, who knew where he had slept. And with whom.

And still... Still it was so unbelievably difficult to let go of him. To be on her own. Again, she told herself that this time things might really change now Kip and Dana were leaving Charming. She was afraid of what the future would bring. There was a chance that Juice and she would grow closer, but there was also quite a chance that the opposite would happen. That he wasn't able to get Dana out of his system, not even when she wasn't around anymore. 

. . .

Juice came home earlier than usual. She had been busy cleaning the kitchen when the backdoor opened. He didn't greet her with a hug or a kiss, all he quietly said was: "Hey."

She turned around. 

He was a mess. She could see it in his eyes, in his defeated demeanor. It called up the longing to hug him and at the same time she knew all too well it was another girl who had this influence on him. 

Therefore, "hey" was all she answered. 

He shoved his hands in his pockets and took a few steps toward her. His glance was aimed at her shoes while he leaned against the fridge. 

"I fucked up again," he said. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't even dare to ask for another chance."

Fye sighed. "Neither do I know if I dare to give you that chance Juice."

"She's gone," he muttered. "She's not coming back. I – I think that's a good thing. If I don't see her anymore. If I'm not daily confronted with the life I lost."

Finally, he raised his head. His eyes were wild, emotional. 

"I hope so," she said softly. "But this is your final chance, Juice. If you scare me again, I will give up on you."

He nodded in understanding and walked over to her. In front of her, he stood still and took her hands. "Thank you," he said. "Thank you for a last chance. I won't ruin it. I – I don't wanna lose you. Not you too," he added sadly. 

Fye knew she could never ignore the sadness in his eyes. His sadness was what had brought them together in the first place. Ever since she met him at the cemetery, she had wanted to make him happy but she kept failing. 

As she wrapped her arms around him and felt his upper body against hers, she thought about the child in her womb. He was so close – and still, he didn't know it was there. Would it make him happy?

Your final chance, Juice, she thought. Your final chance to convince me that you can be the father our child needs.

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