Puppet Master - part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'm safe soldier! Stand down!" You shouted as his face went blank and he stood up.

"Sit down soldier." You demanded as he sat down and kept his eyes on you. You hated treating him like this but it was the only way.

"Stay until I say otherwise." You demanded as he obeyed like always. You were about to turn around when something collided with your head and you were knocked out.


"Let go of me!" You heard Bucky shouting as a loud crash was heard. You opened your eyes as you saw Bucky running towards you and people trying to stop him. You used your power to mind control the people and made them leave.

"Bucky." You said as he ran up to you. You tried to move but your body was in so much pain.

"It's ok don't move Y/N." Bucky said. As you saw Steve and Tony walk in.

"I knew you looked familiar." Tony said as he came to you and cuffed your wrists to the bed.

"Y/N Strucker." He said as he crossed his arms and glared at you. Steve dragged Bucky away from you.

"No Steve stop!" Bucky shouted as he fought with Steve.

"Bucky Y/N is mind controlling you! That is their power, they are Strucker's daughter/son!" Steve yelled. Your eyes went wide as you looked at Bucky.

"Bucky -"

"That's why I never hurt you. Why I always did what you said. I loved you Y/N! And what was I too you!? A puppet!" He shouted as he glared at you. Tears fell down your face as you begged for him.

"Bucky please -"

"That's all you were. That's why Strucker put you with me. To control me! I cared about you! I loved you Y/N!" He shouted as you broke the hand cuffs and stood up.

"Bucky!" You shouted.

"No! You will never control me again!" He shouted you came closer to him.

"Please I -" You were cut off by a loud gunshot as you felt a piercing pain in you abdomen. You looked down and placed your hand on your stomach watching blood pour out. You fell to the ground as you struggled to speak.

"No!" Bucky shouted as he ran to your side and held you.

"I-I always used m-my power to g-get what I w-wanted. But I never ever used it o-on you B-Bucky. I love you t-to much to do that." You cried as he held your body close to his. He lifted you up and placed you on the bed.

"You have to help them!" Bucky shouted as everyone stood around doing nothing. Bucky ran up to Steve and grab him by the shoulders.

"Help Y/N! Please Steve!" Bucky shouted desperately.

"There's nothing we can do. And we would never help a monster like you." Steve said as his eyes turned dark.

"W-What?" Bucky stuttered as he backed away. He heard another gunshot as he looked down seeing blood on his own body now. He looked up and saw Steve holding a gun.



Bucky woke up gasping for air as you woke up beside him and saw him panicking.

"Bucky it's ok." You said as you grabbed his face.

"Shh it's ok. Breath with me." You said as you took deep breaths in and out as he copied your breathing.

"W-Where are we?" He questioned as his breathing became even.

"Another cell." You said laughing.

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now