"W-Well thank you for saving me. But you still didn't answer my question. What are you?" You asked as his face fell.

"Prince of hell." He said as you looked at him.

"You can't be serious." You said as he chuckled awkwardly.

"Well I don't know if I would still be Prince, my father doesn't exactly like me anymore." He said sadly, you decided not to press any further.

"Do you happen to have any water?" You asked as he nodded, he left the room for a bit then came back with a glass of water. You drank it all in one go.

"Thanks." You say as he smiles.

"Bucky?" You heard another voice say as he gets you to stand.

"You have to hide." He says with urgency as he shoves you into the cupboard. You keep quiet as you cover your mouth and listen to what's going on.

"Father wants to speak to you." You heard another man say.

"Then why doesn't why doesn't he come here himself!?" Bucky shouted.

"You have someone here, I can feel it." You heard the other man say as you froze.

"I don't have anyone here Steve. Now leave." He warned as you heard footsteps getting closer. You leaned back more and the next thing you knew you were falling to the ground. You looked up confused as you saw that the cupboard had a secret door behind it. You shut the doors as you peaked through and watched Steve open the cupboard finding no one there. Bucky sighed in relief.

"Father is furious with you." Steve said before he disappeared. Bucky sighed as he opened the secret door seeing you still there.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he lead you back out.

"Y-Yeah, I think." You muttered as he looked down seeing blood.

"What happened!?" He said as he rushed you to lay down.

"I think the stitches ripped when I fell over." You said as the pain finally hit you. He nodded and pulled your shirt up as he easily redid the stitches and bandage.

"Who was that guy?" You asked as he looked away.

"You don't need to worry about that." He said as you kept your mouth shut.

"You can stay here the night, then I'll take you back." He said as you nodded, why did that make you sad?

Time skip

You woke up as you heard Bucky walking towards you.

"You feel ready to go?" Bucky asked as you nodded and stood up as you stretched and yawned.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better." You said as he chuckled and led you out into the main room. He grabbed onto your hand as you closed your eyes and felt a little dizzy as you teleported with him. You opened your eyes again and saw you were in your living room.

"How'd you know where I live?" You asked as he shrugged.

"I stalk you." He said as you chuckled and nudged him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. And thank you for the whole saving my life thing." You said as he laughed a little.

"Yeah, well I couldn't let someone as pretty as you be murdered by cultists." He said before he winked and then disappeared again. You blushed and chuckled as you shook your head.

Time skip

The next week went by in a blur as you were still recovering from what happened. You entered your apartment as you saw a man sitting staring at you. You screamed as you tried to run but someone else grabbed you. You tried to scream and fight but your vision faded as you fell unconscious.


You woke up with chains around your wrists and something covering your mouth. You were still dazed as you looked around.

"Father, I already told -" You heard a voice say before he was cut off and looked up at you.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he ran to you. You looked up at him with a dazed looked as he knelt down.

"What are you doing with her!? She has nothing to do with this!" He shouted as you whimpered, he looked down seeing metal around your waist pressing on your wound.

"Saving a human Bucky? That's pretty low." His father seethed as you looked to Bucky with desperation.

"Let her go!" He shouted as he glared at Steve and his Father.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. Balance must be restored. Steve if you will?" He said as another man grabbed Bucky away from you. Steve came up to you with a knife in his hand as you struggled.

"No! Get the fuck away from her!" He screamed as Steve stabbed you in the chest, tears came out of your eyes as you cried out.

"Think of this as your punishment son." His father said before he disappeared.

"I hate you so much Steve. I'm killing you the first chance I get." Bucky threatened through tears before Steve disappeared as well. Bucky broke free and ran to you as he ripped the chains off with brute strength. He picked you up as he used all of his energy to teleport to his house. He laid you down as he looked at you pained face.

"I can't loose you. I only have one way I can save you now." He said as he grabbed a knife and ran it along his hand. Blood poured from his wound he gently pressed it onto your wound as the blood fused together, turning yours a little less human by the second.

"Bucky?" You asked weakly, he held your face in his hand as he looked at you.

"It's alright doll. I won't let anyone touch you again." He said as he kissed your forehead. 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now