Ch 59 - All We Know is Pain

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Aris stepped forward, his left shoulder colliding with Minho's right shoulder, making Minho respond with a belittling side-glance. "Yeah, I made sure she's okay, thanks Minho," he added, but his facial expression depicted anything but gratitude, to which Rachel kept an uncomfortably straight face.

"Good to know your self-proclaimed heroism matters more to you than her safety," Minho mumbled, then coughed to mock him. Minho never rationed the energy to call anyone out, except for Rachel—of course. Despite Aris's fierce scowl, everyone ignored the stupid boy-fight.

Rachel was in some deep klunk, though. But did that mean Aris knew who she really was by then?

"Plus, didn't you talk about having a girlfriend or something? Wait 'till she finds out you're tryna cheat," Minho added, and Aris cleared his throat while stealing a quick glance at Rachel.

Guess that means he doesn't know.

Sara was no mind reader nor psychic, but she knew Rachel must've been wishing to disappear at that moment.

"Here, hermana." Jorge walked up to Sara with his arm extended. "We got your weapons back. The other Cranks took them while you were out, and the others were busy getting wasted," he said as he handed her the bags she was carrying up until she got there.

Then the guys that were with Sara and Brenda, who also got tied up, hurriedly made their way inside the room. Some of them were drowsy, but others were surprisingly alert.

Thomas asked Brenda if she was okay, but she gave him such a dry response as she crossed her arms that it led her to wonder what exactly broke out between them during their tipsy episode at the Crank party. Last time Sara saw them, Brenda was trying to kiss him, but now she was definitely pissed.

Newt was walking along with them, but Sara noticed that he didn't look hungover like the others.

How was that possible? She saw him drink that stuff.

Someone had a lot of explanations to give.

"Glad to know you're alive," Newt told her, no double meaning intended. Just a genuine assurance that the other was well and breathing. The comment somehow really got to Sara, but she ignored it momentarily.

"Stop right there!" an angry voice screamed at them, and they saw that it was the same Crank that was holding a pistol the entire time they were luring the group into the dancing. Several others arrived at the scene with their signature rusty weapons.

The Gladers now each had a weapon of their choice, and they pulled them out just in time to outnumber and terrorize the Cranks before they dared try attacking again. Sara was so glad at least that went according to plan.

Minho and the others arrived just in time, and they rescued the others who were hallucinating, and Sara's weapons didn't get lost.

But maybe she shouldn't have celebrated so soon.

"Watch out!" she heard Newt's voice call as he looked behind her in terror.

A gunshot ripped through the air, heading straight at Sara from behind, and she didn't even realize the moment everything was playing out before her eyes, until she caught a glimpse of Newt. He collapsed to the floor after rushing right in front of her, shielding her from a shot that was intentionally directed at her.

They must've kept one of her weapons, because the only other guy who had a gun was the one that they had apparently threatened a couple seconds ago.

"Newt!" Sara whispered in a panic. Jorge snatched a pistol himself and shot the guy who struck Newt.

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